Disclaimer!!! I don't own Naruto. This plot belongs to the guys that made Sensitive Pornograph.

Author's note: Yeah, so before you guys read this I just wanted to say this, this plot is not mine. For those of you who know where this plot came from you know the story!! When I saw it I thought 'Damn this would be perfect for a Naruto X Sasuke fanfic!!' So I wrote it!! When I started this it wasn't suppose to be this long, but when I started to type it, it just kept flowing out and I couldn't stop. But enough of my rambling lets get the show on the road for those of you that care. Oh, and if you do care let me know by reviewing and scoring my fiction!! Thanks!!!


I do not have a beta yet, so you may find all kinds of errors in this!!


This is my first FanFiction I ever wrote. I posted this on another web site, some of you might know. This is for those of you that wanted more Naru/Sasu smexy goodness. Oh, yeah!! And there are two more chapters after this. Its not complete but like I told other people...I am working on chapter 4. Its a slow and painful process to get it typed out. Anyways, enough of my ramblings and stuff...I know that is not the reason why you are reading this...YOU WANT THE SMUT??? Then take it and enjoy the ride.

Pet Sitter

"So, Naruto are you going to go or what??" Kiba said waving a hand in front of the blue eyed blonde in front of him. Naruto had a bad habit of spacing out on you when you are talking to him.

"Arff arff!!"

"Huh? Oh Kiba!! Sorry about that I kinda didn't hear what you were saying, my cell was vibrating in my pocket," said the absent minded blonde as he pulled out the phone.

"I SAID that there is going to be a party tonight!! A house party to be exact, at Neji's!! Everyone is going to be there. Are you going or what?!... Hey Naruto!!! I'm talking to you!!!" He yelled out as Naruto was not even looking like he was paying attention to what he was saying.

Naruto was looking at his cell phone with interest. He received a text message from his part-time job, as a pet sitter. A job that would help keep ramen on the table and money to party with his friends. Too bad it had to come at a time like this. Even though it looked like he was not paying attention to his friend, he had heard every word.

"Damn it!!"

"Your part-time job?" a lazy comment from Shikamaru, who was laying on the grass, with his hands behind his head, gazing at the clouds as they passed by.


"What?!?! Don't tell me that you have to go to work now?!?!" Kiba angrily spat out.

"Looks like it."

"But what about tonight? Do you think that you will be finished by tonight???"

"Don't know yet. I have to call the office to find out the information. Then I will know if I can make it to the party." Naruto said as he pouted.

"Ahh hell Naruto, why don't you just call in? Just say that you are sick and can't come in!!" Kiba said.

"Don't Kiba, you know why Naruto can't do that. So stop asking troublesome questions." Shikamaru said as he rolled his eyes at Kiba.

"But Naruto all of the hot girls from Konoha University will be there!!!" Kiba said dreamily. There was one girl there that he couldn't wait to see, the lovely Hinata. "I know for damn sure that Sakura will be there with her whole crew!! This might be your one good change to do anything with her!! I heard that she can't hold her liquor!! And there is bound to be tons of that shit everywhere!!"

"Sakura will be there...?" Naruto whispered. "Damn it this sucks!! Why do I have to get a text message now of all times?!?! Tsunade's luck is rubbing off on me!!!"

"So what are you going to do?" a quite voice asked. Sometime you can forget that Shino was there, sitting underneath the tree's shade. He tends to fade in the background when Kiba and Naruto go off in a rant, much like they are doing right now.

"Well, I have to go to work that is not a option, but hopefully it wont take that long and I can get to the party late!! Late enough that Sakura is drunk enough so I can put the moves on her without having her put me in the hospital with her scary punches," Naruto said happily as he thought of his master plan. Everyone else just shuddered at the thought of a pissed off and drunk Sakura, punching Naruto's lights out.

"Good luck" came from underneath the tree.

"I like to see you try!! Right Akimaru?!?"

"Arff Arff!!"


"Well anyways I gotta go!!! I will call or text you guys later when or if I get off of work!!!" he yelled out as he started to run out of the park they where hanging out.

He took out the cell phone and hit the speed dial button for Tsunade's office. Tsunade was owner of a temporary company that employed many people for various jobs, such as a pet sitter. Tsunade was also his aunt from his late mother's side. She was great a person if you over looked her drinking and her gambling.

"Thank you for calling Tsunade's Temporary Services! This is Tsunade, how can I be of service to you?"

"Hey grandma!! What is the job you have lined up today?!"

"Boy!!! I swear if you call me grandma one more time, I'll give you thrashing you wont forget!!"

