Not so Picture Perfect but Damn Close

Ok so…I'm gonna make this the last chapter and then make a sequel. I'll give you all options at the end of this chapter.

"Wow…the world has been trouble free for like…two weeks now. Still can't believe it." Merc said. She was sitting with Johnny on a swing, under a tent like thing on the beach. The team had decided to have a party in order to celebrate the world being safe for the last while. Johnny was actually lying on the swing, his head on the arm rest by Merc and his feet dangling over the other one. Merc walked her fingertips over Johnny's chest every so often. They had danced for a while and now were just relaxing.

"Yeah…you said the same thing twenty minutes ago." Johnny said.

"Yo Torch!!! Fire's dying!" Someone shouted. Johnny tilted his head back slightly then shot fire at the pile of wood a few metres away.

"Hmm…you're good." Merc said, leaning down and kissing him. "But you being in this position is making kissing hard."

"But I'm so relaxed." Johnny said. Merc smirked and pushed him just a little too hard, making Johnny roll off the swing and fall to the sand. "That was not funny."

"Sure it was." Merc said. Johnny grabbed her leg and pulled her down on top of him. "Alright hot shot, you got me down. What you gonna do now?"

"This." Johnny said, rolling over so that Merc was on the sand and he was on top of her.

"Do you know how long it'll take to get this sand out of my hair?" Merc asked, just before Johnny pressed his lips against hers. She moaned and kissed him back harder…

Someone coughed and they stopped, pulled apart, and looked up to see Ben and Alicia standing over them, Alicia giggling softly.

"Why are you laughing when you can't see what's going on?" Merc asked.

"I don't need to see in order to know that you two got caught." Alicia said.

"Mind getting off my niece now?" Ben asked. Johnny got up and Merc giggled as he helped her up. He put an arm around her as she put both around him. "I hate to say it but you two do work together."

"Aww thanks Uncle Ben." Merc said. "About time." Both girls laughed.

"Ok, Hawaii girl, how about we dance again?" Johnny asked. Merc smirked. Everyone had been calling her that all night because she was wearing a Hawaiian dress she got from the people there a few weeks back when they saved them from a volcano. Sue was wearing a similar one and Ben had on a Hawaiian shirt. The girls were also taught how to hula, which Merc picked up on easily. Sue figured it out quickly as well.

"How about me and Sue dance…and you and Reed just enjoy watching?" Merc asked.

"That works." Johnny said. Merc smiled and ran over to Reed and Sue. She dragged both of them over before they went to the guys who were playing instruments. Reed and Johnny sat down simultaneously as the girls started dancing. After a little while, Merc pulled some more girls into the dance and they soon had a whole group thing going. The previous week, Sue had volunteered to help Merc out with her dancing classes and they had come up with a few new things to teach the other kids.

"I love doing this to him." Merc said, looking from Johnny to Sue.

"I've noticed." Sue said, smiling. She had two reasons to smile. One was from the fact that her brother was so easily manipulated by the young girl next to her. And two was what her brother had planned for said girl.

"So what did you think of that?" Merc asked, dropping onto Johnny's lap at the end of the dance.

"Do you honestly need to ask?" Johnny asked.

"Hmmm…no." Merc said. "But it's fun watching your reactions." She put her hand on his cheek and kissed him. Some people made a few cat calls but the youngest superhero couple ignored them. Johnny's arm wound its way around her waist, resting on the opposite hip as Merc's other arm went around his neck. They pulled apart after nearly a minute. Johnny's head dropped onto Merc's shoulder as best as it could with their position.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"Umm…almost midnight." Merc said. "Why? Tired?"

"Mmhmm." Johnny said, nodding slightly. He moved his head so that it was off his girlfriend's shoulder and more onto his own. Merc moved her hand to massage the back of his neck. He moaned softly and Merc smiled.

"Poor baby." She said. "Do we need to get you off to bed?"

