Where's My Money?!

(authors note and disclaimer at bottom of page)


Me: Ok, this is a series of chapters. duh. each chapter is a parody of something else. I don't know how many chapters there will be but I might be slow with updating.

Brandi: WE ARE THE MUSES. We start showing up in later chapters. you won't see us in the early ones.


Aryn: ...emo...

Roy Mustang was taking bets on the turnouts of the annual chimera races. Jean Havoc walks in and places a $50 bet that the red chimera would win. (A/N: gomen, I can't think of any names for them.) Later, at the Central Stadium, the raced were about to take place.

Havoc was sure he was going to win the bet because the red chimera was the fastest. Unfortunately, the red chimera lost to the plaid chimera (A/N: XD).

Sometime later…

Havoc was sitting at his desk silently hoping that Mustang forgot that he owed him 50 bucks.

"knock, knock" came Mustang's voice from the doorway. "Oh, hey there, Colonel." Said Havoc.

"So, um, Havoc?" Mustang started "Do you have my money?"

"Huh, Oh, yeah, I'll pay you soon" replied Havoc.

"Yeah, Well, um, here's the thing. Um, Have the money by tomorrow and there won't be any problems." Mustang said.

"Huh?" said Havoc. "Yeah." Replied Mustang "24 hours."

"Why, wh-what happens in 24 hours?" questioned Havoc.

"Pshh, I don't know, I'm not psychic-man, I'm just saying it would probably be better for everyone if you had the money tomorrow."

"Yeah, all right I'll see what I can do."

"Sweet, sweet, yeah, great. See you later! Don't forget!...Nah! You're not gonna forget!"

24 hours later…

Havoc was coming out of the restroom, and when he opened the door, Mustang was standing there with a glass of orange juice.

"Mustang! Uh, Hi!" said Havoc.

"Hey, there, so, uh, you got my money? It's been 24 hours"

"Oh, Uh, sorry I, you know what, just wait until next Friday, and I'll have it for you then." Havoc replied.

"Ph, that's funny, I could've sworn I said have it today."

"Yeah, well I don't have it, sorry."

"Oh, well, alright then." Mustang said as he drained the last of his orange juice. "Mmmm, that's good OJ!" He says and then smashes the glass over Havoc's head.


"huh, Huh, did that hurt?"


"yeah, think so! No, doesn't feel so good, does it?!"


Mustang then kicks Havoc in the shin. "AUGGGH!!"

Mustang continues kicking and punching him until he is on the ground. "Yeah! That's what happens, man!"


"that's what happens!" Where's my money? You gonna give me my money? Huh? Are ya?!?"

"where's my money, Man?" (A/N: by the way, if you don't like violence, stop reading. Now. And how this is taking place in central command without anybody noticing is beyond me. Hey. It's fanfiction.)

Mustang then walks over to the towel rack and grabs one of the bars off and starts whacking Havoc with it.

WHACK! "where's the money?!" "AHHHHHHHHH OH, OWWWWW AUGHHHHH!" WHACK! " Huh, you like that, that feel good? That feel good?!"

Mustang drags havoc, now bleeding on the ground, to the toilet bowl.

He shoves Havoc's head into the toilet and repeatedly closes the lid over his head. "Where's My Money man? Where's my money?"

Havoc drops to the ground and Mustang shouts, "you got till 5:00! You hear me? 5:00!!"

"YOU FREAKIN PSYCOPATH!!!" screamed Havoc.

"And clean yourself up." Said Mustang, dropping a towel on Havoc.

5:00 (I hope you can guess what's going to happen now…):

Havoc walked out of the office just in time to spot Mustang playing golf in the hallway (A/N: It will be helpful to you to read my author's note at the bottom. Really).

'uh-oh' he thought and ran back into the office and came back out wearing a fake moustache.

"Mornin'" he said as he passed Mustang.

"Well, good day to you, sir!" said Mustang. "Heeey, Wait a minute! What the hell?!"

He runs over and pushes havoc down the stairs. "AHHHH, AHHH, AHHHHHH!" he screams as the moustache falls off.


"oahhhhhh, ohhh, ahhhh. Oww." Sigh "OAWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!"

"gettin' real tired of you duckin' me, man!" Yeah!"

"oh my god, AHHH!"

"Yeah? How you like that? Huh?" (Forgot to mention that right now, Mustang is beating havoc with a golf club! XD!)

"I'm really tired!"

Havoc continues grunting, screaming, and 'ow'ing.


"Where's my money?!"


"Yeah, you got money to pay for fake moustaches, huh?!" Do Ya?"

"Yeah, yeah, how much did you pay for that fake moustache?" asked Mustang.



Mustang then takes out a gun and shoots Havoc in his right kneecap.


"Listen, you just gotta give me more ti-!" BANG! "AGHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"Don't make a fool out of me, man! Don't make a fool out of me! I want my money Man!"

"I want my money, man!"

"Pant, pant, Colonel, Listen this is crazy, you gotta- OH MY GOD!!!" Mustang is standing there with a flamethrower and points it at Havoc.

"EYAAAAAHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHH!" Mustang stops the flame thrower with Havoc on the ground, burnt to a crisp.

He then says,

"All right, let's go to the bank."


A/N: ok, this was inspired by a clip from Family guy called "Where's my money". I saw it on youtube and thought it was pretty funny. You can watch it if you go to Search for "Where's My Money" And click on the picture with Stewie and Brian. It's probably a picture of Brian bleeding. Please leave a review. If you hated this and are wishing to flame, just don't review at all.

Disclaimer: I don't own FMA or Family Guy or the theme for this story. I just combined the two shows and put it on FanFiction. Honestly. Sorry, if the format for this story is wacky and if some of the author's note is underlined. is making the format look weird. My break lines aren't showing up either!! emo tear R&R please!

Title and slogan are copyright 2007 of AnimeAddict333 and may not be used or duplicated without her permission.No one May use AnimeAddict333's ideas without permission. Quack Experimental FanFiction belongs solely to AnimeAddict333 and the producers of Excel Saga. No one may use this title.