Hey everyone here is chapter 1 of Hidden Secrets, I have written 7 chapters so far so they will come one after another hopefully.

To anyone who read what was post first I apologize I posted a chapter with all 7 chapters and I had to delete the story just to fix the problem, and that is why it was so long. Hope you guys like the story.

Disclaimer: No ownership here

Warning: This story has course language, sexual situation, and it touchs on the subject of rape and coping mechanism. Although this chapter is pretty tame LOL!!!

Chapter One---Joy Riding

Dean was sitting in the passenger seat of his baby, starring at his little brother and wondering what the hell had happened to him.

Sam caught Dean starring at him and said humorously

"What? You need to catch-up with the times. This is Nirvana, they are an alternative rock band. You know grunge, it started in the 70's with the Sex pistols, The Ramones..." Sam rattled off, counting the bands off on his fingers.

"Dude, I know who The Sex pistols and The Ramones are. Who do you think introduced you to them?" Dean shot back; taken a back a little at his brother's attempt to teach him about rock.

Ignoring Dean, Sam continued with his lesson "Groups like Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, and Nirvana where all part of the Seattle movement, a flood of groups from Seattle. They introduced a new sound and revived the rock scene" Sam enfized the word revived.

Dean raised an eyebrow at Sam's new tone, who was now speaking as if he was a professor and Dean was his student. Dean let out a annoyed sign, his brother was not going to shut-up anytime soon.

"Thanx for the lesson professor now shut-up and play something good." Dean reached down to his shoe box for his favorite Metallica cassette.

Sam's smile widened as he cranked up the volume. He began to sing "I'm so happy 'cause today I found my friends, their in my head. I'm so ugly but that's okay so are you"

Dean couldn't stop starring, he was certain Sam was calling him ugly. When the song got to the chorus, Sam cranked it up all the way, started to bang his hand on the steering wheel. Once again Sam began to sing, which sounded more like yelling.

Dean cringed at Sam's attempt at singing, "Dude, this is the last time I let you choose the music." Still rifling through his collection, wondering where that damne cassette had gone.

"Sorry, can't hear you the music is too loud" Sam couldn't stop laughing, his brother's torture and facial expression at that very moment was priceless.

He wished he had a camera to capture the moment.

He had finally got his revenge for all the mullet rock he had been forced to listen to for a whole year. Sam caught Dean's hand reaching for the volume and slapped it. "Driver picks the music, shotgun.." Before he could finish his brother's words he felt a sharp pain on the side of his arm. "AHHH!!! Geez man what was that for?"

Dean lowered the music. "Don't you ever slap my hand again" The tone of his voice and the look on his face meant that he had enough of Sam's crap. "I'm driving"

"Come on, I was only joking." Sam mumbled still rubbing the bruise on his arm, his face set in a pout.

The younger brother had not meant to offend Dean, he only wanted to introduce some real music to his big brother. Some real groups that actually made good music, wanting to bring his brother up to date with more current music.

He knew how to melt his big brother's heart, and flashed Dean, his patent puppy dog eyes. Softening his tone he repeated himself "I was just joking"

"Fine." Dean mumbled something about alternative rock, and The Sex pistols, and that is when Sam knew he really crossed a line questioning Dean's knowledge of Rock.

They where silent for the next two hours when Dean finally spoke, the irratation still evident in his voice. "Rochester should be about 90 miles from here, take a left."

Sam started to feel light headed, his vision become blurred, he closed his eyes and let out a small moan.

Still very annoyed Dean hadn't noticed Sam dropping his head.

Suddenly Sam slammed on the brakes.

Dean was thrust forward towards the dashboard only to be saved by his outreaching arms. "SON OF A BITCH, WHAT THE..." Dean turned his head to see Sam was out cold and panic and guilt coursed through him.

"Sammy? Sammy? You okay?" When he got no response his big brother/protector mode kicked in and Dean started to lightly shake his little brother still unconcious body.

"Sammy you okay?" Dean was mentally kicking himself for yelling at his little brother, Sam was just having a little fun which was rare for his grumpy ass.

Sam just sat there, his breathing was normal and there where no apparent injury, what had happened? Sam was only out for a few moments, but it felt like he was never going to wake-up.

