Okay so Chapter Three has been a long time coming right? Of course right. Anyways, for all of you that read Phantom Hogwarts Way this chapter is nearly identicle to its original form with of course enough changes for it to be told through Ron's eyes.

Disclaimer: I do not own these brilliant characters or the lyrics that are used... I only RENT them.

Chapter 3


I sat at dinner glaring at the head table and stuffing my face. Hermione looked at me. I didn't need to see her looking at me I felt her eyes on the back of my head.

"Merlin! How could I be so dense?" Hermione suddenly said, "I completely forgot my script up in the tower. Shite and we only have fifteen minutes until practice. And Gods I'll never be able to get there in time! Harry Ron, I'm heading there to go and get my script. You two should be heading over to Flitwick's office so you aren't late for practice."

Between mouthfuls of chicken I managed to tell Hermione that I had also left my script up in my dorm and I asked her to get that for me. She agreed then dashed out of the Great Hall attracting the attention of all the tables. However the one person that it truly irked me once I saw that he too noticed Hermione leaving was Snape. He didn't take his eyes off of her the entire time she was leaving the Hall and only averted them long enough to get up and make his exit out of the door behind the Teacher's table.

I had to have been staring because Ginny kicked me under the table.

"Erm Mate," it was Harry, "We're going to be late if we don't leave like right now."

Nodding I got up and began to walk towards the double doors that lead out of the hall. Harry and Ginny were rushing behind me holding hands so that they would be able to keep up together. Within moments I made it to Flitwick's door only to be greeted by a note redirecting us to the teachers lounge.

Ginny sped up in front of me with Harry and they pushed the door to the lounge open and sauntered in. Most of the cast was already there lined up near the piano. In fact the only person that was not there was Hermione.

Everyone took there scripts out… everyone but me that is.

"Where is your script Mr. Weasley?" Professor Flitwick asked as he handed me a copy of the lyrics to Masquerade.

"Sir, Hermione is getting it for me. I erm forgot to bring it with me," I answered a bit pitifully.

As if on cue Hermione walked into the room breathing a bit heavily.

'She must have ran,' I thought to myself.

She stood next to Ginny and Professor Flitwick made quick to change this.

"Ah Miss Granger, I would like you to stand next to Professor Snape. Thank you," Flitwick squeaked as he handed her a rose with a black ribbon tied around it's stem. "I see you have Mr. Weasley's script."

Hermione nodded and handed me the script but in doing so I noticed how her hand brushed across the cuff of Snape's sleeve.

Flitwick drew me out of my trance that Hermione had put me in.

"First I would like us to perform the Little Lotte scene. Ron Hermione please, if you will."

We both stepped over into an area which marked for the purpose of our performing.

Hermione sat down on a stool facing a mirror that had just appeared for her, and I stood stock still where a red substance outlined the frame of a door that was not really there. Professor Flitwick signaled us to begin and I stepped over the line.

My breathing had increased in speed. Merlin was I nervous but I had to do this.

"Little Lotte let her mind wander," I said as I stepped into the area that had been set as Christine's room. It took me a second but soon I spoke again, "Little Lotte thought 'Am I fonder of dolls or of goblins or shoes?' "

Hermione smiled as she turned on her stool. She was so pretty. Her hair was slightly askew from running here but she was still so beautiful. Hermione took a breath and said, "Raul."

" 'Or of riddles or frocks?' " I cut in coming just a bit closer to her.

Hermione's smile softened and she said, "Those picnics in the attic."

" 'Or of Chocolates?' "

"Father playing the violin."

I closed the distance between us and knelt beside Hermione looking up at her. Looking into her big round eyes that were looking back into mine.

"As we read to each other dark stories of the north," I recited as I took Hermione's hands in one of mine and raised a hand to her cheek.

"No. What I love best Lotte said. Is when I am asleep in my bed,"

Hermione took a quick breath for the next few lines she would have to sing.

"And the Angel of Music sings songs in my head."

I smiled and we both sang together now,

"The Angel of Music sings songs in my head."

We hugged and then I recited as Raul as I moved a bit farther from our hug and just knelt there holding her hands in mine,

"You sang like and angel tonight."

