
Chapter 1: Smalltime.

The call came at 2am on Thursday morning, David was in the middle of a deep sleep and on the 5th ring he finally woke and picked up. " Hello?" he grumbled down the line. The reply he got was from he last person he excepted. " David? That you?", David was suddenly wide awake and his heart beating fast, that voice he hadn't heard in so long.

"Max? Oh my god, is that you Max" David held his breath while waiting for the reply.

"Yea Brother, its been a long time huh?"David let out a small gasp and tried to focus

"Max, where have you been? It's been 2 years! Where are you?

"I've been in hiding Dave and I need your help, I think it's time for a reunion"

"Max, What's up? Tell me something, anything"

"I'm coming home and I'm looking for one thing"



London, December 2006

James was running to keep up with his mark, he had been to relaxed about this mission and lost focus and also nearly lost the mark.

James saw this as another small mission to put under his belt in between the big ones, the risk was low, his mission controller, Jason, wasn't even in town with him, he was still at campus in a nice warm room while James was out in the snow freezing, but James had to put that aside for now and get his head back in the game, even though in was small he didn't want a failed mission next to his name.

His mark was a slightly large male, balding, wearing a faded brown suit and holding an old, black briefcase and goes by the name of Ken Bold, looking up ahead he spotted him and slowed to a fast walk. Ken led him on walk for 8 blocks finally stopping at a office " P&J Insurance", James noted this down in this down in his notebook, He hated small missions because he got no fancy gear and had to note down everything himself, Jason was only there to record James progress or get information for him.

Ken was in the office for 20 minutes when he came out accompanied by a man in an Italian made suit, not that James knew that, all he knew was that they headed down the street into a small café. James took his chance, he J-walked across the road and tried the door, to his surprise it was open, he ran up the stairs 2 at a time and entered a small office complete with a desk, chair and computer, all four walls were bear and there were no personal items there at all but James wasn't interested at that, he made he was to the computer and starting downloading the files onto a flashdrive.

The Police knew that Ken Bold was in the internet fraud circle and wanted to know who his partner was and proof of it, that's where James came in, the police were low in spare men at the moment and didn't have time to have Ken followed then get a warrant to search the place and get the evidence, where as James could do all of it in a days work so there hopped on the team.

When James heard the bing of the flashdrive he picked it up, checked for any signs of him ever being in the office then left, once outside he was confident that he went unnoticed and starting running back to the hotel. How wrong he was, a black SUV with tinted black window pulled out and start following James back to the hotel.

Authors Note

My first fanfic, please review if you read, good or bad, I hope it wasn't to bad, hopefully I'll have the next chapter up soon and hopefully it will be longer, also im sorry about the spacing, im not sure if it looks right, Thanks :)