Dean decided to try again; he put his hand on Sam's shoulder "Sam? Come on man I'm not mad. Come on" Dean's voice was small but calm never allowing his worry and fear to show.

Just then Sam's head jerked-up and Dean jumped, before he could ask if Sam was okay, Sam quickly threw the car into reverse, backed out ten metres, swiftly threw the gear back into drive, Dean's eyes widened in horror as Sam did a sharp 180 turn that almost landed them in the ditch.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Dean half demanded, half shouted.

Sam sat there with a blank stare at the road, Dean's question never registering.

Dean's breathing started to increase; his heart was pounding, fear and panic coursing through him.

What was wrong with Sam? Why was he not responding and where were they going? Dean's hand was still on the younger boy's shoulder, his palms where becoming moist with sweat and he could feel some of it pooling on Sam's shoulder. He had to try again.

"Sam you okay? Sam?" Dean's voice calm, and even, never betraying him.

Still no response.

The speed limit was 50 and Sam was going 70, passing other drivers, once nearly crashing into an on coming truck.

That was the last straw; whatever had a hold on Sam Dean would have to take matters into his hands. He cringed slightly at the thought of crashing his baby, but if he swerved the car into the ditch the likeliness of serious damage would be minimal.

He reached for the steering wheel and was met with the back of Sam's fist to his face causing him to fly backwards into the window.

"Son of a bitch" Still no response from Sam he was just staring forward, his driving becoming more erratic. Touching his index finger to his bleeding upper lip Dean was convinced his little brother was possessed.

"Christo" Dean spat out watching and hoping for signs of a demonic possession. The elder hunter would have taken a possession happily, he would know what to do, what to expect, how to help his little brother.

Still no response.

"Hey zombie-boy, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Dean couldn't help yelling, this situation was getting out of hand and it seemed like there was nothing he could do.

More erratic driving. Dean was now convinced his brother was going to kill him if he didn't have any protection he buckled his seat belt.

Sam made another very sharp right turn driving into the country. The smell of manure invaded Dean's nostrils, he cringed his face at the offensive smell.

He turned to Sam, nothing. How could he not smell this, it was pungent and overwhelming. They must have past 4 farms and the further they went the rougher the road got until they reached a dirt road. Dust and small pebbles started to cover the classic ride.

Dean's anxiety, and fear was reaching new heights, he shifted his eyes from the road and his surroundings to his brother.

He just sat there with no response, no emotions. This wasn't the Sam Dean knew.

Another sharp turn but this time into a farm. There where no crops growing, no animals grazing, and no pungent manure smell. Dean didn't know if that was good sign or bad, until Sam brought the Impala to a complete stop in front of run a down farm house.

Sam once again dropped his head and closed his eyes.

"Sam, Sammy come on, talk to me man" Dean spoke with a soft tone while placing his hands gently on Sam's shoulders, hoping his little brother would finally respond. A soft moan came from Sam and he slowly lifted his head to meet a frantic look on his older brother's face.

Sam blinked a few times clearly confused.

"Dean, are you okay?" Sam asked with a worried and confussed voice.

Dean couldn't believe his ears, after what just happened Sam was asking him if he was okay?

"Your lip is bleeding" Sam said his confusion growing as he studied his elder brother's busted lip.

"You hit me" Dean spat, anger and shock evident in his voice, his eyes never leaving Sam's face.

"I..I did? I don't remember hitting you" Sam's voice was small and filled with total confusion. Looking around he realized they were no longer on the interstate; he turned to Dean for answers

"This isn't the interstate? Where are we?"

Dean dropped his hands and returned them to his side, he began to rub his forehead trying to force the frustration away.

"No idea, but we're not in Kansas anymore To to. What the fuck happened there Sammy?" Dean asked hoping Sam would shine some light on his freak behaviour.

"I brought us here? I...I don't remember driving here. We should check it out" Sam said as he reached for the door.

Before Dean could protest Sam exited the car and quickly examined the house in front of them.

Dean followed, after the stunt Sam had just pulled there was no way he was going to investigate this on his own.

