"Dammit Naruto, stop moving!" Sasuke pressed himself as close to the wall and away from Naruto as possible. "I can't help it Sasuke! It's way too small in here." Naruto tried to twist to get some space but ended up rubbing against Sasuke. Breathing in deeply, Sasuke held back a moan. "Can't you at least change back into your normal self?" Sasuke demanded, averting his gaze from Naruto's naked female body. "Huh? Why Sasuke?" Naruto looked at him with those continually confused blue eyes. "You just don't get it do you?" Sasuke asked roughly. The air seemed to be thinning, making the boys light-headed. "Get what?" Naruto asked. His blonde hair fell over his slender shoulder and he tilted his head in his confusion. "Just don't touch me, got it?" Sasuke tried to edge as far away from Naruto as possible, covering the front of his pants with his hands. "Fine!" Naruto shouted, edging away from Sasuke who was still not looking at him.

Naruto folded his arms under his breasts, unknowingly driving Sasuke crazy. "Why aren't you changing back to yourself Naruto?" Sasuke asked, steel lining his voice. "This box blocks chakra, duh!" Sasuke inhaled and cursed himself silently. Of course, that was why they were still in the miserable box. "How long have we been in here?" Naruto asked, tightening his arms around himself and further pushing his breasts up. "Hell if I know! Shut up will you!" Sasuke snapped. This was crazy. Naruto's sexijitsu had never affected him like this before so why now? Sasuke sighed. He knew why it was affecting him so much. He had finally come to grips with the fact that he had….feelings for the blonde-haired nitwit. Sakura knew too, that's why she had left the group. Kakashi-sensei was angry, now looking at Sasuke like competition instead of master and student.

"What the hell have I gotten myself into?" Sasuke muttered, not meaning to say it aloud. "You mean the box? Told you it was your fault! Hah!" Naruto jumped, his breasts bouncing. "You don't get it do you Naruto?" Sasuke demanded, glaring him in the eyes finally. "Huh? Get what?" Naruto's face fell in consternation. Sasuke leaned forward, pinning Naruto between his arms, one hand on each side of his face. "I….I think I love you Naruto." Before Naruto could react, Sasuke leaned forward and pressed his lips against Naruto's. It felt so good, finally doing this. Sasuke had thought about the way Naruto would feel under his touch and was delighted that he had finally gained enough courage to kiss him. Naruto's lips were soft thanks to his sexijitsu.

Naruto pulled back as far as he could, staring at Sasuke with wide blue eyes. "Why the hell did you do that for?" He shouted. Sasuke glared, his arms trembling as he put more pressure on the wall. "Didn't you hear me you moron? I said I love you!" Sasuke was beginning to get agitated. Naruto looked around for a way out but saw only steel walls. "Look Sasuke, you know I don't really look like this! C'mon, stop actin' like that." Sasuke growled low, putting his face closer to Naruto's. "Though your sexijitsu is pleasant to view, it's not this form I like. I like. . .yours Naruto. Your skinny, dirty, male body." Sasuke leaned his head on Naruto's shoulder. "I like the way you feel after a hard day, the way you look when you try to act brave. I love the way your eyes go all big when you have no clue what's going on, and believe me, they're nearly always that big." Sasuke rubbed his cheek on Naruto's slender shoulder.

Naruto froze, his hands resting on Sasuke's arms. "You-what?" Sasuke sighed against Naruto's neck. "You're truely are an idiot Naruto." Naruto seemed to come out of his trance at the insult. He pushed at Sasuke's arms, trying to force him back. Sasuke went willingly, leaning against the opposite wall. "You got some nerve Sasuke! Messing with me like that!" Naruto yelled. His hands tried ineffectively to cover his breasts, pushing them up without meaning too. "Forget it Naruto, I should have known an idiot like you just wouldn't understand." Sasuke crossed his arms and turned his head, glaring at the wall next to him. The air was definately getting thinner. There was no way he would have done that if he could have thought straight. "Sasuke, did you really mean that? I mean-" The steel boxed rocked violently, throwing the boys around.

"Now what's going on?" Sasuke muttered, pushing Naruto off of him. "Naruto?" Kakashi-sensei's voice came muffled through the steel walls. Sasuke growled low and glared at Naruto. "In here Sensei!" Naruto shouted, pounding on the wall. "Don't worry Naruto, I will get you out." Soft sounds echoed through the box, growing louder as time passed. "What is that?" Naruto asked, covering his ears. Sasuke looked away from his exposed body. "A kunai striking the walls idiot." Naruto glared at Sasuke, his thin brows drawn together in anger and indignation. "Stop calling me!" He shouted. Sasuke finally looked at him, his blue eyes icy. "I call them as I see them." Naruto opened his mouth the retort when the box rocked again, slamming onto its side.

Sasuke cursed and pushed himself onto his hands and knees. Naruto groaned underneath him, hair spread out to fan his thin frame. Sasuke swallowed loudly, staring down at Naruto's naked body. A loud pop sound preceeded Kakashi-sensei's relieved voice. "Naruto, are you all right? How did you end up in here? I thought you were supposed to be training with -!" Sasuke turned his head and looked at Kakashi-sensei over his shoulder.The one eye that he could see was wide and angry. Naruto groaned again, stretching underneath Sasuke's bent form. "Uchiha!" Kakashi growled.