hey guys...i know its been a while since ive updated but ive had some writers block and school and all that but anyways this might be the last chapter of mystery behind the mystery im not sure yet tho...you'll hav 2 read n comment 2 find out lol...

Chapter 7


Sakura's POV

My eyes opened to complete darkness as I looked around the cold empty room. I tried to move my hands but they were chained above my head. Ok, so this was definantly not apart of the show. Slowly I stood usin the chains connected to my hands to steady me. It was so dark in here that I could't even make out if there was anyone else in the room or what kind of room I was in.

Suddenly I saw a streak of a dim yellowish light come from in front of me. A man walked in and hit what I assumed was the light switch, which made me temporarily blinded. I could hear his footsteps coming closer and regained my vision as fast as I could. I gasped seeing a man in front of me.

"Well well...looks like we meet again...Sakura-chan." He said, my name rolling off of his tongue in an eerie way. I glared at him getting ready to power up my chakra and bust through this low lifes skull when all I felt was a gigantic wave of electricity run through me and zap it all away. My knees buckled under me and I collapsed onto them.

"What the hell?" I asked, though I clearly knew what the answer was.

"There's no use in trying to use your chakra, these chains were specially made for you. The more chakra you use, the faster it gets drained." Great. Just what I needed.

"What do you want?" I knew that without my chakra I was really nothing special, and I guess they realized that also, but I had to put up some kind of bravada, to show that I wasn't going down without a fight. The man just chuckled at me, giving me a cheery smile and pushing up his glasses...GLASSES!? I've seen those glasses before! A flashback of my parents killer hit me like a whirlwind and instant anger rushed through my veins as he came right up in front of me. I stood up and put my face close to his a growled. I powered chakra into my legs, even though I knew the consequence and kicked. The mans eyes went wide with shock as he went flying backwards, blood coming from his mouth at the impact. The chains broke, freeing my wrists from the walls. Just as I was about to walk over to the man lying on the ground and kill him myself, I felt my body power down and collapsed once again. My chakra level was low from the kick I gave that man.

Then the door opened and a slithery figure walked in the room. I cringed at the look of him. He had a pale face, his hair was pitch black and came down to his middle back, and his eyes were a piercing, paralying yellow. He reminded me of a dangerously poisonous snake. I gulped when he turned from looking at the man and looked at me, a smirk appearing on his face.

"Now now...is that any way to treat someone, from what I heard about you, I would've thought you'd been a little more polite then that, my cherry blossom, though they weren't so correct about your manners, they were indeed correct about your beauty, ne?" I gulped again as his eyes searched all over me. What the hell did this pervert think he was doing. I tried to stand up with a growl, but just felt myself fall to the floor. I tried again, but with the same result.

"I wouldn't try to do that if I were you. You'll just exhaust yourself." I growled.

"Now now calm down Sakura-chan," Orochimaru said,"I didn't bring you here to hurt you, actually, I need your help."

I glared at him as he walked closer to me, then I spit in disgust at the floor right before his newly polished shoes, warning him not to come any closer.

"There is no way in hell I would ever do anything to help a scumbag like you," There was absolutely no way this man was getting any help from me. He smirked and advanced once again, apparently he didn't get the message. I built up some chakra and sent it to my fist.

"Aahhh!" Damnit. I could feel the chakra drain and the electric shock run through my body. I hung my head, feeling drained.

"Now as for my problem...you see...my arm hasn't exactly healed. I have sent for you because you are the best of the best and I want you, my dear cherry blossom, to heal the rest of my arm." I looked at him like he had grown three heads. After all the hell this man caused in the world and what he sent his little buddy to do, there was absolutely positively no way I was helping him no way! No way!

"No way! Let me go scum, I wouldn't bother wasting your time on something that you know will never happen." He glared, ok, apparently he didn't like two things. One, being called a scum more then once, and two, someone telling him no.

"What if I promised to bring back something that you lost?" I looked at him confused and then I heard the door open again and two people walked in the room. My breath caught in my throat and I choked on my own air.