"Yeah yeah, you say that now, but as soon as I see you in person, you're all hugs and kisses!!"

"Nevermind that!!" Tsunade said as she sipped her sake. "Damn that's some good sake!!"

"You're drinking already? You're not even off of work yet, you old hag!!" he could just see is aunt's eye twitch when he said one of his favorite lines to get her pissed off. He was not disappointed.

"Damn it Naruto!!! I am not that old!!!" she growled out. "Fine then... You're job is that you have to be a pet sitter for a bunny that goes by the name of Sasuke. The owner said that key to the apartment is underneath the welcome mat. You just have to pet sit for a few hours, the owner usually leaves Sasuke with a care taker but he had something come up at the last minute. I'm going to text message the address to the apartment, that way you can't just say that you forgot where its was at and just flake out on me!!!"

"What?!?!? Like I would flake out on you!!" Naruto yelled into the phone. Forgetting about the plans he was thinking about to get out of work tonight. He mentally sighed as he thought about it. 'I guess I have no choice but go through with work.'

"Alright boy, do a great job!! Remember that you are representing ME also!!! So don't screw this up!!" she yelled into the phone before she hung up. He was still looking at the phone when it started to viberate again. True to her words she had text messaged him the address of the apartments complex that his job would be at. He looked at the address and realized that it was one of complexes that was for the well off. He knew that because he often passed by it on his way to Konoha University.

'I better get a move on.'

Naruto looked up to the set of apartments in front of him. They where called Melody and they were pretty impressive. He looked up to the sky to see where the apartment ended and were the sky begun. For a moment he forgot why he was there and he was slightly jealous of the people who could afford to live in a place like this but he quickly cleared his mind of those thoughts. 'It was now or never' he thought to himself as he walked into what looked like the lobby of the apartments.

He looked around the lobby floor, searching for the elevators that would take him to the thirteenth floor, when a voice cut though the silence.

"Can I help you with something?"

"Uhmm... yea!!! I am a pet sitter for someone in this complex, can you tell me where the elevators are?" Naruto said nervously. He smiled brightly at the man in glasses. The man was in a dark gray business suit that looked like it was custom made just for him. He looked up into the face of the person that worked here and found that he was smiling at him. His eyes were cold black as he stared down at Naruto. As he watched the other for his reaction he noticed that said person had long dark silver hair, almost the shade of lavender, pulled back into a neat ponytail at the back. There was a few strands that rebelled and found themselves partially overing an eye.

"Oh? And who just might you be talking about?"

"Oh I didn't get a name of the client, but I know that he lives in the 13th floor in room 1303," he said as he scratched the back of his head. He watched as the businessman pulled out a small back planner from the inside breast pocket of his expensive suit. He looked it over and smiled.

"Ah yes," he said as he snapped the planner closed. "He mentioned that to me on his way out. I am sorry about the misunderstanding. My name is Kabuto Yakushi. I am the manager of this complex and not much gets by me in this place. Let me show you to the elevators."

"Thanks Yakushi-san!"

"Kabuto, please. May I ask what is your name?"

"Oh, my name is Naruto Uzumaki!!" he said as he followed Kabuto to the elevators.

"Well, here you are Naruto-kun," he said as they arrived at the elevator doors. Naruto stepped though the doors and Kabuto pressed the button for the thirteenth floor. The doors started to close when he said, "Have fun."

"Thank you again for your help, Kabuto-san!!" he yelled though the doors. 'Man that guy is really nice!' he thought to himself.

He did not have to wait for long in the elevator before he was at the floor that he needed to be. The doors silently slid open and he walked out on to off white carpet. He walked down the hall looking at the numbers on the doors. ' 1301...1302...1303... that's the one!!!'

Naruto looked at the door for a second before he realized that he didn't have a key to the apartment. He scratched his head in frustration. He knew that there was something that the old hag had said to him about the key, but for the life of him he couldn't remember what it was. It was then that his pocket started to vibrate again. He took out the cell phone and read the message.

Just in case you forgot: key is underneath the welcome mat!!

Naruto looked dumb founded as he read the text message. 'How dare she think that I would forget something like that?!?! che That old hag needs to get her brain checked. Maybe at her old age she forgets things but not me!!' he raged in his mind. He rolled his eyes and bent over to get the key underneath the mat. Just then he received another text message.

Don't call me old hag and don't roll your eyes at me!! DON"T SCREW THIS UP!!!

He just looked at the cell phone like a fish out of water. It was sometimes scary when she did that. It just goes to show how close they were, they could read each others moves perfectly. Naruto sighed and whispered "old hag" underneath his breath as he shook his head. He put the cell phone in his pocket once more and unlocked the door.

