(Back from my writer's block. 3
Disclaimer: I don't own Beyblade.)

"You're so trivial," came the soft murmur, pale hand affectionately stroking the blond headed boy in his lap. Max frowned, tightening the grip he had on Tala's arm as he squirmed against his boy friend's chest.

"I am not!" came the reply, the younger snorting as he leaned back, blue eyes looking up at Tala's own. He stuck his tongue out and in a quick movement the red head caught it, holding it firmly between his fingers. This caused Max to blink, then whine and flail the arm he didn't have wrapped around Tala's.

"Better be careful Max, or the wolf will catch your tongue," the Russian snickered, letting go of the pink muscle as he wiped his hand against Max's shirt, soon wrapping his arm around the smaller's waist. Max just muttered something, let go of Tala's arm, and crossed his against his chest as he gave a small snort.

"Meany!" he pouted, a small whine escaping him. Tala smirked, placing his head on his boy friend's shoulder.

"Would you like me to play nice?" he whispered, causing Max to freeze and slide his eyes to look at the seductive icy blue ones.

"Do you just wanna have the wolf catch my tongue again?" he muttered, a bit afraid what "nice" was in Tala's mind. The said male snickered, shook his head, and planted a quick kiss on the other's cheek, possessively tightening the grip on the blond's waist.

"The wolf already caught your tongue, Max. Why catch it again? That's trivial," came the Russian's remark, snide and carefully planned. Max blinked a few times, and then whined.

"I'm not trivial!"

And Tala just laughed and murmured a sarcastic "Sure you're not" before closing his eyes and laying his head on Max's own. And Max just pouted.