"Fuck!" Sasuke cursed,slamming his fist down onto the table. He should have known something was up the moment he looked into that guys eyes. This was definantly not good. He looked to Naruto who was obviously thinking the same thing.

"W-where did everyone else go?" Hinata asked looking around.

"We must've been in a pretty deep genjutsu, we were trapped as soon as we looked into the ushers eyes. I think Sakura knew." Sauske stated as the other two nodded.

"Ahhhh!" a scream was heard from behind the stage, the three ran behind the big curtain and saw their teamate lying on the ground. Sasuke ran to her and slid to her side, flipping her over so he could see her face, but his face went pale. Her eyes were missing and worms were crawling out from them. He dropped the body and backed away towards the others. It was another genjutsu to throw them off. Then they heard more screams, each time running to find that it was another trap. The worst part was, each Sakura had something different about them. One was covered in blood, one was shaking in the corner of the room, screaming bloody murder. The team wouldn't know if she was real or not until they got to the fake one. They were trapped. not knowing if one of the clones was real or not.

Sasuke growled. He closed his eyes and activated his Sharningan. That was the only thing that could help them at this point as they traveled through the gigantic cruise ship in search of their teamate.

-----20 MINS LATER----

"Goddamnit! Sasuke said, watching yet another clone disappear. He stood up again, this was not getting them anywhere.

We have to find her before it's too late. I can't loose her!

Aww...does myself have a crush on Sakura?

No! I just don't wanna see another important person die in front of me ever again. I couldn't bare it.

You like her... no doubt.

Ugh whatever I don't know where to look next, Naruto and Hinata covered just about all the other floors that I haven't checked and the screams keep leading me this way.

Maybe that's what whoever is responsible wants you to do. They want you to follow the screams.

You're right, I fell for their trap. None of these are going to be the real Sakura. They're hiding her somewhere. I bet you have to go opposite of where the screams are leading you.

Ok...well lets go!

Sasuke ran away from where more screams could be heard. He ran as fast as his body would let him through a lengthy, winding hallway, and down a couple flights of stairs.

Finally a door was coming into sight.

She must be in there.

He just kept his focus on the door.


No...This can't be possible...They're dead, I saw them, this has to be a trap.

Sakura put her hands together and muttered 'release' and re-opened her eyes, only to see her parents standing in front of her, smiling warmly.

"Come on Saku-chan, come to your mother and give her a hug. I missed you baby." Her mother out-streched her arms, looking at her pleadingly and motherly. Sakura's father wrapped an arm around his wife and extended his other arm towards Sakura. She couldn't help but stare in disbelief. They smiled so warmly at her, she almost felt as if she were home and they were all a big happy family again.

Her eyes began to water as she remembered what those times were like. She missed her parents so much. She just wanted them to be a happy family again, she really did.

"Come on, if you just fix Orochimaru's arm, then we can be a happy family again, look at my eyes sweety, we miss you, we want to be with you again precious. Look at my eyes." Her mother cooed. Sakura looked into her mother's eyes and everything went blank. All she could see were her and her parents reunited once again.

She slowly stood up and walked over to Orochimaru, in a zombie like way. She grabbed his outstreched arm, getting ready to begin the healing process when the door was suddenly kicked off of its hinges, causing her to come out of her trance in time to stop the chakra. Sasuke stood in front of the doorway, breathing heavily with his sharningan activated.

"Sasuke!" Sakura was about to run to him when she felt someone grab her hair and throw her back with force. She tripped and tumbled, slamming into the back wall.

"Sakura!" Sasuke was pissed now, especially when he saw the man who through his teamate like that. Orochimaru stood there, a smirk on his face, staring at the Uchiha. The raven haired boy was now out of control. He looked toward his teamate, who he could tell was low on chakra and was sitting there, blood running down from her lip and in a dazed state.