He walked in the nice apartment and called out for the bunny that he was taking care of this evening, instead of going the party of the semester.

"Sasuke-chan!! Sasuke-chan!! Where are you, Sasuke??" he said into the apartment. He looked at round the floor, expecting for the bunny to make a run for him. But the more he waited the longer the bunny stayed in hiding. 'Maybe its scared. I am a stranger after all'

Just then there was a noise from the closet. It sounded like something was hitting it from the inside. He walked across the living room floor, towards the closet. "Sasuke-chan??" he whispered to the closet and he got another knock from the closet. 'The closet?!?! What the hell?? Who puts their pet in a closet??!?'

Naruto quickly open the door to the closet to let out the trapped bunny rabbit, instead he found a very naked, tied up and gaged man laying on his side. The shock of it all was too much for Naruto's little heart could take so he fell to his knees. His first thoughts where 'Shit, is he dead?' and 'You gotta be fucking kidding me!!'

The naked man before him moved just enough to get Naruto to move again. 'Oh thank God that he is not dead!!' he thought as images of him calling the police and explaining why there was a naked, tied up and gaged dead man in an apartment that wasn't his, come it his mind. He help said naked man...NAKED...he helped him out of the closet and quickly untied almost all of the ropes that held him. The only ones that he couldn't get off was the hand cuffs that held his hands together. He sat next to the man waiting until something happened. He watched as said man took off the gag ball that was stuffed into his mouth. At this he wondered why he was stripped and tied up like that in the closet but he was still in shock to say anything.

He looked at the young man underneath his eye lashes. The man before him was gorgeous. He had jet black long bangs that was shielding him from his eyes, while the rest was gracefully piked in the back. The rest of him was perfection from what he could see. His body was lean and muscular but had this frailty to him that made him want to pull the dark haired man to him and hold him. He was damn hot from what Naruto could see of him, which was everything except his eyes. Naruto pulled his eyes away from the guy in front of him, he thought it was best not to stare. He caught himself thinking how hot he was and reprimanded himself. He liked girls and that was all to it!! There was this awkward silence that came between them after the guy ungaged himself. Naruto could not speak a single complete word let alone a complete sentence. In the end it was this man that broke the uneasy silence.

"If you are going to do it, don't play around and just do it, dobe."

"Huh? What!?" he was snapped out of his daydreaming when he heard what the guy said to him. "What are you talking about?"

"He sent you here, didn't he?"

"Who?" he honestly had no clue what the hell he was talking about.

"You knew my name. He told you my name, right?" he whispered darkly. He was getting tried of watching the blonde fumble over his thoughts.

"Ano... No, that was the name of the rabbit..." Naruto tumbled out. "You see I'm a pet sitter and..."

"Humm...I see. He likes to play games. Sorry to tell you, but today's just not your day, dobe," he whispered to him. He smirked. For some unknown reason he felt that the name dobe was just too perfect for the blonde. He watched him from beneath shaded eyes as said blonde was confused beyond all belief and tried to put the pieces together.

'WHAT!!! He's Sasuke-chan?!?!? Then...what about the bunny???'

He freaked out inside of his head as the processed the information through his brain. As he tried to understand what Sasuke-chan...Sasuke told him, he jumped back on his elbows as he watched Sasuke lay naked between his legs. It was when Sasuke's head was between Naruto's legs and breathing down on his crotch, that he noticed the color of Sasuke eyes. They were as black as the darkest abyss. 'What the fuck?!?!?! There is an extremely hot and sexy man between his legs. And he is looking like he is gonna eat me alive!!'

"He gets really cranky when things don't go the way he planned. If that happens, you could get hurt too, so..." he whispered into Naruto's crotch. He started to unzip Naruto's pants. "Don't worry, I don't have any diseases. I'm not going to hurt you, dobe. If you don't like men, just keep your eyes closed."

Naruto had a hard time intaking air as he watched the dark haired man unzip his pants and take out his dick. He could not take his eyes off of him as he licked and sucked him. He expertly worked his tounge and mouth to make him hard before he had the opportunity to say anything.

'Thats easy for you to say!! Shit!! I'm getting hard!! That is not suppose to happen!!' he thought to himself. He tried to suppress the moan that wanted to come out as Sasuke deep throated him. 'Why is he...? Why am I...? How did I get into this situation?!?'

"What is your name, dobe?" he asked between his licks. He looked at the blonde from between his legs. The dobe had a light pink blush across his cheeks and he breath came out in pants. He looked damn hot from were he was laying down.

