Disclaimer: Don't own or profit, yada-yada-yada.

Summary: Hopefully everyone knows who Emma is by now if you have read this far in my story:-) Year 5 brings Draco and Emma's relationship completely crazy twists (in case I haven't said it before, I adore good plot twists. I have had quite a few with my Lord of the Rings story, not so many here I think-- it all changes this year). Plus, Emma who hasn't liked any DA professor except Lupin, will completely clash with Umbridge as they both try to get under each other's skin.

Author's Note: this is extremely long for me. Sorry! If it is to long, I'll make sure the next chapters are much shorter.

Chapter 1: Intervention

Draco arrived home and couldn't stop worrying about Emma. He knew she wasn't alright and hadn't had time to deal with it. The first day of vacation, Draco told his mother he was going out. She told him to be back in time for dinner but was otherwise preoccupied with the fact that now her husband had returned to Voldemort's side.

Draco walked to the part on the Malfoy Estate that was covered with trees and out of his mother's sight. He decided now was a good time to try his first long distance apparition.

Draco grinned when he arrived in one piece in front of Emma's house. He waited till mid-morning hoping her father would be at work. Draco knocked on the door and crossed his fingers.

A house-elf answered the door. "Is Emma home?" Draco asked.

"Missis is not seeing. . you are the boy from the cup, the one that helped my missus!" The house elf exclaimed. She practically pulled Draco in the house. "Missus is not well at all," she exclaimed. "She hasn't got out of bed at all this morning, and she makes the elves cry," she said.

"Where is her room?" Draco asked. The house elf led him to a room on the second floor. Draco knocked but there was no answer. Finally, he just let himself in. Emma was draped out on the bed. "Emma?" Draco whispered. She was asleep.

He walked up to her bedside, and she stirred. "Draco?" She said sleepily. "What are you doing here?"

"I decided to take you on our date today. You need it." He looked at her bedside table. "You took another potion? You promised Emma!"

"I had to Draco!" She said. Draco started muttering darkly. "No, listen to me. I want to feel. I want nothing more than to cry my eyes out, but I can't! I can't do anything!" Emma said. "If I don't take the potion, I grieve for Cedric, but then I force everyone else around me to grieve too. Yesterday, I made all the house elves on the first floor break into sobs as soon as I walked through the doorway!" Emma said. "So I take the potion so I won't be an emotional hazard to everyone in the house. This way they don't have to suffer."

"But then you are. Come on, I have an idea," Draco said.

"You always do, but leave me here," Emma muttered pulling the sheets back over her head.

"No," Draco scooped her up and headed down the stairs.

"What are you doing?"

"I don't care if you are wearing your pajamas," Draco said.

"Well I do! Lily!" Emma called and her house elf appeared with some clothes. Draco set her down and she went back to her room to change.

When she was ready Draco apparated them to muggle London. "What were your plans?" Emma asked.

"I don't know. I know we can't go to Diagon Alley, or any of the wizard spots, so I thought maybe we could try one of those Muggle movies. What do you think?"

Emma laughed. "Wonders never cease. Alright, we will go to the movie theater. Any idea what you want to see?"

Draco gawked at her. "Does it look like I know what to see?"

Emma looked at the shows as they walked up to the theater. "I think you'll like Casino Royale," Emma said. Draco bought them two tickets and they went in. Emma had him buy popcorn and some candy and soda. They found seats in the back.

"What's this?" He asked.

"Previews for other movies," Emma said.

"That one looks good," Draco said. Emma curled up next to Draco as they watched the movie.

"Now what do you want to do?" Draco asked as they walked around. "We still have a few hours before my mum wants me back home."

"Hmm, I don't know. What do you want to do?" Emma asked.

They walked around shops and Draco bought Emma a new CD. "What are your plans for the summer?" He asked as they walked around.

"My fathers leaves the country day after tomorrow. I am spending the summer with Lupin," Emma said.

"So we won't be able to sneak off like this again," Draco said.

"Well, we have today, tomorrow, and the day after that. This is actually exciting! We finally can hang out during the summer!"

"Until you go to Lupin's," he said.

Emma grinned. "You never know, I might still be able to sneak away," Emma teased. Draco saw her go quiet. He grabbed her arm and apparated to the Shrieking Shack.

"Here. We aren't within a mile of anyone except a random passerby who wants to see if the shack really is haunted. You don't have to worry about suppressing yourself here," Draco said.

