The Name Game


Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with That's 70's Show, other then being a wildly obsessive fan of it. I also have no relation with FX and uh, whatever channel produced it at first. (WB?). This disclaimer also counts for the rest of the chapters (12 in all)


She would be wearing an off white dress. The color of a creamy ivory to be exact, with tiny beads sewn onto her corset. There would be no straps or tan lines on her shoulders. The dress would have a train, with two boys each carrying a corner. Lace would trim the bottom, leaving a centimeter of space for her designer heels to show off her French style pedicure. She would forego the veil and wear her hair up in a knot with a white lily tucked behind her ear. Matching white lilies made up her bouquet, which she held as she walked down the aisle.

It would take place on a secluded beach. The waves crashed down gently and the sun was just setting. The lighting would look beautiful, and millions of people besides her and her groom were there, cheering her on, with smiles and sobs.

She envisioned her tearful father walking her down, whispering how much he loved her. Her mother would already be seated, wiping the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief. The groom would do a corny little wave and mouth 'I love you'. Pastor would be smiling, as if this was the best couple he would ever get to marry.

She had little makeup on, worried that she would cry too much. Her bridesmaids, visions in lavender would be wishing they had a man as wonderful as hers. The two flower girls would wear ribbons in their hair and look awestruck at the beautiful bride, hoping to ever look as pretty as she. Their flowers, petals of red and yellow roses, would line the row where the bride had tread her last walk as a single woman.

The best man would be grinning madly, thinking of last night at the bachelor party. Bachelor boy himself hadn't had interest in any of the strippers and only thought of his budding bride, while she was sipping champagne, laughing a little drunkenly, and dancing with her friends in the privacy of her own home. Groomsmen would be eying the bridesmaids, wondering which girl was the easiest lay.

The ring bearers would each be holding one of the rings, wondering how much they cost. How much a ring symbolized in their wedding.

When the graying man announced, 'You may kiss the bride', her handsome groom would dip her before giving her a mind blowing kiss, causing women to sigh, little girls to giggle, men to cat-call, and little boys to wonder if girl cooties weren't as bad as they looked.

The reception would be in a large dance hall. They would dance to 'Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder, no matter how corny the song was. Her man would only dance with her, except once, to sit out while she danced her father daughter dance with her smiling father, as he whispered to her about how proud he was of his little girl. She wouldn't remind him again that she was now a lovely young woman, glowing with a newlywed's look.

All the girls would congratulate her on landing a great catch and all the boys would teasingly flirt with her, telling her to call them if the marriage ended. She would drink a few sips of lovely champagne and listen to the speeches, smiling more and more as they progressed, with the warmth of other people telling her that they made a wonderful couple in a long form.

The present table would be overflowing with familiar shapes and sizes, according to the registry. Most would be envelopes, safely tucked away in her brand new husband's jacket, as he thanked people and agreed that he was lucky as well, to have such a beautiful woman agree to be his wife.

They would be the first to leave, after throwing the flower, and garter-though the removal would be done in a stripper-like way, and the sneaky bride rather hoped her husband spotted a glimpse of what the wedding night foretold. The little flower girl had caught the flowers and the best man the garter. He had graciously given the prized garter to a little boy, whom the flower girl's mother would explain was her first boyfriend. The smiling bride would look at them and think of her and her happy husband.

They would leave in a red topless expensive sportscar seated for two, with 'Just Married' written on the back window, and cans on both sides of the bumpers, as rice pelted the car. He and she would be making out the entire time, until they got to the hotel and checked into the suite with 'HONEYMOON SUITE' written in fancy letters over the door.

The honeymoon would be at the Atlantis resort on Paradise Island. The beach was even more beautiful, the sunsets more romantic, and the bed full of naughty and familiar memories. Two weeks of bliss, followed by returning home to a marriage, the high of the wedding wearing off as they settled into newlywedded bliss, shacking up into their little house.

It had three bedrooms and three regular rooms. A little house, with a kitchen that was tucked away, a living room with a fireplace that was nice and toasty. The rug would be faux fur and the Border Collie with the lolling tongue, thumping tail, and mismatched blue eyes that she affectionally named, 'Moochie', would chew quietly on her toys as she lay on the rug.

Baby feet would patter throughout the house. The first would be a boy, because boys should be first to protect the rest of the brood. It made simple sense to her. His name was Benny David, after ABBA's Benny Andersson and David after the handsome David Cassidy.

Two little girls would follow, each in full adoration of their big brother. Farrah Jillian, after her television idol, Farrah Fawcett, and her character, Jill Munroe. Ginger Shirley would follow, named after Gilligan Island's sweetheart, Ginger Grant and the child sweetheart, Shirley Temple, who softened up the mother's heart with her singing and dancing. Not to mention her curly haired cuteness.

She would refer to them as Ben, Ferris, and Ging. Ben would come to her for girl problems and cookies, while his father taught him manly things. She would teach her girls how to bake cookies and other delicacies. The secrets of womanhood would be revealed to her wide eyed daughters and she'd make up for it by shopping with them at the mall while showing them how to attract possible future husbands and to be the most popular girls in school.

They would all go off to fancy colleges and come home every break. Mommy, she would always be to them. Her and her husband would move from their nest to a condo that had four rooms, with a better view then their house offered. Moochie would be freshly buried into the ground where her children spent countless times playing in the sandbox and kiddie games from Hide and Seek to I Never (alcohol not included, of course).

They would grow old together, with her husband telling her 'I love you' three times a day, each with more emotion. Their little condo would play host to countless boyfriends and one girl who she hated, for Ben was her baby boy. That girl morphed into his lovely wife, whom she now adored. They were taking the steps she had taken a long time ago, while she was just discovering the world of grandmother.

A little boy would be in her arms, cooing up at her. Ben Jr. was his name and he was going to be the most spoilt grandson that the world had laid eyes on. They only lived three minutes away, and she spent time with all three of her kids, watching them and their newly formed families. Ben would have three kids, like her, Ferris one, and Ging five.

Ging had always been a sucker for big families, and her mother loved having nine grandchildren to hold and teach secrets that she had told her daughters long ago. They would be taken along on shopping excursions, from teddy bears and dolls, to lipstick and the once in a lifetime wedding dress. They would follow her steps and try to have a dream wedding with the dream husband, and the dream marriage, with the dream children.

That was the one little problem for the woman.

She wasn't any of those things. It was all simply the ultimate dream that every woman dreams of. Perhaps not in that exact detail, but something like that in each of their heads.

Right now, the stick in her hand was a living nightmare and the color only proved that her dream was getting ripped into pieces as this little twister threw them all for a sidetrack.

Jackie threw the pregnancy stick into the wastebin, and bent down against the wall of her bathroom. Taking a deep breath, she started to cry. Cry for her future to come and her future never to be. Then she threw up, as the sun rose in the morning.

Jackie tucked a strand of black hair behind her ear and sniffled. She couldn't cry anymore. It was simply too hard. The hardest part was not knowing who the father was.

Kelso had cheated on her with Laurie again a week ago. Angry at him, she slept with Hyde as revenge. She felt drunken justification and Hyde was simply drunk. It had been on impulse. An impulse that Jackie wanted to grab and smack to death right now.

Just go right to Chapter 1 before reviewing!