"Na...ru...to..." he finally got out. His name came out more in a moan than he care to admit but what can you do when a sexy man is giving you some damn good head??

"Well, dobe...you really have a (lick)...big ...(suck)...dick," he mouthed against Naruto's painfully hard cock. "It's going to be tight without any lotion..."

Sasuke sucked hard a few times more before he let go of Naruto's cock with a pop from his mouth. He stood up and straddled the blonde underneath him. He positioned himself over Naruto's hardness, held his breath and slowly impaled himself on Naruto. Naruto hissed as he felt sweet hot, tightness slowly swallow him whole. Sasuke did not stop until every thick, hard and long inch of Naruto was pulsing in his ass. He took a second to get used to the hardness and looked into the blue eyes of his partner.

Then he rolled his eyes to the back of his head as he lifted himself up and then pushed himself down onto Naruto's dick. He started to slowly rode the cock underneath him with graceful thrusts. He tried to hold back the moans the found themselves at his lips but he could not hold back the blush that spread its self across his ivory cheeks.

"Teme..." Naruto growled out.

'Fuck...fuck...fuck...' Naruto chanted in his mind, it was timed with every thrust down on his aching member. The only thing that could be heard through out the little apartment was the harsh breathing that came from Naruto and the clanking of the handcuffs. Sasuke was using Naruto's stomach as a leverage to impale himself, over and over...'I thought I was straight!! How can I be turned on when I am straight?? Fuck!! Why am I letting this man practically rape me on the floor of this apartment??...NO he is raping me!!!!...Fuck!! I can't control my body...it actually feels good... damn how did I get myself into this mess??'

Naruto was mesmerized by the way Sasuke rode him. It was so damn hot. The way Sasuke's head fell back and his breath quickened every time he landed on his dick. He watched black hair moved back and forth as Sasuke bounced on him. His eyes hungrily eyed the rest of Sasuke's body and came down to Sasuke's neglected dick. It seemed like Sasuke was enjoying himself too. His dick stood straight and hard against Sasuke's stomach. It was leaking precum from the tip as it bounced to Sasuke's rhythm.

Naruto had always had a heart of gold, so it would be reasonable in his mind at least to repay Sasuke for the pleasure that he was receiving. So he let instinct take over. He reached out to Sasuke's cock and started to stroke it. Sasuke had halted all movements as he leaned forward and looked into Naruto's eyes. His breath raggedly came out as he bit his lip from moaning. He used all of his control to keep himself from moaning at the unsuspected touch.

"Don't...you don't need to do that...dobe," he whispered out as he clutched onto the blue eyed blonde's shirt. There was a slight pause in Naruto's caresses but he just refused to give up. His hand tightened around Sasuke's cock and he pumped harder. He was rewarded by Sasuke's deep moan that he could not contain. This time it was Naruto's time to smirk but even that didn't last long at Sasuke pulled himself off of Naruto.

Sasuke slid himself off of Naruto, stood up, and looked down on him. He took a step back and turned around. He fell to the hard wood floor on hands and knees and put his face to the ground. His ass was high in the air as he looked back to Naruto. He was the perfect picture of submission when he said, "Please, fuck me."

If there was a time to have a heart attack this would be it for Naruto. He couldn't breathe right because he just lost his virginity to a gorgeous dark haired man that he just found not five minutes ago, tied up, handcuffed and gagged in the closet!!! Not to mention the fact that he was theoretically here to take care of a bunny rabbit and turned out to be the guy that just raped him. Not that he was complaining or anything but he was just to confused to do anything. So he was on auto pilot.

'This guy is crazy...' he thought to himself. He felt like he was having an out of body experience as he saw and felt himself get harder from the perfect submission pose from Sasuke. For some unknown reason it just felt like being submissive was way out of character for Sasuke, but he just left that thought in the wind. He sat up and knelt behind the ass that was waiting for him. He watched his hands spread ivory ass cheeks as he pressed himself in the hotness. '...and freaking hot!!'

Although Naruto never did this before, instinct told him to thrust in and out. So that is what he did, timidly at first but when he saw that he could get more of a response out of Sasuke when he went deeper, he gained confidence. His thrusting started to gain a rhythm and he tighten his hold on Sasuke's hips when he started to thrust deeper and at quicker pace. He couldn't get enough. It was great watching his dick pump in and out of Sasuke's ass at a quicker pace but that wasn't enough.