The house in front of them was a typical Victorian style home. Its paint had faded away and chipped everywhere, there where some spots of white paint visible.

In front of the house were three wooden steps with a hand rail leading to a small porch. And an average size storm door was open and hanging on for dear life by one hinge, a large broken rectangular window was to the left of the door.

The landscape was overgrown with grass, weeds, wild plants, and some other plants that where mostly likely planted by the original owners and survived without human intervention. Dean ventured towards the house first; Sam swallowed and took a deep breath in. A sudden wave of dread overcame him; once he reached the steps he placed a hand on the hand rail.

"NO Please, don't hurt them" A man slammed against the hard wooden floor screaming for mercy. "Please don't hurt them"

Sam quickly took his hand off the railing, taking in sharp breaths.

What was that? Who was that? Sam could feel his heart raising, pounding, he tried to control his breathing, he willed his heart to slow. The fear, and dread that he felt moments ago was increasing, and it quickly became evident why they had been brought here.

"Sam you okay?" Dean was standing on the porch in front of the door, obviously blocking something.

"Yeah, I'm..I'm fine" Sam lied, he had to. He knew Dean wouldn't let this go further if he knew he wasn't 100.

"Check this out" Sam climbed the three steps praying he wouldn't fall through as he heard each one creak and moan under the pressure. When he reached the top, Dean moved.

Sam was shocked...This couldn't be right...could it?

On the door was the word "MURDERER" spray painted in black letters.

"And that one" Dean pointed to the one on the right that said "RAPIST". "Where did you bring us Sammy?" No response. Dean cursed under his breath. Sam placed his hand on the door.

A man spray painting MURDERER on the door, laughing with his buddies. Another man opening the door "What are you doing"

"NO please, don't hurt them." The same man slammed down hard on the wooden floor "Please don't hurt them"

Sam removed his hand once more, panting, heart racing, sweaty palms, and small beads racing down the side of his forehead. He turned to Dean and said "Something terrible happened here"

"You're sensing this" Dean asked his face filled with curiosity.

"I saw it" Sam whispered in a small voice.

"You had a vision? Don't they usually hurt?" Dean muttered tight lipped. The anger and frustration at the situation was threatening to boil over.

Another terrifing scream came from the house and Sam ran to the broken window and saw a man lying on the ground bleeding, pleading, and screaming in agony.

"Dean someone is in there" Sam went into rescue mode and moved towards the broken window but was stopped by Dean's quick hands.

"Sam, there's no one inside" Dean yelled. Sam looked again at the window and into the living room and saw nothing. No man, no blood, nothing.

"Come on, let's go into town. We'll go and get something to eat and do some research" Waiting for a response and getting none he added "Okay Sammy?"

"Yeah, alright." Sam reluctantly muttered, his eyes still staring into the abandoned house.

Sam headed for the driver's side and was quickly met by his brother's face which was a mix of anger, frustration, and a small amout of fear.

"Are you kidding me, you really think you're driving her after what you just pulled." He grinned at Sam and held out his hand "You're not driving her until we figure things out."

Sam pulled out the keys from his jean pocket and handed them to their rightful owner. Dean started her up and was grateful that Sam and his psycho driving hadn't caused any problems. They weren't a few feet away when Dean suddenly stopped the car, pressed the eject button and flung the Nirvana cassette at Sam's chest and then continued to drive.

It didn't take long for them to find the nearest town, a small quaint tourist town called Stratford about ten miles north. Road Sevenity-five lead them directly to downtown which had mainly stone buildings, lots of stores, upper class cafes, iron rod light posts with huge pots filled with various plants many of which where flowers; spring was in full bloom.

The sidewalks where not your typical concrete but stone set in an attractive pattern. Farther down more shops, galleries, a few offices, and a moderate sized lake to the left with swans and ducks swimming.

Weeping Willows adorned the edge of the pond along with various people on their lunch break and enjoying the break from winter's icy grip. Further down was a stage theatre with various signs advertising The Stratford Festival, obviously the main attraction for the town.

Dean took in a deep breath taking in the fragrant warm air; he widened his smile not even noticing he had been smiling ever since they entered the small town.

