A/N- Thanks for the reviews for the last chapter. I got a lot of reviews saying they didn't see it coming I guess I did a good job with the surprise for Travone. This is the last chapter the epilogue. I'll soon be starting Spring Break Stalker at the end of this month. It's not going to be the longest chapter because I wrote this at the shop while getting my hair done this is only kind of so you don't get left with a cliffhanger for what happens to Travone. I think you might like this chapter too!

Taylor's POV

I'm sitting here in the courtroom at my older brothers trial. This is the official worst day of my life.

"Travone McKessie we find you guilty of all counts! You are sentenced to life in prison," the judge says slamming his gavel down.

That's it my brother has been convicted with my attempted murder. I can't believe that my own flesh and blood tried to kill me and I don't even know why.

I look over to him before they take him of to jail and in his eyes there is nothing but pure hatred. I turn away quickly as tears flood my eyes careful not to let him see me cry.

"It's all over with Tay," Chad whispers in my ear wrapping his arms around me.

I couldn't help but to cry. Chad held me as I sobbed into his shoulders. My mother was crying and screaming not understanding why he would do such a thing.

"He's tearing our family apart!" I heard her scream as my father tried to comfort her.

Nobody understood why Travone would want to do something like this. Then better yet I'm thinking why me as a target. Trying to kill someone is bad but your own sister is just evil. I can't even begin to describe all the emotion that he has put me through. No one should have to endure the pain and heartbreak that I am dealing with. I continue to cry as Chad rubs my back telling me that everything is over.

My father comes over and tells us that it's time to go. Chad let's go of me but I grab his shirt and pull him back closer to me. I hold onto him as I walk out to the car. My family is waiting for me but I don't really care. What's more important now is my boyfriend.

"Dad can I have a quick minute with Chad?" I ask.

"Make it quick," he says sternly.

I walk with Chad to the side of the courthouse and sit him down on the benches before I speak.

"Thank you," I say.

"For what?" he looks at me with those beautiful brown eyes.

"Fire being there for me no matter what happened and putting up with Travone with you didn't have to. A lot of other guys would have just left me lying there in that coma and found some other girl… but you didn't. You were there for me even when I called you in the middle of the night. I've never had a guy other than my dad care for me like this before."

"It's no problem Tay. That's what I'm here for. I'm just trying to be the best boyfriend I can be."

"I just wanted to let you know that you're doing a good job."

He smiled at me lighting my whole heart up and says, "I'm glad you think so."

"I love you," I say.

"I love you more," he says back.

We sit there for a second staring at each other looking into each other's eyes. He takes my face into his hands and kissed me. Fireworks go off in my head as he gives me a mind-blowing kiss. I know that it is love. Nothing can stop Taylor McKessie and Chad Danforth now because we are the perfect couple and I know we'll be together forever.

We end up with our legs intertwined and Chad on top of me. We don't even notice my dad standing there watching us.

He clears his throat, "Taylor it's time to go. You've had plenty of time with Chad now and you know you'll be on the phone with him later."

I looked up embarrassed and follow my dad to the car mouthing 'Call me' to Chad as I leave. He says okay and walks to other way.

Chad's POV

I was so tired when I got home I went straight to my room and fell asleep. I'm a pretty heavy sleeper so I slept through my mom calling me for dinner which is highly unusual and also numerous phone calls from Taylor. Shit!

I hop out of the bed and I'm on my way downstairs when I notice it's 12:00 AM and I won't get past my mother in the family room watching General Hospital Nightshift. I turn around and sneak out my bedroom window climbing down the side of my house like Spiderman.

I run down the street and around the corner four houses down from Gabriella's house. I go to the back where her room is located. The light is on in her room meaning she's awake. I climb until I reach the door and gently knock. I hear some scrambling and then Taylor is in front of me.

"I'm sorry I didn't call you I fell asleep," I said looking at her tear stained cheeks and immediately feeling stupid.

She doesn't say anything so I take it that she is mad at me. I better make it better because she's going through enough.

"I didn't mean to make you cry. I had ever intention of calling you I swear."

"You didn't make me cry Chad."

I studied her for a second and then said, "Then tell me what is bother you. You know you can tell me anything."

"It's nothing serious it's just that I was in a lot of pain a little earlier that's why I was calling you."

That made me concerned that she was in that much pain. "You want to go to the hospital. If you were in enough pain to make you cry I know it's not good. If you feel you need to go to the emergency room just say something."

"It's not the pain that makes me cry it's the person who caused it," she said as the tears poured out of her eyes.

My heart dropped at the sight of her tears. I pulled her into a hug.

"Chad how could someone who you think loves you do something to hurt you so much?"

"Tay I don't know but stop thinking about that sicko."

My blood boiled because I know that if I could kill the guy I wouldn't hesitate to do so.

"Chad can you promise me something?"

"What baby?"

"Promise me that you will never hurt me on purpose."

"Taylor I promise I will never do anything to hurt you because I don't ever want to see you hurt like this again."

"Thank you," she said pulling me into a hug.

"Like I said earlier I'm just trying to be a good boyfriend."

"Like I said earlier you're doing a good job."

I kissed her on her forehead and noticed I had been there for an hour and my mom would probably be getting ready to go to bed. She would notice I wasn't in my room.

Taylor saw me looking concerned, "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry but I really need to get home before my mom gets done watching TV and notices I'm not there."

She laughed, "Be careful and get home before you're grounded and we not be able to see much of each other. I want you to visit me after school while I'm recovering."

"No problem babe I'll be here everyday," I say giving her one last kiss.

She waves goodbye and scramble down her balcony as fast as I can losing my balance and falling straight onto my face in the grass.

"I'm okay!" I yell.

I hear her laugh, "I told you that one day you were going to fall on that big lunkhead and that's what you did!"

I laugh at her and run as fast as I can home.

A/N- Well this was the last chapter and the stories over with. I really had a lot of fun getting reviews from everyone. I want to thank all the reviewers but especially Xluv4lukeX and PrincessChaylor10 who were my faithful readers. Also to chaylorfan, CorbinBleuFantatic1, and Chaylor2gether4ever. If I didn't mention your name I still love you and don't be mad at me. Also the whole mystery story thing I decided I wasn't quite ready so instead of the update the story will just be starting!