He pushed Sasuke further into the ground for a better angle to thrust into. Sasuke gasped as his back bent in an awkward position but he did not mind. The position brought Naruto closer to the bundle of nerves within him. Sasuke closed his eyes and just let the sensations run over him. He heard the grunts that Naruto let out every time he thrust deeply inside him. The music that was made by the blonde's balls slapping against his thighs made him ache with need.

Sasuke hand snaked down to his cock to relieve some pressure that had built up from the fucking but before he could get a hold on his cock his hands were slapped away.

"NO...MINE!!" Naruto growled out as he bent over Sasuke's prone body.

At this Naruto stopped for a second and flipped Sasuke over, making him face him. Naruto put ivory thighs over his shoulders and without any warning he brutally thrusted in. He leaned in on Sasuke forcing him in to another painful position. He raped Sasuke's mouth with his tounge, while he held Sasuke's handcuffed hands above his head. Sasuke could not do anything but let it happen. When he struggled against his capturer's hand he was growled at and his tounge was bit viciously.

When Sasuke finally laid there in complete submission, Naruto let up on the tight reign on his hands. Sasuke did not move his hands from above his head because he knew if he did that he find them in the vice grip of Naruto's hands once again. He took this time to gaze at the blonde who was currently fucking the daylights out of him. Every muscle in Naruto's body was tense and focused on Sasuke. His blonde hair was shielding Naruto's eyes from Sasuke and suddenly Sasuke wanted to see those sapphire blue eyes.

"Na...ru...to..." Sasuke grunted out as he tried to say between moans.

Naruto's eyes snapped opened and he locked eyes with Sasuke's midnight colored eyes. Naruto's eyes were no longer blue but a fiery red with a slit in the middle. His scars that he had on his cheeks were more distinct than usual. He was gritting his teeth from all the pleasure and all Sasuke could see was very sharp teeth clenched together. Then it was gone and he was looking into crystal blue eyes.

"Wha...??" as soon as he said the first syllable he was pulled up into a sitting position on Naruto's lap. His mouth was covered by Naruto's and all thought to that different Naruto was forgotten for another time.

Naruto lifted Sasuke up and down his dick with pleasure. He leaned back on his elbows, back to the position that Sasuke had started off on. Sasuke bounced and rolled his hips, fucking Naruto as if working for his own pleasure alone and panting like a whore with each stroke. It was a sight to see.

Naruto roughly grabbed Sasuke precum dripping dick and started to pump in the same rhythm that Sasuke was fucking himself on his cock. One hard tug and Sasuke lost it. His whole body tensed up and he screamed out his pleasure as he came into Naruto's hand. Naruto felt the muscles that surrounded him tighten to a painful grip and he rode Sasuke's orgasm out until he too came. He thrusted up one last time before overfilling the dark haired teme with his cum.

Their combined orgasm left them both panting for breath and shaking. Naruto closed his eyes and just laid there in the aftermath of some great sex. Nevermind that it was with a stranger and a guy no less, it was damn good!! He felt the body above him shift and he peeked open his eyes to see what Sasuke was doing.

Sasuke was shaking all over from the over powerful orgasm that drowned him in pleasure. He couldn't breath worth shit and all he wanted was to lay down on top of the blonde and fall asleep. But he couldn't do that seeing how HE would more than likely be on his way home and if the dobe was still here when he got home Naruto would get hurt. So he slowly got up from Naruto's lap. Naruto's dick sliding out with ease and he sat next to the dobe.

"You should leave now..." he whispered. His hair once again shielding him from questioning cerulean blue eyes. "I know that he is some where close..."

"What?! Don't tell me that he was taping us...!?" he questioned.

Sasuke just nodded. He did not trust his voice to say the right things. He stared down at the hard wood floor that they had just polished to a shine and saw his reflection in it. He heard Naruto stand up and stuffed himself back into his pants.

Naruto naturally was aloud mouth who sometimes you would have to tell to shut up, this was not one of those times. He couldn't get anything through his throat due to the fact that his heart seemed stuck there. He walked to the door and stopped himself. He looked back and saw Sasuke hadn't moved from the spot that he had left him.

"I know that this may sound weird coming from me..." he scratched the back of his head nervously. "...but are you going to be okay?"

Sasuke looked over his shoulder to look at the blonde through his black hair. He smirked at him and said "Thank you, dobe. You were great."

Naruto took one more second at the door before he ran out of the apartment and towards the elevator. He was concentrating hard on getting to the elevator doors that he completely missed the person hanging around in the shadows.

Sasuke's heart dropped when he heard Naruto leave the apartment. For some unknown reason it seemed a lot darker in there without the sun kissed blonde with his sky blue eyes, that seemed to change colors depending on his emotions. Sasuke dropped to the floor laying on his side and just replayed that whole scene in his mind. He had photographic memory that let him replay everything that was done and said to a perfect T.

