Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans.

This is my first fanfic. Please enjoy.

Things did not bode well for our heroes.

Well, at least for Beast Boy that is.

"Found anything yet?" asked Robin.

"Nope. Man, it's been like this for almost a week now." Said Cyborg.

There was no sighting of the Thing that attacked the city. On there return from Paris, the Teen Titans encountered a strange white creature that could take the form of any substance, whether it was metal, water, cement, or anything else. It had attacked the Teen Titans and has been on a hit and run rampage ever since. Now there was no sign of it anywhere. Because it could be any element, Cyborg had a hard time tracking it down, and Raven couldn't sense the thing either. They had Beast Boy sniffing it out, and it did work for a while, but he lost its trail when the attacks stopped.

At the Tower, Starfire was at the kitchen trying to make a new alien dish for breakfast, Cyborg and Robin were using the computer to search the city for anything out of the ordinary, and Raven was sitting on the couch reading a book. No one knew where Beast Boy was at the moment.

"Has Beast Boy made any recovery?" asked Starfire.

"Haven't seen him since dinner last night." Replied Cyborg.

On their return, Beast Boy had seen Terra, a former member of the Titans who dated Beast Boy, betrayed the team, and almost took over the city with Slade. Terra had a change of heart at the end, but ended up being turned to stone when helping the Titans against Slade. The Titans could do nothing for her in her petrified state. But now, for some unknown reason, Terra was back, but she claims she is not Terra, despite the fact that she looks and sounds like her. Beast Boy tried to help her remember, but had no success. Slade, claiming to have nothing to do with her return, told Beast Boy that the reason she couldn't remember was because she did not want to remember. Beast Boy finally accepts that some things change and started helping the team again. But despite accepting the fact, Beast Boy still couldn't overcome his depression knowing that he can never truly be with her, even as a friend. He's rarely seen except at meal times, but still wasn't the comedic little nuisance he usually was. He was always… quiet.

"I feel sorry for Beast Boy," said Robin, "but he has stay focus with us. We don't know when the Thing is going to strike next. One of us should go and talk to him."

"1-2-3, not it!" said Cyborg with a raised hand.

"Cyborg, you should understand Beast Boy more than the rest of us."

"Yeah I know. Look, I wanna help BB out, but the problem he's dealing with now isn't something I can help with. We're not talking about a regular problem with a girl. Besides, you're the team leader. Shouldn't you give him a pep talk or something?"

Robin, with the exception of Kitten and maybe a few others, had little experience over this kind of situation as well. In fact, he had his own romantic problems to deal with.

"Perhaps this will improve Beast Boy's current mood?" Starfire said holding a bowel and stirring something green inside it with a smile on her face.

"NO!" Cyborg and Robin cried out with worried looks.

Starfire frowned at their disagreement. They didn't think her cooking was a good choice for helping Beast Boy right now.

"Sorry Star, it's just that Beast Boy's going through a lot lately and we're still not sure what's good for him yet." Explained Robin.

Starfire's mood lightened up and she continued to stir her recipe. "Oh. I understand." She said in her usual cheery mood.

Robin, glad he prevented any further incident, decided to move on.

"Ok, now about Bea-."

"Not it!" said Cyborg quickly.

Finally, after listening to about a couple minutes of bickering, Raven closed her book and got up.

"Look," she said in her normal grim mood. "How about we just save time arguing and have me go."

Surprised, Robin asked, "Um, Raven? Are you sure you want to do this? Talk to Beast Boy I mean."

"We don't know when or even if this Thing is going to come back. So, we all have to be ready to take it on again. And since Starfire isn't a good choice for this problem, and you two are too afraid to do it, then someone has to do it."

"Yeah, that's true," said Cyborg, "but you do know that your dealing with BB, right?"

"Beast Boy's annoying, yes, but I deal with him and his jokes all the time. I'm going to try and help him, so I think I can survive one "normal" conversation with him. Unless…" Raven said with a sarcastic tone, "you guys want to give it a try."

As much as they wanted to help Beast Boy, none of them didn't really know what to say to him. At least Raven was willing to try.

"Ok," said Robin, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Not really," replied the dark sorceress, "but seeing how we are now, do we have a choice?"

Robin and Cyborg looked at each other, then looked back at Raven. "Ok, just be careful," said Cyborg, "BB might be a bit edgy."

"I'm just going to talk to him," said Raven, "nothing's going to happen." She then made her way to the door.