A/N (important in my opinion): Well, here's chapter four. A lot of you have asked me to continue on with the story. I thought about it and at first it seemed like I should end it now, but then I thought more and realized that I could take this somewhere else. I honestly don't know how long it will be. Some of you want ten chapters; others want the epic twenty. But, there is some big news I'd like to share with you all:

So, it has been announced that there is a possible eighth season of Gilmore Girls. But the show might now make it that far due to the fact that Alexis Bledel isn't too keen on continuing. It has also been said that if Alexis goes, so does Lauren, therefore ending our beloved show.

I haven't been keeping up with this season. I've only seen four episodes, simply because I refuse to watch Lorelai be with Chris. But I was very much looking forward to another season and if it does not air, I shall be very disappointed with this season. Now, to my point: If the show ends with this season, I will more than likely end my Gilmore Girls fanfiction days. I just can't go on without inspiration and the show is what keeps me inspired (as well as my reviewers).

Now, if the show were to end in a good way, the way it should which would be Luke and Lorelai getting married and starting a family, then I would go on. But that just isn't possible with this short amount of time they have left. I have not made up my mind, but I will once word gets out whether or not Alexis will sign a contract for an eighth season.

So, what does this mean for my current fics? Well, I'll be ending them, and as soon as I can. I have a lot of things going on and even more to come in the near future. If I do decide to quit writing Gilmore Girls fanfiction, I'll be wrapping up my stories maybe before or even a little after the season finale. I had planned on sequels to a few of my current fics, but that won't be happening obviously if I stop writing. I'll end them the best way possible though. And this won't be the end of my writing days. I'll probably just play with my own ideas instead or try out other fanfiction, such as One Tree Hill.

I'll keep you all posted. This entry is pretty much meant for my faithful readers who read most of my stories. And I also won't be starting any new ones. But onto a happier subject, I hope this chapter suffices you all. I was going to wait and post it tomorrow, but I know we all need it for tonight. I literally kept gagging and shouting out, "Ew!" during the episode. I was thrilled to pieces with the end though.

That last bit of this chapter will seemed rushed, but that is because even though the episode ended quite well I guess (well, the previews for next week made up for it, actually) I lost my inspiration, but knew you guys needed this tonight. I hope you like it. Enjoy!


Luke stood there, taking in the sight before him. Chris was hovered over Lorelai, one hand covering her mouth, the other holding her hands together above her head. Lorelai was struggling beneath him, still trying to scream through his hand.

He knew Chris was capable of many things, but he never thought it would come down to this. Chris had always appeared sort of cowardice and weak. Apparently there was another layer hidden beneath his visible one. A courageous, bold, maleficent side.

He was bewildered from it all. The events from earlier had been enough for him to take in tonight. All he wanted was to spend a little time with Lorelai. Exhaustion had settled in and he was more than ready to just lie down and let sleep overcome him.

Instead, he had to walk in on what was more than likely the most disturbing thing he'd ever seen. Hadn't he walked in at that moment, Lorelai would have been a victim of rape. It was more than he could bear. He'd already come close to losing her earlier this evening.

His eyes connected with Lorelai's and what he saw was so overwhelming, it took every ounce of strength he had to hold her gaze. There was desperation, fear, hope, pain, and relief threaded along with so many other emotions all so clearly shown in her deep blue eyes. Her face was darkly bruised and there was a thin trickle of blood leading from her nose. Her jaw quivered as she tried to hold back from crying.

It was as if her emotions had become Luke's. A sudden rush of adrenaline pumped throughout his body and before he knew what he was doing, he had charged at Chris. He forcefully pulled him off of Lorelai and threw him to the ground.

Chris hadn't expected Luke's oncoming blow, therefore he wasn't quick enough to fight back. Luke had pinned him to the ground and was repeatedly hitting him, bestowing every fowl name out there upon Chris.

"You sick son of a bitch!" he screamed, pounding his fist into Chris's face. "Who the hell do you think you are?!"

