A/N My first Bleach fanfic! And please no flames because I know my writing talents aren't the most brilliant

and I'm working on it!!!!!!!

I was just standing in the doorway looking inside a dark room. So what if it was dark? I could still see what is happening in the room.

My boyfriend Ichigo was having sexual intercourse with one of our close friend Inoue. Keyword was. Yeah that's right. I knew

they were doing it and as soon as I slammed open the door... you get the picture.

Not only that my ex-friends were in the living room, looking at me either with a look of guilt/regret on their ugly faces or

looking dumbfounded.

So yeah... I couldn't look anyone in the face, I was just staring down on the floor thinking of my situation. There was a moment of silence

and I could feel everyone waiting for my reaction. Finally I couldn't take it and ran out of the apartment. When I made it outside the apartment

building I felt tears flowing freely down my cheeks while I was tryin to make them go away. No matter how hard I tried to make them go away,

they'll just come back because I knew the answer... it was my heart.

Yes that was the reason for all of my tears. It was because it was not whole anymore. They took a piece of my heart and now there's not much

left of my heart. Now there was only a tiny piece left that's letting my live right this moment. Now the only ones I have in this world are my family

and a couple of my friends. And right now that was where I was heading. Right now my destination was Hinomori's place...

I know short prologue, but I didn't want to spoil all the fun and action. Well I hope to make this fanfic a success unlike my other ones.

Well until next time!