Sam finally was able to relax, Dean didn't appear to be upset at him anymore and he smiled and started to take in the sights and smells of the town as well.

"Hey, Sammy. Gourmet Pizza" Dean said as he nodded to the left towards another stone building. The smell of freshly wood-fired pizza filling the air, both brothers took a deep breath in, taking in the appetizing smell of pizza, wood-fire pizza.

In unison they said "MMMMMMM!!!"

"Let's get some" Dean said as he searched for parking.

"Let's find a motel first" Sam suggested as he glanced over at Dean

"Come on, I'm hungry" Dean said horrified that Sam would miss the opportunity to eat.

"Yeah so am I. But we can get some after we unload our stuff, we can eat in" Sam said flatly rubbing the back of his head.

"Fine. What's wrong with your head, did that vision hurt?" Dean mumbled, already feeling sad at the thought of not getting his pizza.

"What?" Sam gave Dean a strange look. "My head doesn't hurt" Dean starred at Sam for a while not realizing the red light now was green, his thoughts broken by the sound of the guy in the car behind them becoming impatient.

It didn't take long to find a cheap motel just a few blocks down the road. They checked in and actually got a decent room. Two full sized beds with handmade quilts on top, a small white side table with gold trim housed a large lamp with two solid white children playing as the base, a white shade with gold and clear bead trim around the base.

In the corner beside the washroom was a matching dresser, in the other corner matching wicker table and chair. The walls where painted a pale yellow and was adorned with various paintings of children playing near a lake, an ocean scene, and some stills of fruit and flowers.

The boys looked around; this was a little too nice. Dean became suspicious; there must be a catch, the bathroom. He dropped his duffle and moved towards the bathroom and upon entering was greeted by a strange smell, what was that? Dean winced slightly; potpourri.

The bathroom was small but it was clean, plenty of supplies, and an ample supply of clean white towels. Apparently there was no catch; this was just a decent motel for a decent price.

Most likely for the tourists who expected a decent room for a cheap price. When he exited the bathroom Sam was sitting on his bed rubbing the back of his head once again. Taking a deep breath and shaking his head he walked around the bed and announced he was going for some pizza.

Sam raised his head and nodded in acknowledgement, Dean breathed in another deep breath but this time in relief that Sam actually acknowledged him this time.

Dean returned quickly with two large boxes, after getting a free sample from the very attractive, and flirtatious, cashier he decided that this was the best pizza he had ever had and was going to have some for breakfast.

Noting Sam still on the bed, he was pleased to see Sam had stopped rubbing the back of his head but shook his head angrily at the vacant look on his face.

"Best Damn pizza in town Sammy." Dean waited for a reply and got none, once again. Sam just sat there leaning against the head board, where his thoughts had taken him god only knew. Setting the boxes down the eldest walked over to him and waved his hand in front of Sam's eyes, which successfully brought him back.

"Dean, you're back." Sam said clearly confused, his eyes vacant as he registered his elder brother.

Dean smiled a wear smile at this, Sam's strange behaviour was already wearing thin on his patients. It was obvious this was not going to be straightforward hunt. Dean could feel pressure building in the back of head at the situation.

"Sam, I've been back for five minutes. I was talking to you, you didn't hear me." Dean said flatly but very seriously.

He paused to get a response from Sam and got none once again, so he continued. "What the hell is going on Sam? You're not yourself, first there was you're psychotic driving, then those visions, then you were seeing people who are not there, rubbing the back of your head, and now your zoning out." Dean reeled off; once again Sam never answered him, causing the elder brother to raise an eyebrow.

Sam took a deep breath in and turned towards his older brother as Dean sat down.

"I just have this overwhelming feeling of dread. Whatever happened there, at the farmhouse, it was..." Sam began to rub his hands nervously, starring at the carpeted floor, he was lost for words, how was he going to explain what he felt coming from the house; the images he saw.

That man who was he? Why was he begging for someone else not to be hurt? Had they survived?

At this thought Sam got a pit in his stomach, he knew the answer to that question. Sam's hands started to shake, he began to rub them together to mask the shaking.

Sam's breathing started to increase, the images scared him, he could feel himself start to panic. Taking in deep breaths trying to calm himself, to take back some control.

