Chapter 50:::Final Decisions

Nami smirked as she heard the uproar inside the hospital.

She didn't know what they were panicking about, what did they really think someone in her condition could do?

Nami didn't know how long she had been unconscious, but she knew it was long enough that her body was incredibly weak and in the state she couldn't even form enough Chakra to clone herself.

She frowned suddenly and narrowed her eyes. Unbeknownst to all her visitors, however, she was well aware of what was being said around her and about her while she was unconscious.

She also heard the fight between Kankurou and Kiba, and knew how both they felt about her.

Her body may have been sleeping, but her brain and senses when still awake.

Nami sighed and stretched her arms above her head and her legs out in front of her, wincing at every crack her tired body made. She shifted into an Indian-style position, arranging her hospital gown to cover her legs, and placed her chin on her hand, elbows resting on her legs.

She looked down at the street she was over looking from her hiding spot on the lowered roof below the edge of the roof. If someone were to look over the edge of the roof directly above from where she was then Nami would be found, but if they looked up from the street she would be completely hidden.

Nami glanced at the sky, completely bored, but not bored enough to re-enter the hospital to be fawned over and tested on when she knew she was fine.

Growling suddenly caught her attention and she looked down. Her eyes widened when she noticed Kiba and Akamaru entering the street from one end, and Kankurou, war paint on, hood up, and puppet scrolls on his back, entering from the other end of the street.

She narrowed her eyes when they glared at each other, but neither made a move to attack one another.

What are they doing?

"You wanted to meet me?" Kankurou asked.

Kiba cracked his knuckles. "I'm here to finish what we started once and for all. Maybe then you'll back off."

Kankurou sneered. "Didn't you learn last time?"

Nami raise an eyebrow. And did they not listen to Gai's lecture?

Kiba smirked. "Of course, this time I'll do the honorable thing and let you use your toys to try and beat me."

Kankurou grabbed the strap that attached and disconnected his scrolls on and off his back.

"Fine, maybe after I beat you you'll realize that you don't stand a chance against me."

Nami caught the double meaning, and it seemed so did Kiba, because he glared harder and clenched his hands into fists.

Nami sighed and leaned forward, moving her hands to grasp the edge of the platform she was on, and made herself visible to those down below if they were to look up.

"It's not honorable for men to fight over the same woman when neither of them know who she chooses."

Both boys froze, their eyes widening, and they looked up at Nami, who raised an eyebrow at them.

Akamaru barked happily, causing Nami to smile a bit, but then frowned again as she turned her gaze back to the two boys.

"It's also not honorable to prepare to fight in a place that a pedestrians could stumble upon and get injured."

"N-Nami…Y-You're awake!" Kiba exclaimed.

"Why are you out of bed?!" Kankurou added.

Nami stood, with a little difficultly, and shrugged. "You really couldn't expect me to stay in bed after lying in it for a year. And don't think for a moment that I don't know what you two did. Not the best way to wake up, to a destroyed room after two arrogant men argued over me like I was a possession!"

Before either could respond Nami's legs gave out and she fell over the edge of the platform.


Nami closed her eyes and waited for the impact, but felt arms catch her and wrap around her protectively. She immediately wrapped her arms around his neck.

They landed together, her rescuer having to have jumped up to catch her, and Nami sighed in relief.

"Nami you stupid girl! This is why you should be in bed!"

Nami opened her eyes slowly and smiled, wrapping her arms tighter around his neck to hug him.

"Thank you Kiba."

Kiba felt his mouth go dry and he blushed lightly.

Nami rolled her eyes and whispered in his ear.

"Put me down Kiba."

Kiba did so, but his heart clenched as she turned away from him to face Kankurou.

Nami walked forward, wobbling a bit, but stayed standing, and stood in front of Kankurou, staring up at him sadly.

"Kankurou, I'm sorry."

Kankurou smiled. "And here I thought you'd be mad at me for fighting."

Nami bit her lip. "I can't be mad at you because there was no reason for you to fight."

Kankurou's smile faded. "But I was fighting for y…..ou." Realization suddenly dawned and he looked away. "Oh."

Nami touched his arm gently. "I really am sorry."

Kankurou suddenly looked angry and he hit her hand away.

"Why would you lead me on if you were only going to do this!?"

"Don't yell at her." Kiba growled, taking a step in front of Nami.

Nami glared and pushed Kiba out of the way. "Shut up Kiba." She looked up at Kankurou, trying to ignore the hurt in his eyes.

"I was glad when we became friends Kankurou, but that's all we are. W-When I was in the Sand during the Chuunin Exams I wasn't myself. My mind…My emotions were betraying me and what I felt for you wasn't love, it was…" She blushed.

"It was only lust."

"Which proves that you're attracted to me." Kankurou argued. "You even told me you felt something for me when you kissed me. Even after you kissed Nara I still believed you, but now you're telling me it was all a lie?!"

Nami felt tears build up and she looked down. "I'm sorry."

Kankurou turned away. "Save it, Nami." He began to walk away.

"Kankurou please!"

He paused and sighed. "I'm going to return to the Sand soon and you'll never have to see me again. If I forgive you then you just have to promise me something."


"Just promise…that you'll be happy."

Nami tried to smile. "I'll try, but this doesn't mean I still don't care for you Kurou-kun. You're still my friend."

Kankurou said nothing and he continued walking until turned the corner and was out of sight.

Nami sighed and looked down. She had almost forgotten she wasn't alone until Kiba spoke up.

"You kissed Shikamaru!?"

Nami closed her eyes and sighed. "Not now Kiba."

Fatigue suddenly washed over her and she fell sideway, Kiba once again catching her before she hit the ground.

Kiba lifted Nami's form into his arms bridal style and grinned. "Tired, or do you just enjoy falling into my arms?"

Nami rested her head on his shoulder, ignoring the arrogant remark. "As long as you're always there to catch me than I really don't care if I fall." She looked up at Kiba and smiled lightly.

"I'm sorry for being so stupid."

Kiba hugged her to him and smiled. "I don't care, I'm just glad you're awake."

Nami hugged him back. "I was never really asleep."

Kiba pulled back in confusion. "What?"

"Well, my body was asleep, and my eyes were closed, but I was still aware of my surroundings."

She smiled mischievously at his shocked look. "And yes, I've heard everything you said while I was unconscious."

"And, what did you hear?" He asked sheepishly.

Nami leaned closer until their lips were centimeters apart. "Kiba I heard what you said, and I want to tell you something."

"What?" He breathed.

"I want to tell you…that I love you." She looked away and blushed. "And I-"

She was cut off as Kiba crashed his lips onto Nami's.

"I love you too." He whispered against her lips.

Nami smiled and held him tighter, returning his kiss, feeling relief as she stayed herself and could enjoy the moment she kissed the one she loved.

The End

A/N Thank you to all who have reviewed and special thanks to my Beta, Maori-chan.

Thank you Imouto! I lurv you! You are an apple!

Thanks to all, and I hope you enjoyed my story and I hope you look out for the next Naruto fanfics I write! There will be more, believe you me!

Thank you for reading Walk Like A Man!

