A/N it's late I know but I stayed at a mates last minute. Wow this is the first story I have officially finished, emails seem to be down at the minute (or maybe it's just me). There is no song in this, actually I just had an idea, so if there's a song in this when your reading I changed my mind and found a good one :D I'll make my teary goodbye at the end but for now enjoy the bonus chapter of Not Yet A Star :D

Disclaimer: The end is here! I made it all the way without owning anything :P The song is 'A moment like this' sung by well many people throughout the years but the person in mind for me was Leona Lewis (X-factor winner)

A moment like this

What if I told you it was all meant to be?
Would you believe me, would you agree?
Its almost that feeling that we've met before so tell me that you dont think Im crazy when I tell you love has come here and now.

The lights from the camera continued to flash all around a dark black limousine as Troy Bolton emerged, clad in a blue navy suit, his shaggy brown hair hanging over his eyes. He turned back to the car, reaching out his hand to help his girlfriend of 2 years, Hollywood A-lister Sharpay Evans. The crowd exploded into loud cheers as one pristine white leg appeared from the car, a golden heel attached delicately to her sole as she pulled herself from the limo, giggling as shrill shouts filled the crisp autumn air. She smiled, dressed in a golden Versace v-neck with ruffles that flowed gracefully to her knees.

A moment like this.
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.
For a moment like this.
Some people search forever for that one special kiss.
I cant believe its happening to me.
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.

She wrapped her arms tightly around Troy's waist as she began to walk the long red carpet. Glancing to the side she smiled at a group of teenagers that stood against the hard metal bar; each screaming and waving their pictures at her.


She watched curiously as the group continued to chatter. They sound just like us in east high. She looked up at her boyfriend, smiling slightly as she pressed her body closer to his, basking in his masculinity.

"Hey Troy?"

She whispered leaning up to whisper in his ear as she pulled on his arm lightly.

"Do they remind you of someone?"

Troy turned, following Sharpay's line of sight, the kids now engaged in a small fight.

"Duh George plays basketball so much better than Tyson"

"Oh he so does not, Tyson rocks!"

"You're only saying that cause you're like in love with Tyson"

"Yeah well you're in love with Simon; just because he bakes that's low Shannete"

"I can't help it if Simon bakes the best Crème Brule ever!"

The short blonde and svelte brunette continued to argue over the two boys, Shannete turning to the spike haired blonde hair that had just joined in.

"You know Simon's food isn't that great."


Troy chuckled as he watched the group of friends, turning back down to his partner, her deep brown eyes sparkling back into his own misty blue orbs.

"They're just like us"

He giggled before dipping Sharpay hurriedly, and planting a soft tender kiss on her lips. She blushed slightly before regaining composure and dragging Troy along the velvety red carpet, as Troy subtly patted his inside pocket.

Everything changes, but beauty remains.
Something so tender I cant explain.
Well I may be dreaming but til I awake..Can we make the dream last forever?
And I'll cherish all the love that we share. A moment like this.

They reached the first milestone of the walk, the big golden statue. A large golden man looking down to the couple, seeming to beam at them.

"I can't believe were here!"

Sharpay beamed, a dreamy look crossing her face, as she looked up at the chain of men, she had been waiting her whole life to meet.

"I know Pay; you really did it and im so proud of you"

A huge grin erupted onto Sharpay's face as she looked up at Troy, unadultured love shining brightly in her chocolate eyes.

"I remember once a long time ago, the day before you found me, you left loads of drunken messages on my phone"

A blush began to slowly creep up Troy's cheek, as he teared his eyes away from Sharpay's, suddenly becoming very interested in the carpet. He grabbed hold of Sharpay's bare arm and began to lead her down the carpet, the huge red doors looming in ever closer.

"We don't have to discuss this"

Sharpay never flinched, she just followed Troy down the carpet, as the thin strands of red that scattered the floor trailed out, and they entered the large room; already milling with celebrities from Jennifer Aniston to Paris Hilton. Sharpay took a brief moment to absorb all these faces before continuing with her tale.

"You said some hurtful things, but it's the end of one of the messages that I'll never forget."

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.
For a moment like this.
Some people search forever for that one special kiss.
I cant believe its happening to me.
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.


Hot tears rolled freely from Sharpay Evans cheek. Her pink cell pressed against her ear, as the slurs of Troy Bolton were heard on the other end of the line.

