Buffy Summers wants her boss and now she's through waiting… She's gonna get him… But what happens if William A.K.A. Spike Jacobs wants more than a one night stand? Rated M for Lemon.

Spike had left her alone for the rest of the day. No emails, no sneaking into the department to check on her, nothing. She couldn't decide whether it was him recovering or him getting revenge. It was only until she got in the elevator to leave and noticed it had started to climb up, she knew something was happening. She waited for him to get in before she looked up and saw the look of rage in his eyes. She was suddenly quite scared.

The elevator went down one floor before he pressed the emergency stop button. Before she knew it she was being pressed up against the side of the elevator. Staring into the eyes of her still incredibly angry boss.

"Do you have any idea of what you've done." He sounded more like he was growling than talking. "I've not been able to do a single bit of work since you left my office. You may have cost this company millions of dollars."

"I-I'm sorry?" She struggled to form words as he looked at her like that. She was so turned on it was hard to think of anything but him fucking her against the elevator door.

Thankfully, that's just what he did.

What she hadn't realised was that, while he was telling her just how bad a girl she'd been, he'd already undone her skirt and was pulling it down her legs before she'd even let her apology leave her mouth.

He threw the skirt behind them, picking her up by the waist and slamming her against the doors. Before she could think of pulling off the rest of her clothes he'd pulled off her top and ripped her panties in two. He cupped her thighs in his hands and lifted her like a feather. Not bothering to tease, he dove his tongue as deep into her as humanly possible. She couldn't stop the moan that escaped her throat as he tongued her clit with abandon.

She was moments from coming when she felt his tongue leave her and cried out on protest, but those cries turned from ones of protest to ones of ecstasy as she was shoved down onto his cock. She wrapped her legs around him and came again and again as he continued to ram into her, sucking her nipples as he did.

When he'd finally finished, he set her down gently and zipped himself up as she slid down the wall and landed on her hands and knees panting. He waited until she could find the strength to get dressed to start the elevator up again and watched her straighten herself up before kissing her lips one more time and stepping back and waiting for the doors to open.

"Good job today Summers, I'll give you a call about that assignment we were talking about." he said as the doors opened and they walked out into the throng of people.

Assignment my ass. She though. I'm going to get him back for that little 'fuck and run'. Whether he knows it or not.

I've left this so long people have probably forgotten what its about. But here you go.