Well, this part of the ride is over. There are story bits and adventures that the boys had that will be posted eventually, but their long fight with Maggie is at an end. A woman who just wanted to save her child slow descended into the darkness through no real fault of her own. Will Sam be able to fight it off any more than she could?

spoiler for IMTOD.



"what is it?" Dean asked as he looked up at his father. Something was wrong. He could feel it in the air around them.

"you know, when you were a kid, I'd come home from a hunt. And after what I'd seen, I'd be...I'd be wrecked. and you, you'd come up to me and you'd put your hand on my shoulder and you'd look me in the eye and you'd say "it's okay dad." Dean, I'm sorry"

"for what?" He asked, even more confused and worried than before.

"you shouldn't have had to say that to me, I should have been saying that to you. You know, I put, I put too much on your shoulders, I made you grow up too fast. You took care of Sammy, you took care of me. You did that. And you didn't complain, not once. I just want you to know that I am so proud of you. "

"this really you talking?" He asked with a faint grin, hoping to make light of this conversation, make it go away. John Winchester didn't do hallmark moments. Something was wrong, something was desperately wrong.

"Yeah. Yeah, it's really me."

" why are you saying this stuff?" Something was going to happen. Dean could see it in his fathers eyes. There was a sadness there that shouldn't be with all of them still alive and well. What did John know that he wasn't telling?

" I want you to watch out for Sammy, okay?"

" yeah, dad. You know I will. You're scaring me." He said honestly. This entire conversation was seriously freaking him out. He was waiting for the axe to fall any moment now.

"Don't be scared Dean." John said as he leaned in close, to whisper the truth into his sons ear. He didn't want Sam to over hear if he were coming back with the coffee he had sent him for. "you have another brother." He said softy and waited as Dean pulled back from him.

"What?" The younger Winchester mouthed silently, absolute confusion in his eyes.

"His name is John, but he's called Jack" he said leaning in once more "And he is Maggie's child."

"Is… is he like her?" Dean asked, keeping his voice down as well. Not so much for secrecy, but to hide the fear in his voice. He still had nightmares about what she had done to him when he was young, what she had planned to do to Sam.

"no" John said honestly "But Sammy is. You have to watch out for your brother, Dean. You have to watch over him, because if you cant save him, then one day you may have to kill him. "

"what?" Dean gasped "you cant ask that of me… god Dad don't ask that of me. I don't understand"

"I know son. I'm sorry. I don't have time to explain right now. But know that if Sam goes dark… he will become what she was. I'm counting on you, when I can't be here. Promise me. "

"I'll save him Dad. " Dean said still reeling from his fathers revelation. A brother by a demon … and a brother who might become one. Right then coma and slow peaceful death was sounding good. He couldn't hurt Sam. No matter what his father asked, he couldn't hurt Sammy. So he had to save him.

"And if you cant?"

"Dad!" Dean exclaimed, very nearly hyperventilating.

"Promise me Dean. " He said with a desperation in his voice that Dean had never heard before.

"Yeah… okay" He said. This was some sort of nightmare, it had to be. "I promise."

John nodded then. He could go now. His last duties in this life passed on to his son. A hell of a legacy to leave his son. One that he hoped wouldn't destroy him in the end, but it was done. He nodded again, then leaned in and rested his head against his sons one last time. "Thank you" he said as he straightened and turned to walk out the door before he could change his mind and find some reason to stay just a little longer. Spend just a little longer with his son.

He entered his hospital room and lay the Colt down upon the table. "I'm Ready."

Yes this was short and sweet, and you can consider it the end, or a shameless promo for the sequel that we are already working on to tie up loose ends and follow Sammy through his quest to stay human. The first chapter will be out in a few days. We have really appreciated your sticking with us through this story. Hope you will all take the next journey with us.

Look for "Lost and Found," coming to a computer screen near you!