Winter Nights - Chapter Three

Written by Kyoki Hinote

Disclaimer: Stop telling me I don't own the pretty Bishies, darn it!

Warnings: Slash, lots of fluff, cursing, some graphic scenes… Yeah. I won't say any more.

A/N: I am so, so sorry!! I know, I'm bad. I told you I'd give it to you after 10 reviews, and I'm posting up now, but I have a reason! If you've read my profile recently, then you already know, but I'm in my school's musical. It's opening week, and we have rehearsal like crazy. On Monday, I'll be at school from seven thirty in the morning till about ten, ten thirty at night… Yeah, it's crazy. So, that's my excuse.

"I wonder what else on you is oversensitive…"

Face turning an even deeper red than before, Shino looked down, trying to focus on something, anything other than those haunting, enchanting eyes.

Concerned, Kiba gently cupped Shino's chin, forcing his head up. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Shino reassuringly pressed his lips against Kiba's in a chaste kiss. "I'm not… ready for anything beyond this, Kiba… not yet. I apologize."

Inner Kiba stomped around and threw a temper tantrum. He wanted Shino to be his, and only his! Grrrr…

However, that was Inner Kiba… and the more Kiba thought about it, the more Kiba realized that he wasn't quite ready for that, either. Sure, he wanted to take Shino, and maybe one day let Shino take him (1), but not until later. Not until they got to know each other better.

"I understand. I guess I'm not ready for that either."

Shino sighed in relief.


Shino eyed Kiba warily, suspicious of the mischievous grin.

"I wouldn't want to break tradition, you know…"

"Kiba… What are you talking ab--umph!"

Kiba had switched their position, and now Shino was lying on his back, with Kiba straddling him, holding his wrists down at his sides. Grinning, Kiba bit into the juncture between Shino's neck and shoulder.

Shino cried out in pain and surprise, but his cries soon turned to moans as Kiba licked, kissed, and sucked at the sensitive skin.

Giving the wound one last kiss, Kiba released Shino's wrists and kissed the dazed Aburame soundly on the lips.

"There! Now no one else can touch you. Mine!" He laid back down, clinging to Shino like a child would over a favorite toy about to be taken away.

After catching his breath and calming his racing heart, Shino pulled Kiba closer, inhaling the spicy scent that could only be Kiba.

"I love you, Kiba…" he found himself whispering.

Kiba gasped, feeling his heart swell in happiness. "I love you too!" Trying not to sound too excited, and failing miserably, Kiba growled at Shino's chuckle.

They decided to meet later that night at the bench and Shino went home. Ever since, Kiba had been filled with nervous energy. It was understandable… It was going to be his first date, after all. He was starting to feel like a love-struck girl, especially after he started worrying about what he was going to wear…

Meanwhile, at the Aburame household, Shino was wondering if Itachi was on to something when he wiped out his entire clan, sans Sasuke. Maybe Shino could just kill his older cousin, though… He could settle for that.

At the moment, the twenty-four year old woman was dancing around him like a little girl, chanting "Shino's got a boyfriend!" over and over.

If there was one person who drove him crazy (besides Kiba, but that was a different story) it was Kyoki!

His insane older cousin, whom he knew had to have been adopted, had been making fun of him ever since he had come home with Kiba's mark on his neck. The purple-haired woman, knowing he wasn't into girls, had immediately asked for details, muttering something about a story she was writing. Unfortunately for her, Shino wasn't feeling too sharing. (2)

"Kyoki-chan, don't you have something to do with Neko-chan…?"

"Oh, right! See ya later, Shino-kun! Remember, use protection!" She winked an amethyst eye, then disappeared in an instant.

Shino sighed in exasperation. Kyoki was so easily distracted by the thought of her girlfriend. He willed away the red on his cheeks and headed towards his room. Luckily, no family members met him on the way, and he showered, changed his clothes, and put on his glasses. Perhaps later, he'd take them off… for Kiba. For now, though, the glasses (and the mask they served as) stayed on.

The kikai insects danced under and across his skin, reacting to his emotions. Shino felt happier than ever. Someone loved him. Kiba loved him.

Focus shifting back to reality, Shino looked at the clock.

Six thirty already? I should get going…

Kiba ran out the door of his apartment at six fifty-five P.M., shouting good-bye to Akamaru. Underneath his heavy coat, he had on a black t-shirt with "My imaginary friend thinks you suck." in white lettering on the front, and dark blue jeans. Black boots kept his feet away from the snow as he sprinted to the park.

Fuck! I'm gonna be late!

Checking his watch for the third time in the past minute, Shino mentally berated himself for being so anxious.

He's probably just running late… I doubt he forgot, or didn't want to come, and he certainly wasn't called off on a mission. Not to mention, there's no way he was in some freak accident… although, he is kind of clumsy… Dammit, this isn't helping!

