The Most Random Chapter of Them All

Roy: Today, everyone will be referred to by his or her penname! Wheee…

AnimeAddict333: And! We are introducing 2 new muses today! Paulene and Kaitlyn! Say hi, guys!

Hoshi-Ryuu: Hi everyone!

Give us peace: HI!

Ayumi Elric: Ok, now let us introduce Aryn's replacement! Say hello to Mr.SirManManBob!


SomeStupidKroryFangirl: Doesn't say much does he?

Ayumi Elric: NOPE!

Hoshi-Ryuu: …wait, why is she being replaced?

AnimeAddict333: …I dunnno…. –laughs-

Give us Peace: haha. I don't know her that much.

SomeStupidKroryFangirl: You've seen us a little on MSN…I think. OH, And I'm gonna be losing my internet access in a bit.

Ayumi Elric: Why?

Hoshi-Ryuu: Her Uncle is switching jobs. He gets them free internet.

Ayumi Elric&Give us Peace: ohhhh.

Shoushin: -holds up Mr.SirManManBob- WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!

Hoshi-Ryuu: Onee-chan!

AnimeAddict333: A rubber chicken!

Shoushin: I can see that! But I said not to replace me!

AnimeAddict333: oh yeeeeeeeeeeah!

Shoushin: -beats AnimeAddict333 with rubber chicken until her brains are splattered all over the floor-

AnimeAddict333: Ow…

AomeStupidKroryFangirl: Calm down, Aryn! Calm down…LOL


Give us Peace: Does she have anger issues?

Ayumi Elric: …sometimes….

AnimeAddict333(brainless): OK, let's get to the chapter! And here is the disclaimer! Bet you can't understand this one!!! HAHAHAHA! Cuz something is missing from the words! HAHAHA. You won't ficure it out! Dude, the first person to figure out the disclaimer will get a huge shoutout. And Thank you to my wonderful beta, My-Kokoro!

Dsclmr: Gss wh s th wnr f FllMtl lchmst? Nt M!

Shoushin: I feel like someone is missing from the muses….

Give us Peace: Oh. Peggy (P.McTully) is on a trip. She'll be back in about 3 weeks.

----the damn line-----

Maes Hughes was reading a magazine in the safety and comfort of his home. He heard a knocking at the door, so got up to see who it was.

And guess what was sitting there? A BUTTON! Yes, a button. So, he pressed it! Duh.

Soon, he and Adam Sandler were standing at the top of Tokyo Tower. Upon deciding that there wasn't enough room for them both, Hughes shoved Adam off so that the poor actor fell about 300 meters(1) to the bottom where he went splat.


"It's Mine!"

"No, Mine!"




Riza had walked in catching Roy and Edward in a very peculiar situation. They were both in fairy costumes along with Alphonse who had a tutu on.

"What's gouing on in here?!" Asked Riza, very curious to find out why the 3 Alchemists were dressed as such.

"Bradley's putting on a play and the stupid Colonel is taking the blue wings! But the blue wigs are MINE!" Said Ed.


Riza resolved the argument by shooting them all.

Back in Lior….

Rose had just gotten done with her shopping for the day. BUT, after finding out that neither Ed nor her dead boyfriend would ever love her, she decided to let herself go and gained about 102 kilograms(2). Now she was tremendously fat and the only think that would fit her was an old potato sack. So now she would never get any guys because she practically killed herself because she couldn't get 2. Bitch.

Back in Central, Armstrong came up with a new product line that was supposed to make you grow 'huge, glorious muscles.' So, he gave some to Breda who grew so tall he reached above the Tokyo Tower where Hughes still stood showing pictures of Elicia to the passing birds. …which pooped on him and the picture…

So, now Envy had been shopping for miniskirts when all of a sudden Peggy came at him with a heuuuuuge sword and chopped his limbs off…again. And because the sword was stolen, the owner came running after her who just happened to be Kurogane from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE. But Peggy was too fast and started chopping the heads off of everyone she hated.

After that, Al came up and said he would sell the unused skirts on eBay.

10 Days later…

Turns out that Alphonse had made about $24 million on eBay from selling the skirts. And guess who bought them?

"I like big butts and I cannot lie…" Sand Colonel Mustang as he danced around his office while Lieutenants Ross and Hawkeye had been –somehow- forced into the skirts. Colonel was last seen on the ground with bullet holes in his skull. (don't ask me how he recovered from last time…)

So then Al bought a Cat Paradise with his newly found riches and had about 3,758,455,683,926,754.2 cats. But then Aryn and Paulene ate them.

BUT! HARK! A little girl was stuck on a slide! Apparently Fletcher had decided to glue her butt to the slide! Guess this is a crime for….


then all human, animal, and plant life ran from the scene.

"Where have they gone? What if we need help saving this little girl?" Asked Ed/Murdoch.

"Harumph! We shall need no help rescuing this poor little girl! All we need to do is scrape her off! I, with my glorious manly muscles shall do the honor!" Bellowed Armstrong/Baracus. "Like hell you will! I'll do it! I haven't done anything yet!" Said Roy/Hannibal. How he keeps coming back to life is a mystery.

"No, I'll do it! Or I'll kill you all!" The threat came from Wrath/Face. "If you want to kill us then why did you join the group?" Asked Roy/Hannibal.

"Because I had no choice! The damn author-guy made me!" Wrath/Face Replied. But, then he was immediately dressed in a frilly pink tutu and ballerina slippers and couldn't get them off. "AHH! What the fuck is this?!" He bellowed up to seemingly no one. "PUNISHMENT! I'M A GIRL, DUMBASS!" Screamed the author, who was kinda pissed.

Then Ed/Murdoch slammed him over the head with a submarine "Shaddup! We have to save the girl!"

But, it turns out she had gotten her butt off the chair in her own time and ran far, far away. …again.


---line line line-----

300 meters is about 984 feet

102 kilograms is about 225 pounds

AnimeAddict333: I haven't updated in a while I think I'm losing my touch…

Shoushin: You'll get it again!

Hoshi-Ryuu: Yeah!

AnimeAddict333: thanks…

SomeStupidKroryFangirl: Mar, if it ever takes you 2 months to update again, I swear I will kill you. I swear it…

AnimeAddict333: Ehehehe…. OH! And I would like to thank my wonderful Beta, My-Kokoro for beta-ing this! So, Go read her crack stories! And remember how fat rose was in this chapter? I have fanart for that on my proile! Haha go look!