A.N. Geeze you people are animals, anyway I've been working on War more then HPZ, really got into the swing of that story … Assassin – chapter in progress btw. But alas the most influential factor has been drumroll World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade.

Striking matches

"Good luck." Tommy pat Harry on the back as he went to his own room to unpack.

Somewhat hesitantly Harry made his way up to the third floor and knocked on the half closed door at the end of the hallway. "Hello?" He walked inside.

"Where exactly have you been?" Asked Hermione's stern voice, her hand was resting on her waist in a way that showed she was not impressed and knew that he had done something.

"Well. I. that is to say."


"It's a surprise." He said triumphantly, his brain working double time to come up with the perfect lie. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Then he noticed the two beds and all sorts of images went through his brain. 'Not now, please not now.' He pleaded desperately with himself.

"Guess I'll be going on the floor." He dropped the suitcase that he had re-transfigured a moment ago, all the while trying desperately to think of anything else but the equation of Hermione and a bed.

"No its okay." Emily came out of the bathroom, a devilish look on her face. "You can sleep over there, and Hermione and I can sleep together over here." She hugged Hermione from behind and 'accidentally' her hands ended up resting on Hermione's breasts, he could have sworn she had given them a squeeze. This of course was staged, but Harry didn't know that.

Harry took a very deep and obvious breath.

Emily walked over to him, a sly playful grin on her face. "Or I can sleep with you if you need company." She purred.

"Or we can combine the beds, whatever feels better." Hermione told him as she came up and gave him a hug. Her tone was border line suggestive, it technically was not, but there was so much more underneath that you would have to be stupid to not understand it…what the hell had happened to Hermione? For a second Harry was about to lose control, he seriously considered throwing them both on a bed, locking the door, shagging Hermione and then just for kicks shagging Emily too. His muscles tensed as he fought for control, reluctantly breaking free from them he began unpacking.

Of course Harry didn't know that Hermione was extremely nervous and over analyzing, or that it had all just been planned, to him it looked natural and it was getting to him, the devils were turning him to mush.

"What is it Harry something wrong?" Hermione tried to sound concerned.

"No." He managed to croak out. For the first time in his life Harry unpacked in a way that could only be described as vigorously, he busied himself with the task in a way that would make Mrs. Weasley seem normal, all the while making sure that everything was just right, and that his eyes didn't wander to the two temptresses eyeing him from the bed. He failed the second part.

When he finally stood up and looked around his stomach grumbled angrily. "I'm hungry." He muttered.

"I'm a just a little thirsty." Emily said looking him up and down, neither Hermione nor Harry caught the double meaning.

"Well then let's go eat." Hermione walked out the door, Harry following happily after her.

"So do you intend to do this to me the entire summer?" He asked her.

She looked at him with a fake look of confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. We've been best friends for almost seven years, I know you like the back of my hand."

"Well then, you're in for some surprises." She replied as they walked through the house and into the patio outside. The patio wasn't so much a patio as another dining room situated outside; all sorts of food covered the beautiful glass table, with the whole area overlooking an intricately shaped pool. Further down, past a few dozen lush palm trees was the breathtaking ocean and pearly white sand.

"There you are, where were you?" The rest of the family who had all come down already greeted them. Going through the introductions Harry met with the entire Granger family, all the while he felt as if they were sizing him up, seeing if he was good enough, although for what he had not a clue.

"Hey Harry you call some of those girls yet?" Tommy asked loudly once everyone had settled down and began eating.

Harry almost choked. "No not yet."

All eyes were quietly turned the two as Joanne asked Harry. "What girls?"

Tommy took the liberty of dramatically responding for him. "Well after Harry bought his Ferrari we raced down to the beach, you should have seen how fast we were going, the other cars didn't seem to even be moving. But anyway once we got to the beach all these girls started noticing us as we were driving along, some of their boobs were SO big, well long story short we got a little over a dozen phone numbers."

"Was it a black Ferrari?" Hermione's voice was laced with jealous venom.

"Ya the Spyder, why?" Harry responded, now it was his turn to make her sweat.

"Did you speed by four white vans?"


Hermione huffed and folded her arms.

"Guess someone doesn't know someone as well as someone thought eh?" Emily quipped.

Hermione stared at Harry, this meant War, 'Harry Potter you are going down.' She thought.

"The F430?" Dave asked.


"How does it handle? I heard that you get a lot more feel from the F430 then from the 599."

"It is actually very impressive, once the tires warmed up it handled amazingly, although before you get them warm I found that it was really easy to get the tires spinning, but in general it really felt like you were moving the wheels with your hands, very nice and responsive." Harry got into a conversation with Dave, Ted Hermione's grandpa also got involved in the discussion that quickly turned into one about exotic supercars in general.

"But you cannot tell me that the Bugatti is more fun to drive. It is an amazing piece of work granted, but if you want to go out and enjoy the thrill of driving getting something small like the Exige, or F430, something where you can really feel everything." Jacques was arguing after the conversation really got rolling.

The women of the family meanwhile knew that it was over, the battle to keep those guys from going out and going nuts was finished, and Harry was fitting in perfectly. They had hoped that he of all people would be cautious, they were very much mistaken, the boy was into cars as they were into shoes.

The meal continued on, Harry almost instantly becoming part of the family, before long he felt as if he had known the people around him for a long time, and hadn't just met them.

Hermione on the other hand was jealous to no end, she had always know that there was a possibility that Harry might catch on, but not this quickly and not to this degree, and she hadn't thought that she would be this jealous either. "Jealous are we?" Her grandmother asked.

"Grandma." Hermione began, not wanting to be milked for information.

"Don't you Grandma me young lady. Love isn't always easy, and it's the hardest ones that are the most rewarding. Don't worry dear you just have to fight for him, and I know just the thing that will always bring him to you."

"And that is?" Her interest was piqued.

"The boy is a little tense, and you need to get him to unwind, so give him a pleasant massage. If you work it right he'll melt right under you, a slip of the hand here, a breath there, he won't be able to get up off the chair for a good twenty minutes when you're done if you know what I mean." She assured Hermione.

"Grandma how do you know all this?" Hermione looked at her Grandmother inquisitively.

"What you don't know is that your grandpa over there was one of the most untamed beasts on the planet, but I subdued him and kept the animal within him at the same time. I was in the exact same situation as you are now you know."

Some of that Hermione really did not want to have known, but then what her grandma could teach her could prove to be a great advantage over what Emily could pull. "What do I do?" She whispered.

"We're going out to dinner tonight, when we get back and you all get up to your rooms is when you will make your move. Put on something nice, but then put on a robe and conceal it a little, play it provocatively and then give him a massage. I've taught you how to give massages, now play with it, play with him, trust me you'll have so much fun."

"Okay." Hermione began thinking up of what she was going to wear and what she was going to do, she decided that she would have to get Harry a little worked up before as well, so that he would go completely insane. A small part of her felt sorry for doing this, but then again it was all for fun, its not like she was going to do anything like this with any other guy other then Harry.

Emily meanwhile was taking a different approach, she was flirting it up with Matt, hoping to get Harry jealous and then string him along that path. Unfortunately for her Harry was not paying attention and Matt was getting into it a little too much.

"Well you know, like I always say, there is nothing you can't accomplish." Matt told her, she didn't even know what the hell he was talking about as she pretended to fall into his dull gaze.

"That is fascinating." She took a sip of water, gently brushing her leg up against his.

"Speaking of fascinating, you look pretty fascinating too you know." He winked at her.

"Mmm, really? Do go on." While inside she kept thinking 'Would you just shut up?'