One of the kikai he had sent out looking for Kiba after five minutes past the designated time returned, informing him that Kiba had just left his house and was running here.

Shino waited for the sound of running feet.

Panting slightly from his run, Kiba grinned as the park bench came into sight. He could see the back of Shino's head, silhouetted against the setting sun. Giggling slightly, he jumped over the back of the bench, plopping down next to Shino. Said man, of course, was not startled, and simply nodded his head in greeting. Kiba could see that, underneath Shino's winter coat, which thankfully didn't have a huge collar to hide his face, had to be a normal t-shirt. Dark jeans covered his legs and his feet were covered with brown boots.

"Hi Shino! So… What are we gonna do? I mean, I guess we could stay here for awhile, but it's cold, and boring, and…"

Shino sealed Kiba's lips with a kiss, effectively silencing the other man. Smiling, he pulled away. "You're ranting. Come on; I want to show you something."

Standing up, Shino offered Kiba a hand. Kiba muttered something about not being a girl, but took the offered hand anyway.

Blushing slightly, Shino laced their fingers together.

Who would have thought that Shino was so romantic? Kiba grinned, squeezing the hand entwined with his.

Shino led the way, and the two lovers walked in a comfortable silence (with the occasional stolen kiss, of course). Eventually, they stopped in front of a wide cave, the mouth covered with icicles.

Confused, Kiba looked over at Shino. "You brought me to a cave?"

Shino shook his head, smiling. He silently led Kiba into the cave, guided his partner through twists and turns, around corners, up and down, until they reached an exit into a giant field.

Kiba gasped, eyes widening.

In the field was the biggest lake Kiba had ever seen in Konoha. Fireflies danced all around, hovering, gliding, and turning in the air.

"This is the only place this type of firefly live…" Shino commented quietly as one landed on his outstretched finger. "Oddly enough, the snow never falls in this spot, so they live here year-long."

"Wow… This is so cool, Shino! You can see the stars and the moon so well from here!" Kiba laughed, head thrown back to look up at the sky.

Shino couldn't help but smile at Kiba's blissful expression. He hugged the slender man around the waist, resting his head on his shoulder.

"I love you, Kiba."

Kiba turned around in Shino's arms, claiming his soft lips with his own in response.

Wanting to taste the Aburame again, Kiba pleadingly licked at his lips, and entrance was granted. Running his hands through the impossibly messy, yet silky hair, he coaxed Shino's tongue into his mouth, then sucked at the appendage, causing Shino to let out a deep moan, hands clinging desperately to Kiba's shoulders.

The need for air became too great and they pulled away, both panting, faces flushed.

Once recovered, Kiba grabbed Shino's glasses, laughing while running off with them. Shino just stood there, smiling tolerantly.

"Come on, Shino! You're supposed to chase me!" Kiba pouted, trotting back to Shino.

Placing a soft kiss on the pouting lips, Shino discreetly slipped his glasses out of Kiba's hands.

"Why go after you when I know you'll come back?" He smirked, putting on the glasses.

"Hey! No fair! That's cheating, you bastard!"

Shino chuckled.

"Aww… You look way better without the stupid glasses, Shino!" Kiba grumbled.

To appease his pouting boyfriend, Shino slipped the glasses into his pocket.

Kiba cheered in victory, then jumped on top of Shino, knocking them both to the ground. Resting his head on the warm chest beneath him, Kiba felt arms wrap around his waist.

He blinked, confused, when he felt something crawling on his hand. Shino mumbled something that he didn't quite catch. "What was that, Shino?"

"Nothing, Kiba. Look…" Shino pointed, and Kiba glanced in the indicated direction. What he saw made him laugh.

"You're such a sap, Shino!"

Shino blushed indignantly. "I am not."

He had asked the fireflies to spell out the words Shino loves Kiba forever in the sky. He had wanted to do something special, something Kiba would always remember.

He wanted this moment, this happiness, this peacefulness… to last forever.


(1) Arrogant, isn't he? xD I'll see what I can do, Kiba-chan…

(2) Cameo appearance by authoress! Hiya!

Bwuhahahahahahahahahahaaaa! I tricked you! (grin) Notice, I asked if you would mind a lemon later in the story. That doesn't necessarily mean the very next chapter. Whew! Finally, I'm done with this chapter! You know, when I wrote that last line, I hit a brick wall. I had no clue what to write next. Hopefully, it has enough of an air of finality to hold you off until the next chapter. Once again, so sorry it took so long to get out. I thank all the reviewers many, many times! (bows repeatedly)

I'm not sure when exactly I'll be able to get the next chapter out. I have to write it first.

Oh, by the way, I need a place for Kiba to take Shino. ...Not like that, perverts! XD I mean, a place like Shino's lake, for their second date.

By the way, there will not be one lemon, but two! One where Kiba's seme, and one where Shino's seme. That way, everyone gets what they want!

You know the drill, ten reviews before the next chapter!