Set some time post Shadow part 2


Kat sighed as she sat in the infirmary an ice pack sitting on her swollen wrist. She had been working with Boom on a new project when he accidentally dropped something on her wrist. He had been so apologetic and rushing to get her to the infirmary that he almost hurt his ankle but had managed to not get hurt himself.

She leaned back in her chair and cradled her wrist as she heard someone enter the room. She didn't look up as she figured she knew who it was.

"How are you feeling, Kat?" Cruger asked.

"I've been worse." She shrugged casually. "I broke a bone in my hand and one in my wrist."

"Boom seems shaken up by this."

"I know, he keeps saying it was his fault when it wasn't… it was an accident really and I was the one to blame, I should have thought that through a little better." Kat confessed.

"It was an accident and could have happened to anyone." Cruger countered sitting in the chair next to Kat.

"Maybe you're right, Doggie." Kat sighed as she adjusted the ice pack on her hand.

Cruger put his arm around Kat and she looked at him slightly surprised then took this as an invitation to lean on him, which it was. She was hurting and trying her best not to let it show but Cruger could see it. He could read her better than any of the rangers of staff could.

Felix looked in on Kat and saw that she was lying against Cruger's side. He had to smile; those two were such good friends. They had been that way for years. It was as if everyone but them saw how in love they were. He wished they would get a clue and start dating but at this point they would continue to dance around the issue and be the best of friends.

The end.