He was already waiting for him when he'd arrived.

Himura Rikuou had cornered one of his bosses to ask where a Doumeki Shizuka lived or how he could contact him. He couldn't deny that the memory of his kitten-y Kazahaya's 'revenge' left him smug. In fact, that was perhaps the best sex they'd ever had.

However, he had something to discuss with Watanuki Kimihiro's boyfriend.

"Didn't think I'd see you again."

Rikuou shrugged at Doumeki's statement and shoved his hands in his pockets, dropping down to sit on the bench beside the other boy. "I didn't either, but it wouldn't stop bugging me."


His green eyes were hard as they met the golden, indifferent gaze. "Three days ago was, without a doubt, mind-blowing. However, I'm sure you agree with my sentiment that you are to never speak of what you saw." He would never allow this boy to breathe a single word of how unspeakably sexy and adorable he'd made Kazahaya look that day.

For a moment, Doumeki didn't say anything. "So long as you don't say anything about Watanuki, I won't say anything about him."

Rikuou nodded, happy that he'd gotten that out of the way. He supposed he shouldn't have needed to through all that effort just for that, as this boy wasn't exactly the talkative type. In fact, they both seemed to have quite the same mindset. But, still…he felt better all the same just to be absolutely sure.

"You know they're there, right?"

"Well, they're hardly being subtle about it," Rikuou responded dryly.

Really, how could he not know that Kazahaya and apparently Watanuki as well were currently huddling behind the bench they were sitting on? He'd known the moment he left that Kazahaya thought he was sneakily trailing behind him, but with a boy as clumsy as he was, there was no way to do that. Given the distance they were at though, as there wasn't any coverage anywhere closer, he doubted they could hear what they were saying.

The thought made him smirk and he let an arm drape around the back of the bench, as if he and the boy next to him were dating. "Want to get our own little revenge?"

Doumeki looked at him expressionlessly. "Why?"

"Well, yes, the sex was no doubt mind-blowing for you too, I'm sure, but it's the principle of the thing. Can you just let it go? I mean, think about it. If you're of the same kind of mindset as me, the idea of anyone seeing your boyfriend's precious little whimpers and cries and expressions is nearing sacrilege and they let it happen. Shouldn't they get punished for this?"

That head tilted as the boy seriously thought about it. And for the first time in their acquaintance, he saw those stoic lips lift in a quirk that was somewhere between a smile and a smirk. "When you put it like that, I can't argue."

Rikuou smiled smugly, sure that the two behind them would never know it was coming. "Glad we both agree."

He leaned in, as if to whisper something in Doumeki's ear, and out of the very corner of his eye, he could see the two stiffen. After all, when it came to Kazahaya, Rikuou's eyes were like a hawk.

"Let's go find a store. I know just how to do this."

Doumeki turned his head so that their faces were inches apart. "How?"

Rikuou dropped his arm over the slightly shorter boy and walked them off casually. He could practically feel his kitten's fur standing on end and the fury that that gaze was boring into his back. How could Kazahaya not know that he knew he was there?

"Take advantage of their weaknesses. When they finally can't handle it anymore and interrupt us, going on a tirade, we hand them a gift and tell them that we had only wanted to pick something nice out for them. Make them feel terribly guilty for ever suspecting us and when we get home, they'll be…properly grateful."

Doumeki, he thought, seem pleased with the idea. Rikuou would have suggesting having Doumeki put his arm around the bigger boy's waist, but that might shatter the illusion and have the plan jump the shark. With just a casual arm around Doumeki's shoulder, it could still be taken as just a friendly gesture, but if there was Doumeki's arm around his waist, it wouldn't be so ambiguous anymore.

They detoured into a novelty shop and on the pretense of turning his head to glance at something, he noticed the two trying to peer discreetly around to see what was happening into the window glass. He almost destroyed their whole plan by laughing, as the two suspicious and fury-tinted boys were drawing quite the attention of the crowd on the streets.

Something caught Rikuou's eye and he tugged Doumeki in that direction. It was a ring on a chain for a necklace and oddly enough, the little jewel on it was shaped just like a cat. It was just perfect for his little kitten.

