Lockdown at the Grid was always hectic. Trying to get the backup supply power to work. Torches. Pod codes.

Adam watched everything. Harry watched everything. Zaf watched everything. Even Ros and Malcolm and Jo watched everything. There was no everything. They were the everything .
"We haven't had a good old chat or get together in ages" Zaf sighed. He liked the after work meetings. But then something would happen and they would have to abandon the drinks.
"Well I think this is the right time to have one" Harry said grateful for the rest.

They all grabbed a chair. Gathered round Ruth's desk. Planted themselves to where they were never to be moved.
"Shame we haven't got any drinks"
"Yes. But don't you have some in your office Harry"
"No. I don't. Anymore"
"Well that plan has gone down"
"We've got the water cooler" They looked at Malcolm "In extreme emergencies of course" He added looking at every ones face. They all seemed to be enjoying and savouring the moment.
"So what has everybody been watching on the television when they have got the chance?" Asked Ros intrigued. "I tend to put on a good film"
"I love that film with the red ballet shoes that have a mind of their own. Oh what's it called"
"I love that film too Ruth. Christ what's it called"
"I cant get the name"
"I don't believe that none of us can get the name" All of them sat in awe. No one could get the name. It showed what their job was like. You forget about things that used to happen in your life.

"So Adam. Did you fancy that Jade Everett girl"
"Yes Adam we could see you liked her" Adam just sat and smirked.
"Ruth and Jo"
"I just felt like saying something. And you two are in front of me" said Adam.
"Ok Jo who do you like"
"Hang on is this just"
"Who do you like?" Jo hesitated and couldn't find the words to say. Zaf.
"Well its nobody you know"
"Yeh Right"
"I met him when I was a journalist"
"His name?" Ruth was about to scream she was so excited. She always loved the gossip.
"Em…….. Philip" She couldn't think of any other name.
"Philip. So what does he do"
"Ok I think that's enough don't you" Zaf controlled.

The team were giggling and chuckling away at the awful impressions of people.
"Right, my turn" Ros attempted to do an impression of Pauline Fowler. They were all just bouncing up and down with joy.
"Oh is it Harry when he gets pissed off"
"Oi Adam" They all heckled things at Ros. All she could hear was white noise to be quite frank.
"Wait. I think Harry got it"
"Pauline Fowler"
"Yes How did you"
"The hair gave it away" Everyone laughed. "Watch it!"

There was ripped paper and files scattered over the desk. Water cups at each persons position at the desk. Ruth had managed to swap places with Jo to get next to Harry by having to go to the loo. Ros and Malcolm were looking at each other across the table. Adam and Zaf had founds some sweets and started to throw them at everyone else.
"Bloody Hell"
"Sorry!" A fight broke out. A sweet fight. All the sweets went up into the air and came zooming back down. They were too busy laughing and fighting that they never noticed the lockdown end or the power back on.
"Oh Malcolm that's not fair you've got three"
"Well reload boys" Adam and Zaf hysterically laughed. They looked up.
"The power is on" Everyone still fought and laughed with some jokes that might not have been jokes but were funny never the less. Who cared about the work that day? Mutual relationships. Love. Laughter. And best of all. Everyone together having a fantastic time.