"Get the hell off of me!" Chris shouted, attempting to push Luke off.

"Oh and I'm so sure you listened to Lorelai when she said that to you, huh?" he asked, hitting him again. "From the looks of her black and blue bleeding face, it seems like she put up quite a fight."

Chris didn't know what to say. Not only was the pain piercing throughout his entire body, disabling him from processing any form of thought, but also he very well couldn't disguise what Luke had just walked in on.

If Luke had walked in on him just a little earlier, he would have been able to put the blame on Lorelai. He couldn't see himself doing that, but he also didn't want to envision himself spending years in a lonely jail cell. He would very well resort to that if needed out of sheer desperation, but he had been caught red handed, literally. There were faint traces of dried blood on his hand from repeatedly hitting Lorelai.

"Get off me, man!" Chris yelled, taking a swing at Luke.

"I should make you suffer just like she did!" Luke hollered, catching Chris' fists in his hand and twisting it. He watched in pleasure as Chris' face distorted in pain.

In one quick motion, Chris has somehow rolled over Luke and jumped up, throwing on his boxers and running for the door. Luke scrambled up and ran after him. He caught him by the shoulder and threw him up against the wall, punching him right in the gut. Chris doubled over as the breath was literally knocked out of him.


As soon as Lorelai heard Luke's voice, both hers and Chris' faces snapped in his direction. While Chris' expression showed one of a deer caught in the headlights, Lorelai breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed slightly. Never had she been so happy to see Luke before. Everyday when she walked into the diner, she thought that she'd never felt better, but seeing him now was the best possible feeling she could feel at this moment.

Lorelai had begun to lose hope, thinking she was trapped. She felt completely defenseless against Chris seeing as she was being held still by him. His actions had been unexpected and she hated not knowing what his next movement would be. The feeling of helplessness wasn't appeasing to her at all.

As her eyes finally made contact with Luke's, she searched for any emotion he might be hiding, but it was all visible. The rage he felt was evident in his baby blues. As much as she hated for him to see her in this predicament, she was grateful for it. With Luke now present, Chris could do no more harm to her.

However, she could definitely tell that Chris was in for some harm himself as Luke lunged himself at Chris. With her now being free from Chris' hold, she wrapped a sheet around her and sat up. She looked down at the floor where Luke had Chris pinned beneath him and watched with her mouth hanging slightly open as he threw hit after hit.

This night was taking a wrong turn on so many disturbing levels. It seemed as though it would never end as she watched the two men going at it, fists flinging in all directions. She knew she should stop it before things got worse, but she was taken aback by all the events that had taken place tonight that it took a second to wrap her head around what was taking place.

Once realization hit her, she jumped off the bed and quickly made her way over to the two. She held the sheet tightly around her as she began to shout.

"Luke! Stop it now! Both of you!" she yelled, grabbing a hold of Luke's sleeve with one hand.

"And you say you're better for her!" Luke muttered angrily as he continued to hit Chris. "Treating her the way you do, she'd be dead within the first six months!"

Tears sprung to Lorelai's eyes as she kept tugging at Luke's arm, pleading him to stop. Luke hadn't noticed her at first until her heard her shouting his name. He stopped mid swing and turned to look at her. The look on her face told him everything. He reluctantly let his arm fall to his side and let go of Chris. He pulled her into him and stroked her hair. He felt warm tears soak through his flannel and he pulled back.

"We need to do something, Lorelai," he said softly. "We should call the police."

Her face gave him no answer. She didn't nod or shake her head.

"Rory," she said softly.

"She'll understand," Luke said, knowing what she meant.

They both knew how this would affect Rory and Lorelai didn't want her to know what Chris had done. The relationship between Rory and her father had just began to improve on some level and Lorelai didn't want to ruin it for her. As much as she didn't want to, she was willing to let this go for the sake of her daughter.

And then there was Gigi, who was just a baby. Her mother had already abandoned her. Chris was all she had left. Lorelai didn't want to be responsible for taking that away from her. To have one parent absent in your life was one thing. She saw just how much that affected a child throughout Rory's life. To be without any parents was even more painful.

