A/N: I started writing this while I was still writing 'Memory' I wanted to get the first chapter up here to see if I got anything positive about it so far. Hope you all like this one and show as much enthusiasm as you did with 'Memory'
"Happy birthday Harry!" Lily and James shouted together.

"Blow out the candles sweetie." Lily said smoothing down Harry's untamable hair. The eight-year-old Harry looked at the candles and made his wish then blew them out.

"I bet I know what he wished for." James said.

Lily looked over at her husband. "James Potter, I swear if you got our boy-"

"Now Lily, he's eight years old."

"What? What did you get me?" Harry was practically bouncing in his seat. "Dad what is it?" Lily sighed and sat down at the table.

"Well, don't keep him waiting." She said resignedly.

James went out into the hall and came back carrying a thin package. Harry's eyes lit up. "Go ahead son." Harry grabbed the package from his dad's hands and tore into the paper.

"A broom!" Even Lily couldn't keep a smile off her face at her son's excitement.

"It's just a training broom." James said to Lily.

"Can I go fly it please?"

"Not right now. You still have other gifts to open. Uncle Severus sent you one as well." Lily said holding up a green package.

"Where is Uncle Severus?" Harry asked.

James and Lily exchanged a look. "He had a meeting to go to." Lily explained. "He said he would stop by afterwards though."

After the cake was eaten and presents opened Lily and James took Harry into the backyard so he could play on his new broom.

"Potter!" Severus shouted from the inside.

"Is that Severus?" Lily asked.

"I think so. I'll be right back." James went into the house to see a very worn out looking man.

"What's the matter Snape?"

"Potter, you need to get Lily and Harry and get out of here. Now. Pettigrew is a traitor. Voldemort knows where you are. I have to go and get the Headmaster before they come. Hurry!" Severus disappeared with a loud crack.

"Lily!" James ran out into the yard. "Grab Harry."

"What's going on?"

"NOW! They know where we are." Lily hurried over to Harry picking him up and went back into the house.

Glass shattered in the living room.

"Take Harry upstairs and hide. Don't come out until I say so."

"Daddy what's happening?"

"Just listen to your mother and stay quiet." Lily carried Harry up the stairs and ran into her room grabbing James' invisibility cloak. Pushing Harry into the closet she threw the cloak over him.

"Stay quiet and no matter what happens stay where you are." Lily hid under the bed.

In the silence of the room you could hear all the happenings going on downstairs. Curses were being thrown, voices were shouting. Then silence.

Lily's breath hitched as she heard footsteps on the stairs. A black robed figure entered the room. Tears fell from Lily's eyes. She knew her husband was dead.

The figure walked around the room. Voices from other rooms were heard: "Empty!"

The closet was thrown open. Lily covered her mouth to prevent a scream. A second later the bed was airborne and landed with a loud thud against the wall.

"Where's the boy, witch?" Lucius Malfoy growled picking Lily up by the hair.

"He's not here."

"She lies," A cold voice said from the doorway. "He is here. Take the others, Lucius, and leave." The blonde haired man left calling for the other Death Eaters. "Lily, just tell me where he is and I will spare your life."

"You mad bastard! I would rather die then see you hurt my son." An evil smile spread over Voldemort's lips.

"Very well. Crucio." The light shot to a corner in the room. Voldemort turned and said the same spell at another corner in the room.

Harry sniffled. Lily whipped her head over to where he was sitting. No. Red eyes turned towards the noise. Voldemort's hand searched in the closet until he hit the boy ripping the cloak off.

"Finally," Voldemort said to the small shaking figure. "I have waited eight years to find you." He raised his wand. "Avada-" Lily was already up and moving. "Kedavra." The green light hit her in the center of her chest. She fell limply to the ground.

"Stupid woman!"

"No!" The small boy yelled. He hurried over to the still figure on the ground sobbing.

"Shut up boy." Voldemort raised his wand again. "Avada Kedavra." A blinding green light was the last thing seen by Harry at Godric's Hollow.