Emma gave him a sad smile. "I wonder why it is I don't have to worry about myself around you," she murmured.

"Do you want to be alone?" Draco asked as he placed his hand on her shoulder. Emma nodded. Draco kissed her softly, and apparated away reluctantly.

Emma walked around the shrieking shack as she thought about Cedric. As she walked around, other memories came as well. Memories of her mother and the marauders coming here, memories of her and Draco practicing apparition, Emma could even detect traces of when the night the trio learned about Pettigrew.

"Cedric, I wish so many things. That my mother wasn't betrayed, that you and she were both here, that Voldemort never came to be," Emma said sadly. "They say that you are in a better place. I know that, I have no doubts. I just wish you weren't there," she mumbled.

Emma sat on the bed as memories of Cedric came back. He might not have known everything about Emma, but he always had a way about him that was reassuring to her, such as how he always knew to change the subject of Harry whenever it got to be to upsetting to her, and never once asked her why.

Emma remained at the shrieking shack (crying as much as she pleased), and then apparate home in time for dinner before her father arrived home.

"How are you, Emma?" he asked kindly.

"I am . . .better," Emma said thoughtfully. "I miss him dreadfully."

"Yes, and you will always miss him, but the pain goes away," her father said kindly. Emma just nodded. Thankfully, the house elves weren't bursting into tears, so that was an improvement.

"Now, I thought we should finalize the arrangements," Riley said. "I am unsure how long I shall be gone. You will stay with Lupin until you go back to Hogwarts. If you need a driver, or anything, John has agreed to look out for you. I think he has taken a liking to you," Riley grinned. "Lupin will be doing work for the order as well, so when he has to be gone, you will be staying at the headquarters, or here if you wish," Riley said. "If you stay here, Sirius and Remus are to be told, John will check on you periodically, and only for short periods of time."

Emma nodded. "Lets eat, and tomorrow afternoon I thought you and I might spend the afternoon together before I have to leave the next morning," Riley suggested.

Emma smiled. "That would be lovely."

During dinner, the order was the main topic of conversation. The fact Voldemort had not announced his return to power was a good sign in a way. It gave the order time to regroup, and as Riley kept implying, gave him time to build up protections around Emma.

The next morning, Draco apparate to Emma's house again. This time, Emma answered the door, which Draco considered to be a vast improvement.

"Hey!" Emma said and kissed him. "I'm glad you came. I thought I might have scared you away."

"Only if you say you are secretly Harry's long lost twin sister or something," Draco joked, making Emma laugh.

"Nothing more than second cousins, although you wouldn't know it, huh?" Draco grabbed her hand and they apparate to muggle London again. "Now, what would you like to do today?" Emma asked.

"Do you have any suggestions?" He asked wearily. Emma grinned. They headed to a building people kept calling a rink. "What?"

"We are going to roller blade. What do you think?" she asked.

"If you want . . ." he said slowly

"Hey, it could be worse. I could drag you to some sappy romance movie. Would you rather go bowling?"

"Knocking things down with a ball? No thanks."

"We'll do that next then," Emma laughed. She and Draco rented a pair of roller blades and Draco finally got the hang of it.

"I still much prefer flying."

"Well, we can't do that here at any rate." she said. They bladed for awhile and Draco started to like it. "My father says the ministry is starting to want to get more involved in Hogwarts," Emma said as they bladed.

"My father wants to get more of a hold in the ministry too. He has Fudge in his pocket," Draco said.

"Not surprising. Fudge is torn over my father. When my father requested to go and take extended travels, he didn't try to stop him. Partly because he fears my father because he is well liked within the ministry and abroad, and also because my father makes the donations to the right organizations," Emma said. Draco smirked.

"How long is he going to be gone?"

"Till at least Christmas, I think."

"Are you sad to see him go?"

Emma thought about that as they bladed. "Yes, in a way, but I am more worried about him than sad. What about your father. Hasn't he noticed you've been gone?"

"My father has been busy ever since his return, so he hasn't been home to notice I've been gone. My mother just says to stay out of everyone's way while I am out, not to draw attention to myself, and, of course, to hang out only with acceptable people who have acceptable pedigrees."

"Of course," Emma teased. "Lucky for you, I am a pure blood and a rich one to boot."

"I don't know. They might think being a Potter disqualifies you," Draco teased. "All the more reason not to introduce you."