Tears slowly rolled down her cheeks as she watched Luke pick the phone up off the receiver. Chris was passed out cold on the floor, completely immobile. There had definitely been some damage done, and Lorelai started to worry that charges might be pressed against Luke, but quickly dismissed the thought knowing that it could technically count as self defense.

Lorelai sank onto her pillow top mattress, completely oblivious as to what Luke was saying over the phone. She was in a trance; lost in her own world. Thoughts of the past few hours and thoughts of the hours to come occupied her mind. She played all the possible scenarios in her mind, listing the pros and cons for each one.

She felt as if she could pass out from exhaustion. She was drained both physically and emotionally and all she wanted was to just sleep all her pain and worries away, but she knew that wasn't possible. As of now, she was on the long road to recovery. Sighing, she closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. She jumped slightly at the feeling of someone sitting beside her. She opened her eyes and relaxed when she saw it was just Luke.

He turned so he was facing her and placed a hand on her arm, gently rubbing up and down as he looked into her eyes. He needed answers, he need to know what had happened, but he didn't want to push it right now. She was in a vulnerable state and conflicting with it would only increase the emotions inside her and could result in a breakdown. He decided to start off simply and ease into the full story slowly.

Are you ok? Seemed like a ridiculous question to ask. She clearly wasn't ok. Everything about her said that she wasn't. Her entire left side of her face was bruised, she was visibly shaken, and her eyes practically read aloud, like someone telling a story from a book, exactly what she felt. He decided he'd take a different approach.

"We should get you some ice," he stated. It wasn't the best of approaches, but it was a start.

"It's ok, I'm fine," she replied, her stubborn side speaking.

"Lorelai," he said, his tone stern yet still comforting. "You need ice. Come on."

He stood up and took her hand in his, gently pulling her to a standing position. He felt the tremors in her hand from obvious fear and shock. He rubbed his thumb over the top of her hand, caressing her soft skin and slowly easing her into a calmer state.

He pushed a curl behind her ear and stroked her hair for a few seconds, willing her to relax. His touch soothed her and he felt her tense muscles release from their strain. He nodded his head in the direction of the door, silently telling her to leave the room. She looked at him skeptically, but he assured her with a shake of his head that he wasn't going to do anything stupid.

As soon as she walked out, Luke made sure Chris was completely unconscious before he headed out himself. He locked the door from the inside and then closed the door shut. He saw Lorelai waiting for him at the stair rail and walked towards her. He placed his hand on the small of her back and led her down the stairs.

They both walked into the kitchen and headed over to the freezer. Lorelai got a zip lock bag and began filling it with ice while Luke did the same with another zip lock bag. He noticed what she was doing and looked at her curiously.

"What are you doing? I've got ice already," he said, holding up the bag.

"I know, but you need ice too," she said to him, closing the freezer door.

A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. It was just like Lorelai to put her worries for other people before her own. Maybe it was apart of that motherly instinct from raising Rory. Maybe it was just the way she was in general. Or it could possibly be a combination of both. Luke though it was the latter.

"I'm ok, I promise," he assured her, taking her by the elbow and leading her to a chair where he motioned for her to sit.

He pulled up a chair beside hers and placed the bag of ice cautiously on the bruised half of her face, careful not to hurt her. She still winced slightly at the contact, but handed her own bag over to Luke. He couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Lorelai, really, I'm fine."

"You're starting to bruise."

Luke just shrugged his shoulders as he held the ice pack in hand. A thousand thoughts ran through his mind as he tried to wrap his head around what had happened. How could a day that was meant to be celebrated in bliss turn out to be so execrable?

"Are you hurt anywhere else?" he asked her.

"No," she whispered, looking down and shaking her head.

"Hey," he said, tipping her head back up with his finger. "None of this is your-"

He was interrupted by the sound of sirens outside of the house. They both looked towards the window and saw red and blue lights flashing through.