He was so caught up in his thoughts and memories that he didn't realized someone was walking through the doors until his name was called out.

"I'm home, Sasuke-kun! Did the pet sitter take good care of you?" HE said as he walked in to find Sasuke laying on the floor, looking like he just received a good fuck. His foot stepped on Sasuke's ass and shifted until a river of Naruto's cum came running down Sasuke's ivory thighs. "Looks like he fed you well. Didn't he, Sasuke-kun??"

Sasuke sat up once again and felt his body betray him. It felt like dead weight. He looked up at the man in front of him. He was wearing a traditional lavender kimono that hung off of his shoulders revealing the pale white skin of his chest. Sasuke drunk in his master's looks. His master was tall and lean. He had long black hair that swung down to his hips. His skin was even paler than his if that was even possible. Sasuke looked into yellow colored eyes and he felt sick.

"I thought I didn't mind doing sick things for you because you would give me power to kill my brother." Sasuke said. "But I guess I was wrong. If you are looking for an obedient pet, find someone else. Orochimaru."

Naruto's elevator finally reached the lobby floor and he flew out of there like that apartment complex was on fire. He wanted to get the hell out of there as soon as possible. He wanted to go home . He wanted to be anywhere except there. Needless to say he barely register the "Bye Naruto-kun" from Kabuto-san and his wicked laughter as he ran out of the complex.

Naruto made it to his small apartment in record time considering that he didn't take the bus but opted to run the whole way there. He unlocked the door and quickly ran inside. He leaned against the door to catch his breath, trying to get his heart to stop beating so fast. When he finally got it under control he walked to his kitchen and opened the fridge to get a drink. Unlucky for him Kiba and the guys had came over last night and wiped him clean of any kind of alcohol in the entire apartment. The only thing left was milk, so he jugged some down before he went to his bedroom.

He looked at his soft bed and was about to crash into it and fall blissfully asleep, when his cell phone went off. He searched his pockets for his cell and opened it. He had a text message from Kiba.

Saku drunk & hitting on fuzzy eyebrows, ur losing ur chanceKiba

Naruto read the message and didn't react. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew that he was supposed to be in love with Sakura and should be pissed off at the turn of events. But he could raise enough energy to care. He searched his drawer for a clean pair of boxers and found his towel. He was making his way to his bathroom when his phone went off again.

R U coming??Kiba

Naruto looked at the cell phone and typed a response to Kiba. He glance at the time and noticed that it was still pretty early, it was only 10 pm. He could still go to the party and make an appearance but he thought better of it. He sent the next message and walked into the bathroom to take a hot shower.

No, working late.Naruto

When Naruto got out of the shower he rubbed the water out of his hair and threw the wet towel over his door to dry. He got into bed and set his alarm clock. He grabbed his cell to charge it up when he notice that he had another text message.

U suck Nuts Uzumaki!!!!Kiba

'Fucking Kiba!!The bastard is always trying to have the last words!!' was his last thoughts as he fell into a deep sleep.

Naruto woke up to his cell phone going off. With his head still in his pillows he reached out to blindly find his cell phone on his bedside table. Once he finally found it he pulled it underneath his pillows and opened it to answer it.

"Hello...?" he said into the phone. He sounded as if he had a frog in his throat so he cleared it and said, "Hello?"

"BOY!!!! WHAT IN HELLS NAME DID YOU DO TO MESS THE JOB UP?!?! YOU WOULD HAVE TO BE RETARDED TO MESS UP A SIMPLE JOB AS TAKING CARE OF A RABBIT!!!" was yelled into his ear, fully waking him up from his sleep.

"Uhmm...welll... you see..."


"Well you see the bunny was trapped in the closet when I got there and I let him out. Turns out that the owner was mistreating him and all he wanted was affection," he said into the cell phone. Well... it was half the truth... menus the part about the bunny was actually a guy and "affection" was some hard core sex.

"Humm...that it what I thought," was whispered into the phone to low that if Naruto wasn't waiting for her next shouting match he wouldn't have heard it in the first place.

"What? Old hag you have to be louder than that," Naruto said.

"Naruto... if you weren't my favorite nephew I would kill you myself!!! Anyways, the client said that you missed treated his pet and that when he came home his pet ran away," she said between sake.

"WHAT?!?!? That is bull shit, grandma!!!" he yelled. " You know me better than that!!"