Emma smiled. She grabbed Draco's hand as they roller bladed. Secretly, she quite liked the tingling sensation when they touched. It was the only sort of feeling she ever had, with the exception of her pain over Cedric's death.

Emma left Draco that afternoon to beat her father home. They went to the movies and caught a show (a comedy, thankfully her father didn't want to see the same film as Draco). They also went to Diagon Alley where her father made sure her finances were in order, made sure she had everything for school, and even had some money transferred to Lupin's account to cover anything Emma might need and then some (since Lupin wouldn't accept any money). Emma also bought a new coat for Lupin, and some new clothes for Sirius. The last she saw of either of them, they both looked worse for the wear. Then they had a quiet evening at home.

Early the next morning, Emma surprised her father by being awake and met him for his early breakfast. Lupin arrived before he left, and reassured Riley he would do everything in his power to protect Emma (which everyone already knew).

Lupin and Emma had an early breakfast. "I am all packed and ready," Emma said. "Can I ask you a question?" Emma asked.

"You know you may ask me anything, Emma." Lupin said as he sipped his coffee.

"I was wondering, well, my mother called you Romulus, that was her own nickname for you, and Harry and everyone calls you Lupin, would it be alright, though, if I call you Uncle Lupin?" Emma asked hopefully.

Lupin almost dropped his teacup. He set it carefully down, and Emma knew he was trying to compose himself. "I would be honored," Lupin said. Emma knew he meant it. She jumped up and gave him a hug.

"Well, seeing as how we are all done with breakfast, let us go on to my house. Is it true you know how to apparate?" He asked with a mischievous grin, and Emma saw the old marauder coming out in him.

Emma returned his grin. "Yes, only it is suppose to be a secret. Imagine all the chauffeurs I would have put out of work if everyone knew!"

Lupin laughed. "I know it is not as grand as your house, but I want you to make yourself at home" Lupin said when they arrived.

Emma kissed his cheek. "It is cozy and lovely. I love it. Where is my room?" Emma asked. She hauled her bags there and began to make herself at home. "You might regret taking me in soon." Emma hollered.

Lupin laughed. "Emma, you couldn't annoy a person even if you really tried."

"Want to bet? Hermione doesn't like me, especially around test time. She hides it well, but she can't hide it from an empath. She hates the fact she studies for hours on end before an exam, and I don't study a minute. I can't help it if I have an excellent memory," Emma said. "And that is without using my talents," she added.

"I would never accuse you of using your talents for anything sinister. Neither would Dumbledore. He trusts you and is always willing to take in people society might fear. You and me," Lupin said.

"Grant it, even if he didn't want to, there is nothing stopping me from making him change his mind," Emma laughed.

"If you are all settled, I'll floo Dumbledore and let him know. He has to be the one to tell you about the order." Lupin walked to the fireplace and fire-called Dumbledore. About fifteen minutes later Dumbledore flooed over.

"Good Morning, Miss O'Neill. How are you?" Dumbledore asked kindly.

"I am doing better."

"I hope you are learning to deal with your emotions rather than bury them," Dumbledore said.

Emma nodded. "I know that better than anyone, Sir. It is coming along. I just miss him, and hate Voldemort, of course," Emma added.

That actually made Dumbledore smile. "Well, Emma. The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix is located at 12 Grimmuald Place. I believe you know it?"

Emma nodded, more than a little surprised. "The Black's House. I am surprise, I'll admit. Does this mean Sirius is no longer hiding abroad?"

Lupin nodded. "Sirius offered it to Dumbledore. I'm afraid he isn't very happy about being there again."

Emma nodded again. "I can understand that. I remember the stories from when he was in school. Emily was so happy he finally gave it all up and left," Emma said with a grin. "He helped her during her period of grief when my grandparents died (A/N: Emily's parents). His only regret was Regulus."

Lupin nodded. "He did regret he couldn't get his brother to turn from their parents way."

"Well, Emma, I suspect that I will be seeing you quite frequently. I hope you have a good summer."

"Thank you, sir. And yes, I know. Don't tell Harry, yes, yes." Emma said. She knew he was about to remind her.

"Yes. I am afraid he will not be accepting Cedric's death as well as you. I do not wish to burden him with any more shocks," he said. "Although, I believe the time may be closer than you think when he will find out."

About me, or the secret you've been hiding Emma wondered. She nodded, and watched Dumbledore floo back to Hogwarts.