AN: So obviously the DA muse will never ever return. Babyangel coaxed long enough (years people) to get some resolution with the characters. Last year she hit at the right moment and when I went to reread the fics, words actually managed to come out at the end. We hoped there would be more, there wasn't. So here are the final bits of the fics that you will be getting. You were all AMAZING readers, sorry the muse failed me.


Max felt as if she had been put on display for the entire town to see, there had easily been forty people in and out of Logan's neighbor's house. It felt as if she had talked to every single one of them except for Logan.

Logan would stand by her side, Logan would talk to people with her, but he refused to engage her. After an afternoon filled with classical music played too loudly to allow for discussion Max had been sure he'd have no choice.

Then she wasn't sure what had happened on the walk back over. She was once more pressed into the siding of the house.

It wasn't tender, gentle or loving.

It was anger.

He was filled with anger.

Then just as quickly as he came to her did he pull away and rip his front door open, "Jack needs to go out."

She nodded and walked inside rather than wait with Logan on the porch.

She couldn't be next to the man she had dreamed of for so long and realize she had destroyed him. She had been given love, honest and true, stronger than any she had ever seen before and she had crushed it.

"Gonna go crash," Max nodded as he walked back in, her bag already slung over her back. "What room should I take?" She had walked into Logan's room earlier to change and freshen up. The door had been open and she hadn't been able to resist. The light blue and white bedroom was serene, perfect for a house on the coast. The en suite, whites and grays with a tub that she could disappear for days in.

"I don't exactly have visitors."

"Uh," Max's mouth opened, "not a problem, the couch is."

"I have a California King, there's no-Or I can-"

"Okay," she stopped him before he could change his mind, "it's fine. I'm just going to go change."


How many times had she dreamed of them in bed together?

"I can leave tomorrow if you want," she didn't allow her voice to catch as she said the pained words, following his rejection of her once he had climbed into bed.

"Max," the single word was tense, his back was to her, the wall so great she was sure nothing could ever bring it down.

"No, I get it, I screwed up. I waited too long, I ran too far, everyone has their breaking points Logan," she couldn't even identify the feeling anymore that accompanied those words. It wasn't anger, it wasn't sadness, it was a loss that seemed to strip everything including those emotions out of her.

"Can you let me be mad?" Logan rolled onto his back. "I need to be mad. I deserve to be mad." He didn't look at her, only the darkened ceiling. His words angry still, clipped and curt, but tinted with despair.

"Lo-" she said turning to look at him.

"You left," his eyes closed, "you just left. You just walked out on us. The going got tough and you actually got going," his voice was bitter again.

He had fought harder for them and she walked away.

"So can you just give me a few days?" annoyance, exasperation, irony.

"You forgive me?"

"Eventually. I want to Max. I just-"

"You need time." She stared at the side profile of him for a moment longer, "I didn't leave because I didn't love you."

"I know."

"Do you still love me?"

"Stopping was never an option. I just need time."

"I really am sorry. I just…"

"Over a year," was all Logan said.


"Want to know what I don't get?" Max asked as she walked hand in hand with her groom, their feet in the icy June water as their flesh baked from the sun.

"What?" he questioned with a smile looking down at his bride. She knew he made the perfect sight, the gray trousers rolled up to his calves, the sleeves of the white button up rolled up as well, the pale pink tie hanging loosely around his neck. The off white lace dress that fell just above her knees, her hair in a low side chignon with waves falling around her face, meant to match his effortless appearance, had required significantly more effort. The sight they made though, the reflection she had caught...With him she could believe in perfection, she could believe in it all.


"Fairytales? Really?"

"All the dragons, the evil step parents, witches out to get them. The best part of the book, it's they all lived happily ever after. I mean that's the story right there. I mean that adventure, that's just a blip, that's nothing compared to the rest of it. It's a prologue to that one line."

"This is the real adventure," Logan held her hand even tighter.