"You know what Sharpay? You're hiccup scum, plain and simple…I don't know what I ever saw in you, I just banged the most a long pause, rapid breathing is heard delicious girl in Chicago, oooohhh yes im in Chicago I saw your flop and thought I'd come check it out, laugh and such. Been taping some mad booty while I've been here."

Sharpay pulled the phone away, taking the time to breath in and out as she stared at the picture on her cabinet (A/N refer to earlier chapter (Find me) if you don't understand) She took another shaky breath before holding it back to her ear.

"End of Message. Message 3. 'Yo! Sharpay, just thought you'd like to know I just got some more, I loved the feeling of her creamy white ass against my skin, She really knows how to work her thighs, you never were good at that.' Message Deleted."

She couldn't stand to hear anymore, the cutting air piercing her like ice, penetrating as deep as Troy's words themselves, she looked back to the screen, 'Two more messages'. Well there's no point in stopping now.

"Message 4. 'I just got a lap dance, kinkiest thing, I compared her to you, and she's hotter; much hotter I'm getting hard just thinking about her, in fact I might go tap her black ass some more Troy's slurring is now almost uncontrollable and he begins to hiccup frequently look bitch I got to tell you, I used to love you but now I've moved on, did you here? I'm in love with a prostitute, what does that tell you your lower that a dirty used tramp. You're a filthy dirty mother f---' Message deleted."

Large shaking sobs begun to run freely from Sharpay's eyes, as she cried into the night, her harsh voice squawking as Troy's hurtful words dug deep into her flesh. Her eyes travelled to the one flashing message that remained on her phone, her fingers lingered over the keypad as the words from Troy's previous attempts stuck into her. Closing her eyes and squeezing a fear tears from her orbs she pressed the phone to her ear for one last time.

"Message 5. 'Sharpay, you're beautiful'

Sharpay paused, Troy's voice now calm yet still slurred, she could faintly here the hum of cheesy stripper music still echoing in the background. He hasn't left. She held the phone closer to her ear, the tears drying against her face as Troy's voice danced across the line.

'You really are I don't think you need me to tell you that. You laugh, your smile, your eyes, everything about you, it does something to me that I can't describe, when im with you im happier than I've ever been and I just think your amazing. I know you really made it Shar; you became a star you broke through all the ups and downs, no matter what anybody ever says you really did it and im so proud of you. I know this wasn't your entire dream, but just keep working Pay; you can make it you can finally be a star. End of Messages.'

A few crystal clear tears slipped gracefully down Sharpay's cheek as she held the phone to her heart, Troy's face clouding her eyes. As she threw her phone to the side a small smile on her face.

End Flashback

Sharpay let a content smile slip onto her face as she remembered that final message from Troy, the message that had given her hope those years ago.

"Well they always say drunk men speak truth; come on lets go get our seats."

Could this be the greatest love of all.
I wanna know that you will catch me when I fall.
So let me tell you this.
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this...

The sun sank behind the horizon, as the moon begun to peek from its prison casting a moonlight glow around the now almost empty red carpet. Inside the large building the awards ceremony was underway and all the celebrity's were fiddling in there seats. Sharpay clung to her lucky bracelet, twisting around her fingers in anticipation as Jennifer Aniston left the stage, beaming proudly as she held the Oscar in her hands.

The lights dimmed as her boyfriend walked onto stage; the gold man she had her eye on gripped in his touch. Crossing her fingers she prayed as a dim blue light burst through the hall.

"And now the nominees for best female newcomer are."

Troy stepped back as various films flashed across the screen, the actress's names appearing briefly below them. Sharpay inhaled deeply as her name played before her eyes, her heart beating 100 times a minute.

"And the winner is…"

Sharpay leaned forward in her chair, as time stood still. She watched in agony as Troy peeled the Velcro off the envelope her eyes bulging from her sockets, opening it slowly Troy looked at the piece of paper before leaning into the microphone slowly, his face unreadable.

"Sharpay Evans!"

A huge smile burst onto both youngsters faces as loud music blared around the room sending the audience into loud applause. Wobbling Sharpay pulled herself from her chair, lights turning to her as she slowly made her way to the front of the stage, a spring in her step as she beamed down on everybody. Have I? Oh my gosh I think I Sharpay Evans have just won an Oscar!!! Smiling as she climbed onto the stage, Sharpay took the man from Troy giving him a quick peck on the lips. Smiling she set her prize on the pedestal as she ran her fingers over the statue, her eyes glistening as a small tear splashed onto the surface.

