AN: This chapter uh…sorta wrote its self. O.0 I had really only one thing in mind when writing this, but then other things came in and it became a bit deeper than I thought it would be. So yeah, it evolved on me.

Oh and…I had to have Maes say 'Nyoron' I just HAD to. (kudos to those who get it)

"kooritsuita machinami kiekake no ashioto/hito wa subete hikari o ushinatteru/mabuta ni yakitsuita sepia iro no omoi de mo/ima wa sotto hikari no mukougawa e…"

-The frozen houses on the street The fading sound of footsteps/A person is being deprived of all of their light/And sepia colored memories that were imprinted on my eyelids/Are now on the other side of the soft light…-

-uncertain memory by Gackt, from his album The Seventh Night. As translated by Mina-P of the Senshi Gakuen.


"A room for two please."

"Oh…I'm sorry but we only have single bed rooms…"

"That's fine. We don't mind sharing a bed now and then. So long as it's big enough, that is."

Don't let her see your dirty grin, Maes ol' boy…

"Wouldn't separate rooms just be easier?"

Maes turned his head back to Roy, his face becoming very serious. The other was against the wall, quiet, looking at the ground in deep thought, waiting.

"No. It's best we share a room. He's not feeling too well."

"All right then, I'll show you to your room."

"Oy, Roy." Maes called.

Black eyes looked up, and he wordlessly followed Maes. But other than that brief movement, the eyes stayed down at the ground. Maes himself would look back at him, even as they walked, with his worried gold optics.

Once shown their room, Maes thanked the innkeeper and the two were left alone.

"I saw a bar downstairs. Do you want to go grab a drink?" Maes asked.

Roy shook his head. He went and sat on the bed, looking very solemn. After a moment of contemplation, Hughes joined him.

"At least get out of your raincoat first, dear, otherwise you'll get the bed wet." he said to him with a slight smile.

"You didn't take yours off either, hypocrite."

The smile grew. It couldn't be too serious if Roy was able to make jabs like that. If he was in one of those 'moods' (as Maes had taken to calling them) again, he wouldn't have responded to that at all. Maes stared ahead and decided it was okay to try and pry in a bit to what might be bothering him.

"So…you going to tell me what's wrong now, Muffin?"

Roy rubbed his head briefly. "It's hard to explain, Maes. I'm just confused."

He watched him carefully from the corner of his eye. Maes realized since that Chopper incident that whenever Roy said 'I'm just confused' it meant that he wasn't going to tell him anything else because, well…he was confused. He wouldn't know how to answer Maes even if he did try to pry further.

So, he merely put his arm around Roy's shoulder. There wasn't much else to do after all. A month previous and Roy would've gone rigid and be uncomfortable with such an action. But now, clearly displaying his progress, Roy leant into him and rested his head on his shoulder. Maes felt a hand on the other side of his torso and realized that it was Roy's, reaching over from behind. Maes closed his eyes. After such a day, he had to enjoy a moment like this, even if his significant other was struggling with his thoughts.

After a moment of understanding silence, Maes dared to speak again.

"Are you hungry? The stay includes one free meal the innkeeper said. Should we go downstairs for something?"

"I'm not hungry. You can go ahead though."

"Nah, I'm good…" Maes lied.

Damnit Roy, I'm starving, but it's just not the same without you too, you brat! I'd feel guilty… Maes mentally wept in hunger.

"I think we'll be leaving in the morning." Roy begun.

"Tomorrow? Already?"


"You're not going to speak to the Rockbells?"

"I don't think right now is the most appropriate time to talk with them about that. Plus, I don't think I made the best first impression."


"Anyways, it's been a long night." Roy said. "I think we should go to bed."


Even though he was the one to suggest they go to bed, Roy couldn't sleep at all. His mind was still whirling.

He should've seen the signs that his memories of the 'other world' were disappearing. After all, he had hints for the pass few weeks. The first hint was that he was unable to remember the Chopper's name. Such a huge case to be involved in, how could he not remember his name? But that was miniscule compared to the even bigger hint he had received in the form of the Elric's letter. Why hadn't he realized who they were? He had been completely clueless.

He laid wide eyed, watching the odd lightning bolt dance beyond flimsy curtains. What now? What was to become of him? He didn't remember anything from this world, and now he was forgetting everything of the other. What did this all mean? What was going to happen next?


His thoughts halted.

"Are you still awake?"

A short silence.

"Yes, Maes."