She stared at the spot that her "parents" stood. They still smiled at her with their heart-warming smiles. She could here them cooing at her in her head, she could see their lips moving and their gestures for her to join them and defend Orochimaru. But when she kept telling them no, their smiles turned to scowls and they began to taunt her.

"You were always a useless little brat." he mother glared at her. Sakura flinched at the cruelness in her mothers tone.

"No." Sakura said to her mother, staring at her.

"Yes, that's why that boy never loved you, I could see it now, you're nothing but a pathetic little weakling." her father continued in place of his wife.

"No." Sakura repeated. This was not happening, this had to be a trick. Her parents would never say these things to her, but even though she knew that, it hurt so bad.

"You were a mistake, no one could have ever dealt with a bitch like you. I should have given you away when I had the chance. The only reason I didn't was so you could fix Orochimaru's arm. To think we would ever love a pathetic thing like you. Please. We've hated you all your life. You meant nothing to us and you never will. You're a no good meaningless waste of life and don't deserve to be alive and loved. You don't deserve anything except to die." Her mothers words had her staring in complete shock. Her heart felt like it was being squeezed and ripped apart. Did her mother really just say that? Why? Why was she saying this. There's no way...no....

"NO!!!" Sakura screamed. The smirking Orochimaru looked over at the suffering pink hair medic nin as brought her knees up to her chest and began to mumur the question 'why?' to herself, while rocking slightly back and forth. Sasuke looked at her and his eyes flashed back to their original color. He ran over to her and tried talking her out of her hysteria, but to no avail, she was trapped until Orochimaru was taken down, and hell he was gunna be the one to do it, no matter what. Just looking at the condition his teamate was in stired an emotion he never felt towards her before, he felt angry and he wanted to kill the snake like man for doing this to her.

His eyes flashed back to a more intense red then they were before and Orochimaru seemed to notice because his smirk suddenly turned to a frown and he prepared to fight, but was too slow for the pissed off Uchiha prodigy because Sasuke was already behind him with his fist going into the snake mans face. The impact sent the snake sanin across the room and through the wall. He got up and was about to strike when Sasuke grabbed him by his hair and flung him back the other way.

Orochimaru landed on his feet and skid back a little bit. He looked at the Uchiha.

"Such power. That could become a great advantage for both you and I Sasuke-kun." Sasuke growled at the snake mans offer. Like hell he would join him. Orochimaru smirked,"How about we make a little deal ne? You join me, and I'll let your little girlfriend go unharmed." Sasuke looked at his pink haired teamate who was still suffering in the intense genjutsu. No. He would find another way.

But as he was thinking he let down his gaurd and Orochimaru struck him with a powerful blow to the gut. Sasuke flew backwards and into the wall. Then Orochimaru ran towards the boy and picked him up by the color of his shirt doing multiple hand signs. Sasuke took this time to make his own hand signs and start his all famous attack, the chidori. They finished preparing their attacks and struck at the same time, making Sasuke go through the wall he was up against and making Orochimaru fly across the room and land in the middle. Sasuke sat up, holding the part of his side the was now leaking blood. He wipped the blood that was coming from his mouth and did his best to walk over to where the snake lord lay dead. He smirked, and collapsed to his knees a couple of feet away from Orochimaru.

Kabuto woke up to the scene and saw Sasuke collapse to the ground. He smirked and took a needle filled with a purplish liquid out of his pouch and began to approach the unsuspecting Uchiha from behind.

Sakura's eyes returned to their normal color and she looked all around her. The whole room was destryed. Her mother and father were no where in sight, which meant she had been released from whatever genjutsu she had been trapped under by Orochimaru. She continued to look around and saw that Orochimaru was laying on the ground, dead. Next to him, a couple feet away, was Sasuke, on his knees, holding his right side. Sakura looked down at her hands and stopped her shaking. It wasn't real. And now that everything was over, her parents had been avenged and they could all enjoy the rest of the cruise.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the movement of Kabuto approaching Sasuke with a needle filled with a purplish liquid and she gasped, getting up and running to Sasuke as fast as her weakend body would let her.