Sam began to loose himself in his thoughts, the images, the dread, it started to overwhelm him. He was brought back by Dean shaking him lightly, both of his hands where on Sam's shoulders.

"Sam, hey. What? What did you see?" Dean said gently, trying hard not to reveal his own emotions. He has never seen his brother react this way to a ghost, spirit, or whatever it was that had a hold on him.

"I think...I saw someone being murdered. Possibly more than one" Sam raised his head and looked directly into Dean's eyes, he wasn't able to gage what his brother was thinking, what his emotions where.

Damn those masks he wears, just let me know you don't think I'm crazy.

Dean dropped his arms, and in an unemotional tone said "Are you sure, you actually saw them get murdered"

Sam shook his head "No I didn't, but the scene I saw I don't think they survived." As hard as Sam tryed to mask his emotions, his voice quivered, and he could control the shaking in his hands that now was spreading to his arms, he shivered slightly at the thought of witnessing yet another murder.

"Alright, we do our research and try and figure out what this spirit wants" Dean said in a tried tone.

Dean then got-up and opened the first box of pizza, happy to find it was still reasonably warm considering how long ago he had bought it. Dean sat at the wicker table and ate his food, not really noticing that Sam had resumed his previous posture and vacant stare at the wall.

After eating Dean opened his laptop and began to search, it didn't take long for him to find the information, it was much worse than he had expected.

Turning towards Sam to speak, he became disturbed to find Sam drawing pictures in a notebook. He was concentrating on his work, maybe a little too hard, page after page, flipping each page and starting a new one, each time leading to more drawings and more flipping.

Dean sat there for an hour watching his brother fill the once empty note book with random drawings. Sam finally stopped, flipped the book over and opened it from the beginning. Flipping through the pictures, he lifted-up his head and looked at his older brother who had a very uneasy look on his face.

Now Sam knew how Dean felt, he thought Sam was going crazy; hell he thought he was going crazy.

Clearing his throat, Sam spoke "Uh Dean...you should see what I just drew."

Dean stretched his hand out, Sam got-up, and handed the notebook to Dean. The first few pictures where of a normal nice couple and their baby, they looked happy. The further he went the more disturbing the drawings became. Men throwing the nice couple down to the ground, beating the man, he had an injury to the back of his head.

The woman was being stabbed, flipping the pages, her eyes glazed over, tears in the man's eyes, flipping more pages, the baby on the floor bleeding, Dean cringed and felt sick to his stomach at this, more flipping the man was dead. Dean flipped the page again.

No drawings, just the words "Innocent" and "Help me" written everywhere, page after page.

Dean closed the notebook and threw it on the table, took a deep breath and looked-up at Sam who was obviously freaked-out by what he'd just drew.

"Sam, you remember drawing these." Sam nodded his head.

Wanting to change the subject Sam asked "Did you find anything out?"

"Oh, yeah. You're going to love this. The farm and the house where bought by Chris and Janis Green, they had a daughter named Kate. They moved here five years ago, six months after they got here Chris is accused of raping and murdering a fifteen year old girl." Dean took in a deep breath, and rubbed at his tired eyes.

Apparently the prosecution had a very strong case." Pausing to get a response from Sam. "Then they mysteriously disappeared, the jury found the guy guilty."

Another pause, now it appeared that Sam was getting angry, Dean continued "But get this, the police say there was no evidence of foul-play, they think they just ran-off, proving his guilt"

"No foul-play?" Sam shook his head in disbelief "Dean you saw that house, someone killed that family, how can the police say no foul-play?" Sam unwittingly raised his voice to a shout.

"Sam, I'm just telling you what it says here, calm down." Dean said his face wrinkled at Sam's over the top reaction.

"Sorry, I'm not..." Sam turned around rubbing his face, walking towards his bed; he didn't want to finish his sentence.

"Alright, just get some sleep, we will figure things out tomorrow." Dean said with a tried sigh; this was proving to be more trying than he had first imagine.

Looking down at his watch to remove it, Dean needed a nice long shower to clear his mind and to reveal the headache that now was begining to overwhelm him. The elder man looked-up again at Sam and was happy to see that he was fast asleep.