First chapter of the story, The Loonatics are heading Downtown to see Misty Breeze.

"Yo, Duck; slow down, der" called Ace, as he tried to catch up to the running mallard.

Duck slowed down and turned to the rabbit. "Are you crazy? How could I slow down; when I know that the most beautiful personality is live here; Downtown?"

"Simple, you slow down."

"You are despicable. You are just jealous that I'm going to meet Misty Breeze and you just can't stand to see me happy," Duck turned his back and folded his arms as official. "For all you know, I am the president of the BSP."

"BSP, Be Stupid and Pathetic?" Ace commented.

"No, it stands for Beautiful, Stunning Personalities and I'm the head of that club."

Rev just looked at Duck and began to laugh hysterically…

"What are you laughing at, wise guy?" The orange duck peered at the road runner angrily.

"Well… it's… just… when… you…said…BSP… Be… Stupid…. and Pathetic... That would be quite a small club; all… they…. got…. left…. is… you," Rev said between laughs. He pointed at an angry, smug looking Duck and had to hold his stomach to control his laugher.

"Fine, be that way; you're all just jealous of me becoming…"


"No, Rev; becoming a star!" Duck waved his hand in a huge half circle.

"Okay, Duck; whatevu you say," Ace said as he backed away from Duck.

"No, Ace; you have a right to insult Misty Breeze like that. She's such a witch and I'd never thought I'd say this, but now I wish that Weathervane would have been the one to tell the weather," Lexi looked up.

"Look, the bottom line is that Duck wants to see her and whether we like it or not; it's better than just to stay indoors," Tech pointed out. He then stopped in his tracks. "Did I say what I thought I just said?"

"No, Tech; you said what you thought you didn't say," Ace smiled and gave a sarcastic comment.

After the conversation was finished; the Loonatics finally arrived at the Downtown Acmetropolis Centre; where Misty was standing by a building, with cameras pointed at her.

"This is Misty Breeze; live at the Downtown Acmetropolis Centre, where there are many people crowding around each other and cheering for joy. Everything here seems calm with the weather and it's a beautiful sunny day today," Misty began. "Wait, this just in; that tomorrow will be partly cloudy and a small chance of rain. Well, that's all we have today, so tune in next time. I'm Misty Breeze and you are watching Acme Weather News; good night everybody."

The cameras turned off and Misty put down her microphone slowly.

She looked down and saw a happy, orange duck; gazing at her, with hearts in his eyes.

"Yes, can I help you?" She scrunched her face at Duck.

"Misty, don't you remember? It's me, Danger Duck; your biggest fan," he pleaded.

Misty just put her hand in his face. "Uh huh, look hun; I have a lot of biggest fans and I am very busy, but if I need a fan to follow me around, I'll let you know. But, I'm afraid it won't be you," She walked away, leaving a heartbroken Duck standing there.

"But, but; I want your autograph, please come back," Duck sadly stammered and ran very slowly, then stopped.

Ace came up to the poor duck; standing there with a pen and fan book.

He put his arm on Duck's shoulder, which made Duck turn around. "Eh, don't feel bad, Duck. Der are udder fish in de sea, just don't contaminate de water," the rabbit laughed at Duck; who soon fully turned around, with an angry expression.

"Yeah yeah; very funny Mr. Wise Guy. For your information; I am Misty's biggest fan and she was just busy; of course when she's alone; I could use my heroism to make the first move," Duck stood in pride.

"Yeah, well could you use your heroism to control your contamination of pools, Duck? It would be greatly appreciated," Ace gave Duck a sarcastic thumbs up.

"Uh, you are despicable," Duck stated smugly.