A/N: Sooo 1 year and 9 months between updates isn't that bad right? right?? sorry for those who have to read back to remember what's going on, but i really can't summarize it for you, I'VE forgotten half the story myself lol

disclaimer: 'nough said

"Pan! Paaaan!"

Pan could hear her name being called out in the distance and wobbled towards it. Flying hadn't been working too well so she grounded herself in the nearest park. "Why did I have so many drinks? I can't believe –hic!-this… I can't even–hic-even–hic­- walk!' She mumbled before tripping over some air.

Clinging onto a conveniently placed tree she avoided the near tumble. "Stupid Bra! Sending me out like-hic-this! I'll teach'er! Yeh I'll teach'er a lesson or two when I get back!" she ranted taking random swings at the air, "Just like that! Yeah!" Feeling the adrenaline she began jousting the air.

"Pan!" Trunks shouted, relieved he had finally found her.

She stopped and stumbled mid swing before falling to the ground. Glaring at the half-saiyan approaching her, she pointed accusingly and gave the most evil eye she could muster.


"How dare you do this to me," she muttered stumbling forward, "I thought I was y-hic-your friend."

"Pan I-"

"No!... shut up! It's my turn! listen, listen here…come…"

He knelt down beside her, and immediately scrunched his face in disgust at the over powering stench of alcohol, "Pan! Have you been drinking??" He yanked her off the ground and took to the sky, "Who have you been drinking with! I thought we all had an agreement! You don't drink without another saiyan, don't you remember what happened last time?! You are not the nicest drunk and a human could get seriously hurt! What were you thinking!?!"

Pan glared at him with fire in her eyes, "It's your fault!" she yelled

Trunks faltered, "…what! How is this my fault? I come looking for you at five o' clock in the morning and-"

"You don'even remember" she muttered softly, cutting him off, "I was with you…and I was pretty…"

He stared down at the girl in his arms, a confused expression on his face, "…you were with…me? When?"



"Yes, t'day"

"When? I don't remember seeing you? Do you mean yesterday?"


"Okay, okay!" he relented to the drunken female, "So when did this supposed meeting occur?"


"I know that! You already said today, when?"

"You, you don'remember?"

"Obviously I don't!" he retorted, fed up with the merry go round of questions

"We were t'gether, and-and I was laughing, but then…then"

"Then what?!"

She wrapped her arms around his neck and began rubbing her cheek slowly against his.

A bright red climbed from the base of Trunks' neck and engulfed his entire face. "You're so warm," she cooed

"No-stop!" he stutter-squeaked, causing Pan to release, "Answer my question. What happened after 'we were together'?"

"Yes!" she seethed gripping the collar of his shirt, drawing him close. Their noses touched and she could breathe his breath, "but then you threw me outta the house Bra!"


"Yes!! Bra, I'll getchuuu" she hissed slowly releasing his collar, and then swiftly passing out.

Trunks furrowed his brow in thought, flustered and trying to make sense of the quarter-saiyan's ramblings. "We were together? We…were together? We were…" his eyes bulged in realization and then narrowed dangerously. He peered down at the girl in his arms, then straight ahead as he raced back to the condo.


*Ding dong*

"mm...what, who's there..?" Bra mumbled from her sprawled out position on the couch

*Ding dong-Ding dong-Ding dong*

"Ok ok …I'm….comi" she replied half-heartedly lifting her arm towards the door in a sleep induced attempt to move.

*Knock kno THUMP THUMP THUMP* Bra immediately jumped to attention recognizing her brothers ki.

*THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP* "Bra! If you don't answer this door RIGHT NOW I swear I will--

"Shh, you'll wake tha neighbas" Bra whispered as she cracked the door careful to only expose her nose and mouth.


"Alright alright, c'mon in, geez no need to be so fussy this early in the morning.."

Trunks laid the passed out Pan on the couch, then angrily marched over to his sister who still lingered by the door, "Wow, Pan must've been exhausted. Was she asleep when you found her?" Bra questioned

"Cut the crap! You know exactly what happened to Pan, and exactly why I'm fussy!"

"Hehehehe you said fussy"

"Bra!" He exclaimed slamming a palm past her face and into the wall behind her.

"…Yes?" she squeaked, face scrunched from anticipated impact.

"You!.. you…,"Trunks chuckled and backed away from the wall as his anger dissipated. The helpless look of fear on his sister's face was too much. "Man, if dad saw you make that face…"

"Please don't tell him!" Bra pleaded dropping down to her knees, "He'd make me go into training again because "Fear is for the weak!"" they both finished with their best Vegeta impersonation. Laughter ensued then subsided.