That stuff is deadly! I have to save him! I have to!

She pushed chakra into her hand, the electricity draining some of it away and slid to a stop between where Kabuto and Sasuke were. Sasuke turned around in shock as he saw Sakura get in front of him, electricity glowing around her, visibly draining her chakra, and her pushing more out. She grabbed the wrist that Kabuto had the needle in and squeezed it enough to break it, making him yell out in pain and drop the poisonous liquid. Then she pushed out more chakra into her other hand and punched him square in the jaw, making his head whip around and causing him to break his neck, killing him instantly. He fell unconcious in front of her and she stared down at him, breathing heavily, feeling every ounce of the shock of the electricity.

Sasuke stared up at her with shocked filled eyes. She just risked loosing all of her chakra for him. She turned to look at him and smiled, also falling to her knees. She was breathing heavily and sweating. He could sense that her chakra was dangerously low and for once he was very very very worried about the well being of his cherry blossom.

Wait...did I just say my cherry blossom?

Yes! I told you you loved her!

Fine you f-ing win! I love Sakura Haruno! Ok Goodbye!

Ha I knew I would win

As he finished up his thoughts he felt an excruciating pain come from his side and he fell over into Sakura's arms. He heard her gasp and felt her lay him on the floor. Then he felt a warm, comforting feeling where his wound once was. He heard her breathing become more ragged and he opened his eyes to see her healing his wound with some of her remaining chakra.


"No Sasuke," Sakura interupted him," I want to do this. You saved my life, more than once. Now I want to save yours." She smiled as she finished healing up his wounds. He looked at her. She had really grown up over the last few years of training with Tsunade. They both stood up at the sound of hearing their crazy blonde teamates voice.

"Sasuke-teme, Sakura-chan!!!" He yelled running through the door. Sakura smiled at him before everything in her vision went black.


"Don't worry so much Sasuke-Teme. She'll wake up soon. Tsunade told us so!" Sakura heard Naruto say. She slowly opened her eyes to see Hinata, Sasuke, and Naruto standing all around her. She sat up slowly and smiled at them all, but then gave them a confused look. Weren't they supposed to be in Konoha when she woke up?

"Where...where are we?" she asked, looking out the balcony doors into the the deep blue ocean waters. Naruto grinned his famous grin.

"Were on the cruise Sakura-chan! We still have another 2 weeks to go you know!" She looked at him and smiled widely. Well that's another good thing that came out of this mess. So it ended up not being a waste of a vacation after all. Sakura got out of her bed and sent Naruto and Hinata back to their sweet so that they could change and get some sleep, reassuring them that she was fine.

After they left she sighed and looked down at herself. She was still all dressed up from earlier that night. She saw Sasuke get up and go into the bathroom. If he had been waiting for her to get up then he must've had to go really bad. She gave a small smile and walked out onto the balcony. There must've been a party going on at the top deck because she could hear the music playing throughout the ship. She sighed and looked up at the moon, which seemed to be full that night. The stars were out and seemed to be shinning brighter than ever. The small smile she had never left her face.

"It's nice out ne?" she said, sensing her other teammate come and stand beside her on the balcony. She looked at him.


She looked back at the stars, just thinking about how beautiful they looked.

"Thank you." She looked over to the person the voice came from. Sasuke just stared at the ocean. Sakura looked at him confused, standing up straight and faced him.

"For what?"

He sighed, also standing and facing her, moving so that he was right in front of her. She looked at the distance, or shall I say, no distance, that was in between the two. Sakura thanked God that it was night and that Sasuke couldn't see her blush.

"You almost died from chakra depletion, saving my life. And...I wanted to thank you for that." he said, putting his forehead to hers, causing her to blush even more. Then Sasuke did the unexpected and kissed the pink haired medic. She kissed him back and then broke the kiss. Sasuke wrapped his arms around her waist as he heard the song Truely Madly Deeply by Cascada play. She put her arms around his neck and they began to slow dance to the music under the stars.

----THE END----