As if knowing his thoughts without saying, Doumeki shifted until his body blocked what Rikuou was looking at from view and he picked it up. This would be sure to stop Kazahaya in his tracks.

"You see anything in here?"

A smirk appeared again, for the second time that day, on the other boy's lips and he nodded. Following Doumeki's lead, he hid the item that Doumeki had chosen from the outside view. The clerk, seeing the two boys being so closely intimate, flushed and stuttered as she rang up their purchases.

"Oh, could you bag that extra? I'd like to make sure my little kitten doesn't see what's in it."

She relaxed a little at the implication of a girlfriend and giggled. "Sure." Picking up the hint, she double bagged both of their gifts and must have assumed that the reason he had his arm around the younger boy was that they were good friends.

Well, he'd never said he'd had a girlfriend. He'd just called Kazahaya his little kitten, like he usually did.

Upon the bright sunlight shining down on them once they were out of the store, Rikuou turned toward the park again. "How long do you think it'll be before they break?"

Doumeki didn't even have to look back. "Five minutes, max. Watanuki can't handle much longer."

"Hmm…too long, we're already here." And it was such a perfect setting since no one was currently around in the park. "Turn your head this way just a little as I lean in. It can be mistaken for a kiss."

Just like he had predicted, it pushed it over the edge, as there was a scream of rage from behind them. He couldn't tell if it was from Kazahaya or Watanuki, but it was a beautiful piece of music that had him rolling over with laughter inside. Putting on a magnificent show of acting, which he should have gotten an academy award for, he jerked his arm off Doumeki's shoulders and looked properly shocked.


"You…you…you…we're through!"

If he hadn't been so supremely amused and knew the truth, he would have been terribly upset at the big, fat, crocodile tears that were streaming down Kazahaya's cheeks. However, unlike Kazahaya, there were no tears on Watanuki's face. His was filled with an unquenchable fury and he breathed in slowly and calmly, which obviously meant that he was at the height of his anger.

"What are you talking about, Kazahaya? Why this all of a sudden?" he demanded, faking irate and upset beautifully.

"You…you…date…Doumeki-san…I l-love you and y-yet you…if you d-didn't w-want me…"

Suddenly, it wasn't funny anymore, seeing how truly upset Kazahaya had gotten and inwardly he sighed. The boy just had to go and ruin his fun. It wasn't any good if he wasn't angry.

"Kazahaya, I didn't do anything!"

"Yes, you did!" he sobbed. "I saw it, you k-k-kissed Doumeki-san just now…!"

"I just let him see what I bought you!"


Apparently Kazahaya had failed to notice the nice white bag he had in his hand. A surprised and wary look melded with the broken-heart-sadness that had previously adorned his face and Rikuou sighed in a resigned and loving way, pulling his boyfriend close. "I just asked him to go shopping with me, geez! I really liked your revenge and I guess…I wanted to get you something, as, uh, you know, a gift."

God, he deserved an EMMY for this.

Kazahaya blinked and then flushed, looking properly contrite. He reached for the bag like a little kid, but Rikuou wouldn't let him have it and merely whispered in his ear, "Let's get out of here so they can talk."

In fact, Watanuki had yet to say a word, but it was obvious he wasn't even listening to a whit of their conversation. His mismatched eyes were full of fury and he was apparently waiting to leash it out until they were alone. Doumeki's expression didn't even twitch.

"I should go tell Kimihiro-kun…"

But when his boyfriend moved to go near, Rikuou dragged him back. "I think we can let his boyfriend do that, don't you? Besides, don't you want to know what I got you?" He let his lips run down that slim neck and enjoyed the shivers it produced.


Doumeki had never seen Watanuki so angry before. He would have been feeling slightly guilty about tricking him, but every time he did, he could only think of that time that Kazahaya had licked Watanuki's ear. He could only remember Kazahaya glancing over to see Watanuki, as he'd taken him pressed up against the wall and looked sexier than he had ever seen the bespectacled boy. Just those things alone reminded him why he'd done it.

