
Marie is my friend first.

If someone wants to hurt her, then they'll have to get through me first, and that might prove difficult for the mass majority of people on the planet.

I don't know about you, but running through a person made out of metal wouldn't be one of the higher things on my To Do list.

People don't really know that we're friends, but we are.

I guess that quiet people bond together, and the incident with the frying pan and the bagel seems to smooth things out down the Rogue and Colossus road.

But for all of our "Being Friends," I never really got to know her. We would talk and crack jokes and stuff, but I never got to know the sensitive side of her, the one that had the bad memories, and the one true side of her. She just never opened up to me, and I've always thought that I was a good listener. Or, at least, I was good at listening to people and not judging them. I think…

I guess that the only person who knew her that way was Logan, or Wolvie as Jubilee called him. Not that I like to gossip or anything, it's a girl thing, but it seems that she has a crush on our feral wolf.

Man, I pity him.

Once, when she just got here, Jubilee and I went out for ice cream. When we got back, she had just finished an hour-long spiel on how Wolvie-is-the-hottest-guy-since-Vin-Diesel-in-Pitch-Black-but-no-one-can-touch-him-because-he-belongs-to-Rogue. So I kinda got the gist before I met her that she was off limits. After she told me all about that, she immediately had to go and tell him that she met a guy who he couldn't kill (A.K.A me – because I'm Steel Boy), and she walked in on him and Scott watching Brokeback Mountain with Rogue and just had to bring me in without telling me what they were doing first. I almost fell apart laughing.

Rogue had to use her powers to stop Jubi from burning the space down, she was sparking so much.

See, even if she was going to have a hangover like the Day After Tomorrow, she can still use her powers, and she had everyone acting crazy. Then she started to talk about Scott and how he really was a prat some times, and how it always seemed that Logan and Rogue were always together, and wasn't Bobby her boyfriend? That started things off.

Anyway, I'm not so sure what was happening with Logan and Rogue. They seemed to have disappeared.


I thought that I had these all out, but I guess not. Review??