A deep exhale was heard from the other side of the bed. Roy found it strange. For once….Hughes sounded like the one with something deep and heavy on his mind.

"Could you……face me please?"

Roy did as he was asked and rolled towards his dear. He could tell, even in darkness, that Maes was staring at the ceiling.

"Something bothering you?" he asked. This sounded oddly familiar to earlier that day.

"I was just…thinking about tonight. With those boys." Maes answered.

"Oh." Roy laid on his back now, the same way Maes was. He felt the other's arm move behind his neck and grasp his shoulder, and pulled him closer.

"Roy…that boy…really doesn't have a body, does he?"

"I'm assuming he doesn't." Roy replied, no longer knowing for sure and unable to give a definite response.

"And that other boy. I only got a brief look at him…but it looks like he was missing his arm."

"His leg too. Looked like he lost his leg too."



"If you had gone through with human transmutation yourself…would you have…ended up like that too?"

Roy's eyes traveled down to his body. This was something he could give a definite answer to. "Yes."

That hand seemed to bring Roy even closer, before moving to his forehead. Roy felt his bangs being brushed away and played with by familiar fingers.

"Is that all you're thinking about, Maes?" he asked.

"…No. I'm also…thinking about how many times I came close to losing you."

Mustang stayed silent as Hughes listed those times.

"First there was the Ishbal Rebellion, when you were sent to the front lines. Then your memory loss just recently. And the night Anna was murdered. And now I can add you almost performing human transmutation to the list. I never realized before how serious the consequences would've been if you had gone through with it…"

Roy closed his eyes and nodded. Then he turned into Maes and wrapped his arms around his torso. "Don't worry, Maes. You'll never lose me."

He could hear Maes' head move just slightly to the side, towards him.

"I promise you'll never lose me."


Maes turned into Roy now as well, and clutched him as tightly as he could. Roy gave him a light kiss on his cheek, before burying his face into his shoulder.

Maybe it wasn't the best of promises to make, especially since Roy was still so confused about his situation, but one thing was for sure, those words made both of them feel better, and they were finally able to sleep.

You'll never lose me.

I promise…


When morning came, Roy found himself alone. He sat up, shirtless, looking around for any sign of Maes.

There really was none. The man's clothing and boots were all gone. What did remain though was his rain coat and lantern, so Roy knew he couldn't have left him behind. With that assurance, Roy stood up and went in search of his shirt.

As he was looking out the window and thinking about what a beautiful day it was compared to last night, his missing lover burst through the door.

"Good morning, sunshine!" he greeted enthusiastically.

Ebon head turned to him, wearing a smirk. "Well, well, well. Good morning to you too, Mister. What would you have done if I was still sleeping as you made all that loud shouting?"

"Did it occur to you that maybe that was what I was hoping for?" Hughes grinned naughtily, proving he was indeed a sucker for punishment.

"Anyways, I brought breakfast, Muffin!"

"Breakfast muffin? I don't see any muffins on those plates." Roy said dryly, trying to pretend that pet name did not exist.

Hughes placed a plate on a clear spot on the bed, then pointed to the side Roy had slept on. "Sit boy, sit!"


When Roy made his way back over to the bed though and looked down at the plate, he was a little surprised.

"Toast with raspberry jam? Not that I'm complaining that I get my favorite but…isn't it a little plain for an inn to serve? And why do you get eggs?" he asked.

"I asked them specifically for toast with raspberry jam just for you, Muffin. It took them a while to find some, but they had a jar in their cellar." Hughes declared proudly.

"You didn't have to cause them trouble just for breakfast!" Roy exclaimed, embarrassed.

"I didn't cause them trouble! Besides, we're guests; it's their job to make us happy!" Hughes exclaimed back.


"For my man, damn straight!"


Roy covered his face with his hands. Then after a few seconds he lowered them and looked at the plate.


"No problem, dear."

"…But I really want an egg too."

"Huh? You do?"

"How about I give you a piece of my toast for one of those eggs?"

"Fine, fine. Sounds fair. Oh, and here, we both get an apple too."

Roy looked at the red delicious with wide eyes. "THAT THING IS HUGE."

Indeed, both apples were each the size of his hand.

"Heh, heh, gotta love home grown country crops, eh?"

They exchanged, then dug into their meal. Once they finished everything sans the apples, Roy laid his legs out on the bed, his back against the bed board, and Maes sat in a small chair nearby, tossing his apple from hand to hand. Each time he caught it, it made a soft 'thup' sound.