He was indeed somewhat angry about it. Sure, it had been the best sex yet and he had Watanuki's image imprinted into his brain, but that didn't change the fact that Watanuki should never have allowed anyone else but him to ever see that side of him. This was justifiable payback.

"Son…of…a…" But Watanuki was a polite creature and just couldn't finish that expletive, like he knew he couldn't. "You…after what we did…after what I told you after…the sides of me that I have allowed you to see all this time we've been dating…" He didn't even think Watanuki was aware that he was crying. "I thought you were different, Doumeki! I thought you, of all people, would never betray me!!"

"I didn't," he replied calmly, only slightly moved by Watanuki's upset tears and rage. He was a pushover for his boyfriend, so he had to constantly keep Watanuki's transgressions in the forefront of his mind, or he'd melt.

"Yes, you did!" he screamed, reaching new decibels that Doumeki hadn't known a human voice could ever possibly produce. "You were kissing him!! And not only someone else, but Kazahaya-kun's boyfriend! How could you, you bastard!"

"Do I look like I've been kissing?" Rhetorical question so he promptly continued before Watanuki could insist that he'd been doing so. "Himura-san only asked me out today to help him shop for something for his boyfriend."


"It's true." He held out the white bag in front of him, drawing Watanuki's attention toward it. "See? I got something for you."

Watanuki opened and closed his mouth for several minutes and suspiciously grabbed the bag and looked inside. His eyes widened in shock and Doumeki could sure imagine why. It had to be hitsuzen and Yuuko pulling strings because he would never have imagined such a thing existed.

"You have got to be kidding me…It's a…it's a…"

"Mokona cooking clock."

It was shiny, ceramic, and black. It had a pleased expression, ears against its sides and its mouth was open. Only set inside that maw was a clock and timer. "You said you needed another one."

Watanuki's hands were shaking, but he wasn't looking at him. "Liar…" he whispered.

"I'm not," he replied, finally approaching his boyfriend and touching those trembling shoulders, murmuring in his ear, "I love you, Watanuki. I'd never, ever betray you."

The shorter boy mumbled something.


"I said…you can call me…by my first name…Shizuka."

Doumeki smiled a little and tilted that head up so he could leave a kiss on lips as soft as rose petals. "Okay…Kimihiro."

"Really, it's amazing," Watanuki muttered, turning over the clock in his hands as he draped over Doumeki's naked body after an intense hour of sex. "I didn't…it's something I would expect of Yuuko-san, but…a novelty shop?"

"Maybe she knows the owner?"

"Yeah, but how would she know you'd be going there?"

Doumeki thought about it. "Maybe that guy, her friend. Kakei-san or whatever."

"Yeah, she doesn't have any normal friends, so he'd have to be special in some way. And I think that Kazahaya-kun mentioned he might have the ability to see the future." The other boy blushed and whispered shyly, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to doubt you."

"Well, I have to admit that his acting was over the top."



Well, revenge wasn't revenge unless the person knew about it, right? Doumeki scratched his head a little and shrugged his shoulders, putting his hands beneath his head again as he lay on his back. "Himura-san called me out today to tell me to forget that I'd ever seen any part of his boyfriend naked, and we agreed never to speak of what we saw if I didn't speak of it."

"…Huh?" The disbelief on Watanuki's face was becoming more pronounced and he knew that there was going to be an inevitable outburst coming when he finished.

"And we were both still mad at you two." When there was confusion in the eyes that were riveted on him, he expanded further, his eyes growing a tad harsh. "Let me put it this way. Kimihiro, I love you to death. You were the sexiest creature I'd ever laid my eyes on that day. However, it still makes me mad that you allowed someone else to see you like that."

"They weren't paying attention—!!!"

"So we got revenge of our own," he continued without pause. "Himura-san suggested we show some fuzzy behavior that could be taken either way, like you did to us, while we got you something."

The silence after he finished was beginning to bother him. Carefully he pulled the clock from trembling hands so it didn't get smashed and as soon as he did that, it sounded like an explosion happened from apartment 104.


Across town, there was equal explosion of, "ASSHOLE!"
