SORROWS OF THE FORGOTTEN - rewritten by makacatori

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Warning: YAOI (meaning boy X boy) Rated T for cursing, minor violence and kissing. This story may be rated higher later. Sakura bashing, OOC, AU (Self explanatory), and a few Original Characters. Also I gave people, who don't have them, bloodline limits, and to those who already have them I gave two or three (look below for them).

Summary: As Naruto lays unconscious in the hospital a week after Sasuke's attempted defection, Sasuke and Neji leave with Kakashi and Jiraiya on a six year training trip. Soon Naruto is apprenticed to a mysterious sensei named Koori. Watch as these two young men grow into powerful shinobi and fall in love. YAOI

Pairing: Sasuke/Naruto, Lee/Sakura and Neji/Tenten

A/N: So I decided to rewrite this because damn I was just not satisfied. The first chapter is pretty much the same, but the next chapters are different. The outline is different as well. I will cut training short and returned the two characters sooner so I could bring them back for a prophecy… yeah weird huh? Anyways, here are some fundamental changes:

1. Naruto and Sasuke's teammate is Neji not Sakura

Teams are:

Hayate: Kakashi- Hyuga Neji, Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto

Kurenai- Haruno Sakura, Hyuga Hanabi, Inuzuka Kiba

Asuma- Akimichi Chouji, Nara Shikamaru, Tenten

Gai- Aburame Shino, Rock Lee, Yamanaka Ino

Also Sasuke saw Neji as his rival until Naruto defeated Neji in the Chuunin exams and Itachi came after Naruto instead of him. Orochimaru doesn't want Sasuke for his Sharingan, but his Dead Bone Pulse and Kumorimetsuki combination.

2. Bloodline Limits:

Uchiha Kaguya-Hyuga Sasuke- The Sharingan, The Byakugan and the dead bone pulse. He calls the combination of Sharingan and Byakugan, Kumorimetsuki (Shadow eyes)

Hyuga Kaguya Neji- The Byakugan and dead bone pulse

Morino Uchiha Orochimaru- The Sharingan

Morino-Uchiha Aburame Ibiki- A dormant Sharingan (Orochimaru is his father)

Hatake Kaguya Kakashi- The dead bone pulse and from Obito the Sharingan

Haruno Hyuga Sakura- The Hyoton and the Byakugan

Hyuga Haruno Hanabi- The Byakugan and Hyoton

Kazama Nara-Uchiha Naruto- The Iron Sand and the Sharingan

The Hyoton- Haku's bloodline limit

The Dead Bone Pulse- Kimimaro's bloodline limit

The Sharingan- The Uchiha bloodline limit

The Byakugan- The Hyugas bloodline limit

Iron Sand- Suna's Third Kazekage's bloodline limit (And I'm making this a bloodline limit when it's not)

The group awakens these bloodline limits at various times, for instance Ibiki never awakens his Sharingan, while Hanabi and Sakura both have the Byakugan and Hyoton since they were born, Sasuke awoke his Sharingan in the mission in the Land of Wave… you'll just have to read to learn more.


Of Farewells and Resolve

A week after Sasuke's attempted defection


Sasuke hovered over the unconscious form on Naruto in the hospital bed. "I know you can't hear me right now Naruto… but even though you can't hear me I'm going to tell you something, I know it's silly of me. Naruto thank you. Thank you for saving my life and my sanity. I was so lost…"

Sasuke broke down in a sob and then hugged the still form on Naruto, "I can't say it… how do I say it… A story! I'll tell you a story like my mom always told me. Okay, Naruto there was once a horrible boy, who everyone praised and loved, but all he ever did was hate and hurt others. He had a dark soul twisted by pain and agony. His family, his hope and dreams killed by his older brother. And he made it his life's purpose to kill the murderer bringing justice to the criminal. He would hurt anyone in his way. He was hungry for power and death. And thus he did not live, but became a pale shadow, calloused and jaded.

And then there was boy who was kind, generous and beautiful, but everyone hated him and was cruel to him. And while this boy was also pained by a twisted reality, every day he would wake with a smile on his face… But that was the mask he wore, the mask he wore to save his sanity. In reality the beautiful boy felt the pain of the entire village. The boy clung to a slowly diminishing hope that one day he would find someone who would care about him.

The dark boy would see the beautiful boy and curse him, not knowing that the boy had a life in which his pain out weighed the dark boy's. The dark boy soon grew envious of the boy's blissful ignorance. He cursed the boy for his innocence. He accused him of stupidity and weakness… He was too wrapped up in his own sorrows that he did not see that the beautiful boy cared for him and tried his hardest to show him that they were alike. But as the dark haired boy pushed him away and sought power and vengeance thus the beautiful boy grew weak of heart.

The day came when the beautiful boy's physical power challenged the dark boy and the dark boy would not let this be. How could this idiot boy who did not feel pain deserve so much power, the dark boy thought. The boy's jealousy grew and then he broke. He sought a promised power that would've eventually destroyed him. The beautiful boy ran after the dark boy and battled him attempting for the last time to show him the pain they shared and the love and power they could have together. Because the beautiful boy cared so deeply about the dark boy, he let that boy hurt him. As he plunged death into the beautiful boy's chest, the dark haired boy realized his mistake. Believing his only true friend was dead by his hand, he attempted to take his own life, almost succeeding.

Five days later he awoke to find himself alone, the beautiful boy lay unresponsive in the bed down the hall. The boy lived, but his pain had surely grown. And the dark haired boy couldn't face him, so he asked their Hokage to send him away and she granted this. So for the last time in what would be many years, the dark haired boy went to the beautiful boy and looked down on his face and said… I want to tell you a story…" Sasuke took an agonizing breath.

"Dobe, the dark haired boy was me and you were the beautiful boy. Because you're the most beautiful thing in my eyes…. I love you moron," He bent over Naruto and placed a kiss on Naruto's forehead, "Dobe, I love you, but I can't look at you until I can see the world without hate. Because then I can really see just how beautiful you are. I will now live to protect you, my only precious person. I'll be leaving for at least six years… Neji's coming as well. Our sensei will be Jiraiya and Kakashi… I hope you can still after all of this care for me… Because I know I will always love you and only you." Sasuke left the room.

Naruto murmured in his sleep… "I love you too teme." Unfortunately Naruto would only remember it all as a dream. A dream he would wish was real.

Four hours later


Sasuke and Neji departed Konoha quickly and silently with their two sensei Hatake Kakashi and the Toad Sanin Jiraiya. One must question why Jiraiya accompanied Sasuke, Neji and Kakashi on this training journey. Simple, at the moment Sasuke's safety was a greater threat and the only person who could match Orochimaru's power was Jiraiya. However, this was not all, Jiraiya had gained a new respect for the last Uchiha after overhearing the boy telling Naruto a story. Sasuke had a good head on his shoulders and now he would become strong. Not in terms of jutsus, but where it really mattered… in his heart.

Six days later


Naruto stood before the fifth Hokage, tears of unadulterated elation pouring down his cheeks. He had been adopted! Adopted of all things! Ibiki his new father and Baa-Chan blinked as Naruto threw himself at Ibiki and grasping him around the middle hugged him. Immediately strong arms encased him. He had finally found someone who cared.