"Yes, yes, that is what I told him but he was to outraged. He demanded that we pay for a replacement rabbit. Sucks but what can we do?!?" she said.

"Not pay the bastard, that's what you could do!!"

"Yeah, I thought about it, but this client is not one to cross easily." she said. "Well, anyway, I gotta go, I gotta find away to come up with the money...hey aren't you suppose to be in class??"

"What? What time is it??"


"Fuck!! I messed my first class!! If I leave now I can make it for the second part of my second class!! Hey I gotta go!! Call you when I get off of school!! Bye" he said in one big breath.

"Okay, bye."

Naruto found a clean pair of blue jeans and thew on his orange T-shirt with a spiral on the back and ran out of the house. He was half way down the stairs when he remembered that he forgot his book bag. So he ran back to get it, thus making it were he had to run to class in order to make it to his second class.

"Oh Naruto, try not to stroll into my class later than I do, ok?" Professor Hatake said to Naruto before he could leave the classroom.

"Ah... yes. Kakashi." he said as he scratched the back of his head and smile widely.

"It's Professor Hatake, to you," he said in a serious voice.

"Kakashi!!! Leave him alone and stop picking on my Naruto!!!" a voice from the doorway said out loud. Naruto looked up to see one of his favorite people in the world, Professor Umino.

"Iruka!!!! How are you doing today??" Naruto said as he strolled towards the dark skin man at the door. He noticed that Kakashi had gotten up set when Naruto called out to Kakashi's lover by his first name. So he smirked as he got closer to Iruka.

"Naruto, do try to stay out of trouble. You worry me sometimes!!" Iruka said as he gave the blonde a big hug.

"I try to Iruka!! But I think the world it set against me!!!" he smile his brightest smile at him. "But hey I gotta get out of here!! Maybe some ramen for lunch some other time, Iruka?"

"Oh okay, Naruto, until next time," he said as he watched Naruto walk out the door and into the hallway.

He suddenly found himself being pulled into the class room and pushed against the closed door before he could do anything. He looked down to find Kakashi breathing harshly down his neck. He felt goose bumps run down his spine with each and every hot breath that Kakashi took.

"What the hell was that all about??!!" he said with fury in his voice.

"What? That was Naruto! You can't possibly think that something is going on there?!?" he whispered as Kakashi's hold tightened.

"Sorry... I get jealous easily..." he said into Iruka's neck. He started to kiss and lick Iruka's neck. "What can I go to make it up to you?"

"mmmmm... you can take me out to dinner..." Iruka sighed out.

"Done. But before that let me show you how sorry I am..."

Naruto walked toward the student union to grab himself something to eat since he had nothing this morning. He grabbed him a soda and a few boxes of instant ramen they sold there. He zapped the ramen in the microwave they had set up there just for students like him and walked over to his favorite eating place. He turned the corner and found himself facing his friends sitting at his table.

"Hey guys!!! How was the party?!?!" Naruto yelled out as he placed his ramen at the table. He sat down next to Shikimaru who had his head in his hands looking like he was extremely bored.

"Shit Naruto do you have to yell everything that you say??" a groan came from Kiba who was holding his head tenderly.

"What don't tell me you have a hangover?? Kiba?? Did you get wasted?" Naruto said as he inhaled his noodles.

"Kiba finally got the courage to talk to Hinata AND get her phone number too! Yes, it seems like all Kiba needed was a lot of shots from liquid courage and he was ready to go," Shikamaru said as he watched their blonde friends eat one bowl of ramen with out taking a breath.

"Humm..." Naruto said as he swallowed the last of the ramen in his first bowel. "Damn Kiba I was wondering when you were going to grow some balls and ask her out!! She is really cute too!!"

"Arff Arff!!"

"Shhh!! Akimaru!!! Don't bark so loud!!" Kiba moaned as he held his head tighter.

"And you Shikamaru?? You don't look like you have a hangover, happened to you?"

"Oh...I...ummm..." Shikamaru turned a nice shade of pink as he stumble his way through answering his question.

"He was with Tamari the whole night," Shino said when he finally let Naruto know that he was there too.

"troublesome..." he whispered underneath his breath as his face got hotter. "Oh that reminds me, Naruto. I have some bad news."

Naruto looked up from his second bowel of noodles when Shikamaru said that in a serious tone. "What's up?"

"Ah... well... your love of your life was making out with Fuzzy Eyebrows last night and I think they are going out now," he said as he waited for the out burst from Naruto but it never came.

"...oh..." Naruto said quietly as he let it sink in. He knew everyone was waiting for him to make an outburst but he didn't feel like it was worth it in the end. Things have changed since then, he was no longer that same Naruto. He was the same but different. "Oh well, it was just a crush anyways. If I had the balls to ask her out I would have done so long ago."