"But in all seriousness, I will tell him..."

"No, please don't! Such an evil brother, how could you!? You're supposed to protect me, not throw me to the lions, then mop up the blood with my mangled carcass, only to toss it in a blender to make Bra smoothies for the lions to ingest again."

Trunks just stared, stared some more, and then brushed it off. "Look, all I want is the truth. Just tell me the truth." He walked further into the condo, "I was mad at first because I figured out you lied to me, but I'll give you a chance to explain yourself. And if, IF you have a legitimate reason for deceiving your oh so benevolent brother, then I shall spare you the lions den." Trunks bargained as he sat himself down at a table.

"Pfft, lie…what lie is this you speak of?" Bra attempted to persuade

"Hey, its no big deal to me. It's you who'll be in the lions bowl"

"It's den stupid, lions den. Don't you know the story, Daniel--"

"I know what I said" Trunks interjected blushing lightly, "and you can try to change the subject all you want, but the thing is, I already know the truth. Pan said enough for me to piece it together. If you don't explain now, it'll only get complicated when the families find out."

"…Pan told you?" Bra inched closer, tentatively taking the seat across from Trunks, "How much did she say?"

"Oh…enough. You just have to fill in the holes. Let's start simple, like what started it all, and why you allowed Pan to be in the position she's in now."

"…Fine. We started it because we didn't want to just blindly follow our families' will and prior conceptions. And Pan's in the position she's in now because she handles money better than I do. There, happy?"

Trunks pondered on his sister's words.

"That…is quite possibly the stupidest reasoning I've ever heard! I should send you to dad just to knock some sense into you!"

This infuriated Bra beyond all reason, "Stupid?! You're just mad because you didn't think of it first! And how am I senseless? Putting Pan in charge of finances is the very reason Tri-Link's quarterly earnings are triple that of Capsule Corps'!"

"Bra, what does Tri-Link and Capsule Corps have anything to do with you getting Pan drunk and sending… her…out…Did you just say Pan works for Tri-Link?"

Bra stared at her brother in disbelief. 'He asks me why we started a company, and then is surprised that Pan works there' "Trunks"


"What did Pan tell you?"

"No, answer my question. Does Pan work for Tri-Link?"

'He really hasn't figured it out?' "If I tell you, will you tell me what Pan told you?"

"What?...Yes, now answer."

"Yes she works for Tri-Link, now what did Pan tell you?"

"Wait, why? Why does she work there? Is it part of your infiltration plan?"

"I don't know, ask her" she lied. Bra needed to find out exactly how much Trunks knew before spinning another web of intricate lies.

"Don't give me that crap! You're her best friend, of course you know why she's employed at the rival company of your family's"

"Well if you want to know, you should ask her yourself, because obviously there's a reason she hasn't told you yet. That being the case, I'm not going to break her trust and explain it to you myself without her permission." 'Damn that was a good lie!' "Now, what did Pan tell you?"

Sighing in defeat, Trunks ran a hand through his hair and began to explain. From Pan's drunken ramblings he had come to a conclusion. That in her state, unable to identify who she was talking to she began berating him with allegations of getting her drunk. It wasn't until just before she passed out that she mentioned Bra's name and how she was kicked out of the house. All of which led him to the final conclusion that she had gotten drunk with Bra and then swiftly gotten kicked out of the residence for reasons unknown.

"So you want to at least explain to me why you kicked her out of the condo?"

"Uh…I didn't know that she was drunk?" 'I really didn't know, although in retrospect…'

Trunks tiredly wiped his face, "You know what, it's late--or early whatever you want to call it, and I'm too tired for this." He promptly stood up and headed for the door, "Goodnight Bra" he said exiting, "tell Pan I need to talk with her about this whole working for Tri-Link thing, and uh don't forget to tell Ichigo that I uh had a good time. Sorry to leave you with a second drunk person on your hands."

"No problem, byeeee."

The door shut and Bra could finally rest. "Ugh I'm so tired. Finally time for sleep" she smiled as she cuddled into a love seat.

*ring ring ring* *ring ring ring*


"Good Morning!"

"Marron?...what is it?"

"This is your wake up call. You told me to call you guys in case you forgot to set your alarm during the process of moving in and whatnot. Am I wrong?"

Bra pulled the phone away from her ear to check the time, "Yeh, but you weren't supposed to call until six--Dammit!"

Yeh, so wasn't that long of a chapter, but its better than i right or am i right?....maybe, we'll see

*really though, for any of you who honestly care... Sorry for the wait, i had life stuff to attend to... like graduating... soon ------- next ch coming Mmmm yeh i can't give any guarantees :)