Hermione broke in to what I was saying and in doing so she broke into my thoughts with her beautiful voice,

"Father said: 'When I'm in heaven, child, I will send the Angel of Music to you.' Well, Father is dead, Raul. And I have been visited by the Angel of Music."

"Oh… no doubt of it. And now we go to supper,"

I said as I rose from my spot on the floor.

"No, Raul. The Angel of Music is very strict."

"Well, then I shan't keep you up late."

I replied laughing a bit at what she was saying. And at the irony that the Angel of Music was being played by Snape.

"Raul, no."

"You must change. I'll order my carriage two minutes, Little Lotte."

"No, Raul. Wait!"

I walked over the red line again and the scene was done. Hermione stayed in her seat and I walked back to where she was and rested my hand on her shoulder.

"Very good, you two. Very good indeed. No doubt you have practiced. The only thing I can say right now is Ron you need to be speaking more on the side of Hermione so that we can hear you better and see your face." Professor Flitwick thumbed through his copy of the script and found another scene to do. "Now, Professor Snape, please come here. You and Miss Granger will be performing a scene that is almost entirely singing. Please turn to page twenty of your script to I Remember and Stranger than You Dreamt It."

Hermione stood this time and walked over to a bed that now lay in the middle of the floor which she laid down in. Snape moved the stool Hermione had been on and sat down. The vanity Hermione was looking into moments ago changed itself into a desk covered in papers and unlit candles.

"Go ahead you two," Flitwick squeaked.

On cue Hermione sat up and looked around. She began to slowly walk towards Snape as she sang,

"I remember there was mist ...
swirling mist upon a vast, glassy lake ...

"There were candles all around,
and on the lake there was a boat,
and in the boat there was a man ..."

She now was right next to Snape who was shorter then her for he was sitting on the stool. He turned and was looking up at her into her eyes. Those eyes I had only just been gazing into moments ago.

"Who was that shape in the shadows?
Whose is the face in the mask?"

Hermione put her hands on his face where the mask would be and in one motion removed her hands along with the would be mask.

Snape's own hand flew up to the area and with the other shoved Hermione to the floor. She fell back and skidded a little.

'Merlin help him if I find out he hurt her,' I thought to myself as my fists clenched a bit.

He then sang in what seemed like fury. Well, it wasn't like he was acting at all.

"Damn you!
You little prying
You little demon - is this what you wanted to see?"

'Damn he had a good voice,' I thought to myself as anger cursed through my veins.

"Curse you!
You little lying Delilah!
You little viper - now you cannot ever be free!"

He began to slow down now not seeming as angry, but my anger was clearly rising as his was falling.

"Damn you ...
Curse you ...

"Stranger than you dreamt it -
can you even dare to look or bear to
think of me:
this loathsome gargoyle, who
burns in bell, but secretly yearns for heaven,
secretly ...
secretly ...

"But, Christine ..."

He was now looking at Hermione with what seemed like compassion on his face. Okay now at least he was acting.

"Fear can
Turn to love –"

'Fat Chance' I thought.

"you'll learn to see,
to find the man behind the monster: this ..."

Now he had made his way back around the stage area and sat beside Hermione on the floor who looked at him with eyes full of pity. Oh how I wished those eyes would convey hate towards the man sitting beside her. Hate and not pity or compassion.

"repulsive carcass, who seems a beast, but secretly dreams of beauty,
secretly ...
secretly ...

"Oh, Christine ..."

After a moment of silence between to two Hermione made a motion of returning the mask which Snape took, accidentally brushing his hand against Hermione's. He made a motion that made it look like he was placing the mask back on his greasy face.

Getting up he said, "Come we must return… those two fools who run my theatre will be missing you."

"Scene and end of practice. Brilliant both of you marvelous. Great stage presence and oh no wonder I have you two for the parts. Wonderful, Severus, I just want you to be a bit more furious with Miss Granger. And Miss Granger, try to cry if possible. You are supposed to be extremely upset. Thank you everyone, practice is tomorrow again after dinner. Good evening," Professor Flitwick squeaked as people began to leave.

The anger that had been cursing through my body during that scene had not yet left and I only found enough time to run up to the tower before taking my anger out on the first thing I saw… my potions book.

AN: Okay so I like absolutly love and live off of Reviews. They are what brings you guys more chapters after all so R&R people.