Konnichi wa!

Whew! FINALLY! I updated this story! XD

Not much going on here, but, then again, my brain has run dry for this story at the moment.

Hope you like it!

Wingless Flight

Chapter Thirteen – Wretched Demons

The air was suddenly filled with brilliant sparks of energy – the hairs on the back of Neji's neck stood on end as the wind picked up and the very earth seemed to shake.

Oh God what're they doing –?


The wind immediately died down, and the ground righted itself as Neji straightened, looking up to see that Naruto had changed.

The Kyuubi's red aura surrounded the blonde, and when the other raised his eyes, the Hyuuga was shocked to see that all blue was lost – the eyes were bright red and animalistic, the whisker marks on Naruto's flesh thicker and more defined.

However, there was no bloodlust – no rage. The red aura quickly dispersed in a swirl of Chakra, leaving the air thick with tension. When Naruto spoke, it was deeper – calmer. He gazed at Suzaku intently – with the Kyuubi's wisdom.

"I am here, Suzaku," she stated simply, her voice (Naruto's voice) echoing. "What is it you wish of me?"

Suzaku gave her a brilliant smile.

"Ah – Kyuubi! It's been years! I'm glad to see you're not out for the world's blood – as it were."

The fox-demon merely stared at him.

"I still am, Suzaku – make no mistake. But I hear there are more pressing matters at hand than my revenge."

Suzaku nodded, setting his hands on Sasuke's hips.

"Yes. You remember the Akiada, correct?"

The Kyuubi let out a distasteful hiss using Naruto's mouth.

"Oh, do I ever? That wretched bunch of pre-Madonnas – makes me wanna puke!"

Suzaku chuckled.

"Now, now, Kyuubi dear – manners! You ARE a lady!"

The Kyuubi growled at him, but he simply laughed. Immediately however, he became serious once more.

"But yes. We were speaking of them before you decided to make an appearance. They're coming – quickly. Every step they take means the war is coming closer and closer."

"Ah, yes," the Kyuubi mused. "The war notorious for its bloodshed – how could I forget? Tsk," she scoffed disapprovingly, crossing Naruto's arms. "I don't know HOW they could get it into their heads that they could take over the gods – it's foolishness within itself, I say!"

"I know it is, Kyuubi," Suzaku replied, beginning to lose patience. "But I'm concerned for this village – they could easily tear it apart!"

The Kyuubi surveyed him as if he were a distasteful bug that had happened to land on her table.

"This village has perfectly capable Shinobi," she replied dismissively. Suzaku fought from growling.

"I see that being locked up inside that tiny mass of empty space inside that blonde's head has given you brain damage, fox!" He hissed, making the Kyuubi's red eyes narrow. "The Akiada has grown in power since you saw them last – they've become smarter and more dangerous! We must do something!"

"And what do you suppose we do?" The Kyuubi asked icily. "Genbu and Byakkou are incapable of assisting, and YOU are just a god trapped inside a measly mortal's body – what can YOU do against an army of humans that share YOUR power?"

Suzaku merely looked at her for a moment before grinning.

"A lot, Kyuubi dear," he replied slyly. "Don't forget – this 'measly mortal's body' you speak of has experienced battle before – it's not exactly an infant fresh from the womb."

"Neither are you, phoenix," the Kyuubi amended with a sigh. "Neither are you. So…" she surveyed him. "What do you propose we do?"

Suzaku blinked, but then his eyes darkened, hardening in resolve.

"We meet them half-way," he stated. "We meet them half-way and make those wretched demons wish they'd never been born."

End Chapter Thirteen – Wretched Demons

I was too lazy to write anything about a frightening demonstration, so this was the result.

Notes: Fucking short. XP

Hope you liked it!


Ja ne!