"I also went out and checked the train departure times." Maes begun.


"The next departure is at noon. Is that okay for you?"

"What time is it now?"


"It's fine."

Roy looked at his apple thoughtfully as he rolled it on his finger tips. There was something he wanted to ask.

"Maes…if I…suddenly forgot everything again, and it was more drastic this time…what would you do?"

Thup. Silence.

"Would you still have enough patience to love me?"

Silence. Thup.

Roy didn't think he was going to get an answer, judging by Maes' silence and the look on his face. It was something he'd obviously rather not think about. He sighed, then sunk his teeth into his apple.

"Hey, Roy…" Maes suddenly started speaking.


"Do you think you could…take smaller bites?"

Roy's eyes gave him a weird look, before he finally bit down and took an apple chunk with him.

"Ya know, little bites like these…" Hughes began, bringing his apple up with both hands and pretending to take teeny tiny bites out of it in a way that resembled a rabbit.

Roy raised an eyebrow. After chewing and swallowing, he had to ask, "Whyyyyy…?"

"No reason…"

Now Roy was really suspicious. Whenever he couldn't see his husband's current expression (his mouth was out of his view thanks to the apple and his glasses had gone opaque) he knew the other was up to no good. He rolled his eyes and took a huge bite this time.

"GAK! YOU RUINED ANY POSSIBLE CUTENESS!" Hughes shrieked dropping his apple and making a rather overly dramatic pose.


"Roy, honey…do you have any idea how unattractive monster size bites are?" he wailed.


"Damnit Muffin, you don't understand that every-little-thing you do can be a turn on!! And it's the fruit of siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin! There is SO something attractive about eating it!"


"Ah, ah! I know!" he grabbed his apple off the floor, and scooched over to Roy on his knees. "Here, here! Start again, start again! More like Snow White this time, 'kay?!" he fussed.

"NO!" Roy shouted, knocking the abused apple out of a heart broken Maes' hands. "I'M NOT CATERING TO EVERY ONE OF YOUR SILLY, KINKY, LITTLE TURN ONS. I HAVE DIGNITY DAMNIT."

Maes' lower lip began to tremble. "AND THE POUTY FACE WON'T WORK EITHER." Roy added, upon seeing that. Maes just moaned.


"That's an inefficient way of eating an apple anyways! The fruit turns brown before you're anywhere near done! And, for crying out loud, Snow White? First Alice and now Snow White, geez Maes…" Roy complained, taking his apple in both hands again and taking another bite, making sure it was a big one.

Something about that last sentence piqued Maes' interest.

"Alice? As in, Alice of Wonderland? I don't ever remember bringing up Alice to you…"

Thup. Roy had dropped his fruit and froze. His face was getting red. Fast.

Now Maes' eyebrow rose. He climbed onto the bed. "Oh Roy, did you…"

Quickly, Roy grabbed the sheet and brought it over his head, trying to hide himself. Maes couldn't help laughing.

"Now THAT'S cute!"

"Sh-Shut up!!" Roy exclaimed, quavering beneath the sheet in embarrassment.

Grinning, Hughes tackled the other by his torso, snickering to himself all the while.

But his snickering soon died away, and he became very serious.

"Should we…really be laughing and playing with each other like this after what happened last night…?" he asked, grimly.

Roy's eyes wandered out the window. He was staring in the direction of the Rockbell's place, just beyond some lumps of land and fields of crops.

"I wonder how they're doing today…?"


Not too long after, they bought their tickets and boarded the train to take them home. They found a compartment to keep all to themselves, and took their seats, waiting eagerly for the train to start and take them back to Central.

"Hey Roy."

Roy had previously been looking outside the window again, when Maes called his attention.

"About what you said earlier…About if you lost your memory again…"

Going stiff was out of Roy's control.

"I'm sorry I didn't answer right away, it just took me a while to think of something…"

Maes had been looking away from him, but now was staring him right in the eye.

"I don't know what I'd do."

Roy sighed to himself and slumped, eyes closing. Of course you don't know what you'd do…


His eyes reopened in curiosity.

"I know…I promise, I won't abandon you Roy. No matter what happens to you."

Roy blinked a few times at the man across from him before breaking into a smile.

"Thank you, Maes." he muttered as the train finally started on its way. It was with that, that Roy's worries about his fading memories were lifted just a little, enough to do.

I won't abandon you.

I promise…