Everyone looked up from their thoughts and gaped at Naruto. It was their Naruto, right?? I mean this Naruto was eating the same damn ramens but he was talking like a different person. Like a slightly matured Naruto, if that was even possible. Shikamaru was the first to react to this new Naruto.

"Are you okay?? Did you hit your head somewhere yesterday??" he said as he pressed the back of his hand to Naruto's forehead.

"I'm fine, why??"

"Well...you were just told that your love of 20 some odd years just got herself a boyfriend last night and you are ok with it!!" Kiba said. "That doesn't sound like the Naruto we know! What the hell happened last night?? Why couldn't you come to the party last night?"

"What?!? I told you guys!! I got off late and there was no point in me coming to the party if everyone is so drunk that they wouldn't even notice me there," he said as he started his third bowel of ramens.

"Are you sure nothing happened?" Shikamaru questioned. He knew something was up but he couldn't put his finger on it. Whatever it was Naruto wasn't spilling.


"Dobe, can I speak to you?" a dark voice whispered at the end of the table. Everyone looked up towards the sound of the voice.

Naruto looked up from just putting another mouth full of noodles in his mouth and he chocked on them when he saw Sasuke standing there covered in bandages. He stood up fast almost knocking over the chair that he was sitting in. He grabbed his orange soda and walked over to Sasuke. His friends just watched Naruto quickly jump out of his sit to talk to a guy they never seen before.

Sasuke looked at the table while he was waiting for Naruto to get up and talk to him. To say that he was shocked would be an understatement of the century. He was on his way to class when a certain flash of blonde hair caught his eyes. Yeah, he knew that blonde hair could easily be bleached but this blonde was one of a kind that screamed natural to the world. Before he knew it he had taken a detour from his class and followed said blonde.

He realized it was his Naruto from last night when he had shouted to his friends. He could remember that voice from last night shouting out his pleasure. That thought alone made Sasuke shiver in delight but he was taken away from his nice thoughts when the dobe spoke.

"What are you doing here??"

"I go to this college," Sasuke said coldly.

"Oh...uhmm...so..." Naruto blushed as he tried not to stare at the gorgeous dark hair god before him. "Ahhem... so what happened to you, Sasuke?"

"Oh...my mastered wanted complete control of his pet, so I told him to Fuck himself," he said bluntly. "He did not like that. So he had one of his minions beat the shit out of me before he kicked me out."

"What?!?! Are you okay??"

"Yes, I am fine. The other guy...Kabuto...well, lets just say that he got a first class ticket to the hospital," he said as he looked over Naruto. He smirked and took a step closer into Naruto's personal space. He watched in delight as a even darker shade of pink crossed Naruto's cheeks. He breathed into Naruto's ear, "So what do you think about buying this poor bunny some lunch?"

Naruto gasped when he felt Sasuke's words breath over his ear and down his neck. He looked up to Sasuke and saw the mischief in his eyes as he debated what to do. Without another look back he walked with Sasuke towards the food stands.

"You know I got in trouble because of you!!" Naruto pouted. "Your master called up my work and said I mistreated you and it was my fought that you ran away."

"Well it is your fought that I left Him," Sasuke said as the reached the food stand. "But he was lying if he said that you mistreated me. That was one thing that you didn't do."

Naruto blushed a crimson red at Sasuke's words.

"I take a number one, please," Sasuke said to the cashier. He looked back at his crimson face blonde and grabbed his chin to make Naruto look up at him. Naruto had his head down from the embarrassment. Sasuke brought his lips to Naruto's and said, "But you can be my pet sitter anytime, Naruto."

"Here is your order!!" the cashier said as Sasuke closed the gap and licked Naruto's lips before getting his food.

At the table Kiba, Shikamaru, and Shino sat in silence at they watched Naruto walk off with an unknown person. They watched as Naruto blushed from what ever the dark haired guy said to him. They couldn't say anything as Naruto walked off with said dark haired guy and went to the food stand. All jaws dropped when they saw dark haired guy lean in and LICK Naruto's lips.

For Shikamaru it was like a light bulb went off in his head and he realized what had happened to their friend last night. He didn't know the details of what happened but he got the jest of it. "So that's the reason why Naruto didn't come to the party last night AND didn't care that Sakura hooked up with Lee!"

Both Shino and Kiba just looked back to their lazy friend and shook their heads in confusion. They had no idea what the hell Shikamaru was talking about.


Finished at last!!!