"Hmmm…" Johnny said. He caught Ben's eye and the other man nodded at him. "Actually…wanna take a walk with me?"

"Sure." Merc said. They stood up and Johnny, taking her hand, walked with her along the edge of the water. Their feet got wet every time the waves rolled in but neither of them cared.

"Come on, come on." Ben said, quietly, sneaking after the couple with Reed, Sue and Alicia.

"So…what did you wanna talk about?" Merc asked.

"What makes you…did you read my mind again?" Johnny asked.

"No." Merc said. "I swear."

"Ok…well…" Johnny said. He stopped walking and Merc looked at him.

"You ok, baby?" She asked.

"Yeah, fine." Johnny said.

"You're not pregnant are you?" Merc asked, smiling.

"Ha, ha, very funny." Johnny said.

"Well now you know how I felt every time you asked me that." Merc said. Johnny gave her a serious look. "Ok, ok, I'm sorry. What's up?" She moved over in front of him and glanced back at the small audience they had that was unsuccessfully trying to be stealthy. Her attention returned to Johnny, however, as he looked down at the wet sand and then knelt in it. Merc stared at him with wide eyes.

"Ok so you know…been friends for a few years now and together for a couple of months." Johnny said.

"A messed up couple of months." Merc said, still with wide eyes.

"Yeah but we stuck together through it." Johnny said. "And you know I love you and that whole thing with the Surfer made me realize that I don't ever want to be without you, Mercy."

"You were jealous!" Merc said, smiling and losing the wide eyed look.

"Yes ok fine, I was jealous." Johnny said. Merc giggled. "The point is…I wanna be with you Merc…and no one but you." Merc's wide eyed look returned as Johnny pulled out a ring. "So…Mercedes Denver…will you marry me?"

"I…uh…oh…" Merc said. She looked from Johnny to the team then back at Johnny. She had really only dated about four guys, not including Johnny, since Ben allowed her to start dating four years ago. She wasn't very experienced in the whole dating thing but Johnny had been with her through all of her relationships and had been the one to help her over the break-ups.

To most people Johnny was a jerk-y playboy but he really did care about her. The only thing she had to worry about now was did she actually want to spend the rest of her life with him.

"Not trying to put any pressure on you or anything, but the sooner you answer, the sooner I can stop having a wet, sand covered knee." Johnny said. Merc laughed. Johnny smiled at her.

"Hmm…Mercedes Storm…yeah I guess it sounds good." Merc said.

"So you saying yes then?" Johnny asked.

"Duh." Merc said. Johnny slid the ring onto her finger before standing up and hugging her, kissing her quickly.

"They did it!" Ben said. Merc laughed as Johnny jumped.

"Did you honestly not know they were there??" Merc asked.

"Actually no." Johnny said. Merc laughed more as the two couples approached the newly engaged couple.

"Wow I just thought of something." Merc said.

"What's that?" Reed asked.

"Well if Johnny and I manage to survive through our engagement and get married…" Merc said. "And if Uncle Ben and Alicia get married…then all of us will be related to each other."

"She's right." Johnny said. "You may not be science smart, but you are still damn brilliant in most other things."

"Aww thanks, baby." Merc said. She kissed him softly.

"I love you." Johnny said.

"I love you too." Merc said. It was the first time any of them had heard her say that to Johnny but most likely it would not be the last.


Ok so, like I said at the beginning of this chapter, I will give you options now. For the sequel what would you people like? I want a vote for each category.

Kid Wise:
A) None
B) Reed and Sue
C) Merc and Johnny
D) Ben and Alicia, B or C as well
E) Just B and C
F)All three couples (Reed and Sue, Merc and Johnny, Ben and Alicia)

Other People:
A) Bring back Doom
B) Bring back the Surfer (As a good guy)
C) Have a new villain

A) A year
B) Five years
C) Ten years
D) Sixteen years

I have ideas for most of the things and I'm pretty sure I can blend stuff together.