
My first Inuyasha story! (cross fingers) Hope you guys will like it! This is also my first story in first person (ultra nervous now) so many firsts! Eeeep! First person point of view is from Sesshomaru.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, and no matter how much I want Sesshomaru for myself I cannot have him…. too bad.

I have finally done it. I finally had the pleasure, the joy of hearing the sound of metal tearing flesh. I am finally able to see his blood on my hands. A smile crept across my face. I had never been this happy in my life. His blood smell sweet and the expression on his face as he collapsed made me shiver….in delight?

I clenched the sword even tighter in my grip, my long nails digging into my palm. I'm bleeding too. He looked confused now. His golden eyes darted around, as if looking for someone. I saw no fear, just confusion and exhaustion, and… sadness. Suddenly his eyes glazed over, and his face froze. I have seen that look many times on others, youkais and humans alike—the look of death. I just have never seen it on his face, on my brother's face. I had finally killed him.

His blood made his red robe dark red. His normally white hair was stained red, with his blood……with my blood. He looked a mess, with a bruised face, ripped and tattered clothes, and blood, which was everywhere. My brother—no, my father's Tessaiga was still in his lifeless hands. It has returned to its usual appearance— a rusty sword that hides its true powerful and dangerous form.

My hand dropped Toukijin which was covered with his blood, and reached to pry the sword out of his hand. The barrier around the sword flared to life, stinging my hand. It would not accept me even when its previous owner is now dead. I look at my half brother's pale face. All the blood had drained from his face. Now that I could study him closer, he looked like father. Suddenly his face was replaced with my father's—lifeless, and pale.

My stomach lurched. Breathing heavily, I looked away, and closed my eyes. The trembles from my Tenseiga beckons to me. Revive him. My father's voice resonated in my head.

No. This is what I wanted. I opened my eyes. This is what I wanted all this time, right? To rid myself of this useless half-blood. I began to doubt myself. The trembles of the Tenseiga grows even more violent. Seize the chance, before it's too late.

My hands moved toward the Tenseiga. With one slash I brought him back. Immediately the light returns to his face. Life came back to his golden eyes, and his hand twitched.

Inuyasha is back.

He hadn't completely woken up yet. He has lost too much blood and the Tenseiga cannot help with that. His eyes were unfocused until they touched mine. Then all sorts of emotions flooded back. Inuyasha is too easy to read.

"Sesshomaru….you bastard… you actually killed me." He croaked. I didn't answer, but instead replaced Tenseiga back into my sheath.

He tried to get up but I kicked him back down, making him grunt in pain. He was bleeding all over the place.

"You've lost too much blood." He looked up at me with surprise. He looked ridiculous.

"W-what?" He stammered.

"Lay still, Inuyasha. You've lost too much blood." I repeated once more for the pathetic creature in front of me. He looked at me, confused, but listened to me and lay still, not moving a muscle. I sat down close by, watching over him. He is too weak to be going off by himself. He would be picked off by other youkais before he could make it back to his group of humans.

"Why did you use the Tenseiga on me?" His sudden question broke the silence around us. I did not answer, did not even look at him. He should know. He would know the answer if he thinks about it.

We are brothers after all.

Okay everybody! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! I hope you like my new story!