"Wow, this is so unexpected, I…I don't know what to say but I would like to thank everyone out there who voted for me, and everyone that made this possible, my parents, Troy and most of all Ryan my twin brother; he always believed in me and stuck by me and really proved that anything is possible."

A few more tears fell from her eyes as she cradled her prize in her arms, turning to leave the stage.

"Sharpay can you stay here a minute"

A moment like this.
Some people search forever for that one special kiss.
I cant believe its happening to me.
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.

She frowned as she turned to Troy and the room fell silent. His soft brown hair hanging over his eyes, as a small look of terror took over his face.


"As some of you may know, me and Sharpay have been dating for 2 years now, and I truly can't be happier that she one this award."

Sharpay blushed as she stared at Troy, his bright blue eyes glistening under the spotlight.

"Thing is, I've been head over heels for this girl for quite some time now and I really don't know what I would do without her."

The crowd smiled and faint sounds of 'aw' were heard around the room. Breathing in deeply Troy turned to Sharpay grabbing a hold of her hand and bringing one of his knees to the floor. Sharpay's eyes widened as she stared down at her boyfriend, just as whispers echoed around the room. Troy pulled a slender black case from his pocket, smiling at her before gently pulling it open, revealing a stunning white gold ring, a deep blue tanzanite stone set into the middle, surrounded by sparkling white diamonds.

"I can't live my life without you and I honestly can't think of someone else I'd rather spend it with, we've had our ups and downs and we both know that it's a miracle were even in a relationship so Sharpay Daryl Evans will you marry me?"

Loud cheers rang around the vast hall, as Sharpay's eyes met Troy's, tears slipping gracefully from her face as she stared at the ring a few metres away from her. What just happened? Did he? Am I? Oh my gosh! Sharpay looked on at Troy an unreadable expression on her face.


Suddenly she flung herself at Troy, her arms collapsing around his neck as Troy laughed manly tears falling from his eyes, they pulled apart and Troy slipped the ring onto her finger, before pulling his 'fiancée' to him their lips meeting in a soul soaring kiss, as their lips danced to a beat of there own, the hall filled with cheers and wolf whistles.

A moment like this. For that one special kiss.
I can't believe its happening to me.
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.
A moment like this

Sharpay Evans and Troy Bolton; meant to be.

A/N Thought I'd use a mirrored ending :D I hope you enjoyed it, I just thought it was suitable cause it wrapped up everything more or less. Also since there's an Oscar buzz going on :D Vanished seems to be flowing right now, but Breaking the rules not so much , I know what I want just not how to get there so bear with me on that. This could also be my last update for a while as I have GCSE's in a week or so and…DAMN my ISA tomorrow panics so moving on I hope you enjoyed NYAS, please please R&R. XxXxXx

Review Reply's:

AshelyZac4life: hehe What else :P

Xamyxjx: ahhh sorry not such a steamy chapter, I dunno I was in a sweet mood

wish on a star ox: hehe It was the thing about everyone deserving happiness! In fact it gave me general inspiration for this chap as well :D YAY a heartfelt goodbye :D I've never gotten one of those, Ooooooo. Yeah it was a lil suckish but hey, there not THAT famous and I bet most people would want to see Zac Efron topless against a coffee shop wall :P You expect Troypay to be normal?! Shame on u :P Hahaha I put that in last minute so originally he wasn't topless but I thought Shar can't have an instant change and I've always wanted to just chuck coffee and someone so I made my dreams come true :P lol well unfortunately im updating now so it really is over xxx P.s i keep meaning to read your stories but i never find time, i completly missed out on she's gonna break soon which i see you just finished but dont worry i will expect late reviews from me :D

Unlove You: I didn't really get enough reviews but I thought chances are I wont get more and its unfair to keep you waiting :D

Ashley's Fool: I did post the bonus chapter :P Emails are down  and I have so much work to do but as soon as I have time im going straight to it :D Im waiting for mind of an assassin tis gooood!! Im having Breaking the rules issues as you see, I just can't write it in a good enough way and of course life changing exams I am soooo scared spessh as mum had a huge go at me for staying at a mates and etc etc whoops :P xx

Thank you to everyone who reviewed. Review again :D I will reply to all on this chap cause why break the trend :P