Written By: Cristminech

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! sadly. Just the story plot.

First timer so bear with me.

PLZ Review!


There is a warning for the rape scenes so consider yourself warned if you are against Rated M Material.

Yaoi based. YYXS, YMXYY, YYXY, and YBXYY. LOTS OF RAPE SCENES SO WATCH OUT except with Yami xYugi of course.

There are three rape scenes in this chapter so beware.

Summary: Yami lives a terrible life. He suffers rape after rape from Seto, Malik, and Bakura, but he continues to see them no matter what they do to him. until one afternoon, a teen named Yugi sees him fly out the window and takes him away from the torcher by the elder boys under his care. Will Yugi be able to save Yami's virginity from being taken away completely or will he suffer the same fate as he did for years.

Yami's Unbearable Life

One Sunny morning a boy wonders around the park lonely and bruised. His eyes are deep crimson, tricolor hair that spikes up everywhere, cat ears blending in with the black parts of his hair, and torn up clothes making him shiver. His small figured body trembling with fear as he entered the messy yard.

The boy's name meant darkness (or Dark which ever), Yami, a Japanese name. Sometimes the name pestered him. Yami walked in the house cautiously wondered where the man who's tortured him since he was in first grade.

Yami wondered around until the door slams shut and locks. Yami turns quickly and sees Seto Kaiba, CEO of Kaiba Corp. "Where the hell have you been!? Damn it Yami you're always late!" Yami trembles. "I….I'm sorry S….Seto I was on a walk."

Seto grabs Yami by the neck and slams his head into the table. "You little piece of crap. Why do you bother? No one loves you!" Yami nods weakly. "I know Seto."

Seto grabs Yami by the face and forces a harsh kiss to him. Yami's only response is a painful moan. Seto starts traveling Yami's small frame.
(Rape Warning!!!!!!!!! you've been warned...)

Seto layes Yami flat on his back to gain better access. Yami moans painfully. Seto roams Yami's frame removing clothing in the process. Yami gasps every now and then because of the breeze hitting him.

Seto reaches his destination and tears Yami's jeans and boxers off. Yami whimpers and shuts his eyes tightly and tries to block out anything he didnt want penetrating his mind. "No no no..."

Yami whimpers loudly as Seto THRUSTS into his poor violated body. Yami arches his back as Seto releases inside him for the fifteenth time. Seto looks to Yami panting. " You need to scream out my name little Yami."

Yami nods painfully. "Yes...S...Seto." Seto smirks and turns Yami around so hes laying on his stomach and on his knees. Yami closes his eyes trying to stop the tears from coming. Seto thrusts into Yami like hes a rag doll.

Seto pulls Yamis arms behind his back, hurting him. "Scream it out Yami." Yami whimpers as he feels torn up on the inside. "S...Seto..." Seto frowns halfheartedly. "Louder." Yami screams out as Seto releases into Yami once more.

(End of Rape warning...)

Yami layes on the ground shaking rapidly. "Why me?" He has always asked himself that question for years but never could find the answer to it. Yami sits up, gets his clothes on and he walks out of the house painfully, unsure of anything in his lifetime.

In a apartment far from Kaiba's sits a man with a crazy hairdo named Malik, the dark half of Marik Ishtar with a nasty attitude.

Yami walks into the house and sees Malik walking drunkly towards him. "Hello Yami, my little slut. you all set for my torcher?" Yami nods painfully. (Rape Warning)

Malik layes Yami on the table harshly, making him gasp painfully. Malik positions himself above Yami and holds his hands above his head. Yami squirms underneath him.

Malik smirks. " You ready little Yami. the unloved one." Yami nods scared to death knowing the pain will never stop. "Y...yes..."

Malik shoves himself directly inside of Yami, making him arch his back painfully. "Ahhhhhhh!!!" Malik smirks fiendishly. "Its hurts doesnt it? well get over it because no one will ever love you with how contaminated you really are." Yami's eyes grow wide hearing the words.

Malik releases into Yami after a short time and throws him to the ground making sure he landed on his knees. Yami hits his knees on the hard floor and his face hits it as well, making Malik smirk.

He slowly walks over to the sore Yami and gets down on his knees behind him. Malik shoves his once again hardened manhood into Yami fast and hard making him scream and cry.

Fifteen minutes pass and Malik is going faster and harder, making blood trickle down Yamis skinny legs and down his back.

Yami tries desperately to move but each time Malik shoved himself in, pain course through his body. "Please...No more...it hurts..." Malik stops and picks Yami up by the hair getting very pissed off.

Malik licks the blood off Yami's neck, making him shudder in fear. "You don't tell anyone to stop...Me, Seto, and Bakura will only stop when we feel that you learned your lesson."

Yami looks to him scared. "Yes sir." Malik pulls out of Yami and goes infront of him. "You ready for your true lesson?" Yami looks up and sees Malik's manhood sticking in his face. Just when Yami thought his torcher was ending, Malik shoves himself into Yami's mouth, bobbing his head up and down.

Yami starts having tears in his eyes as Malik shoves himself deeply, making it go down Yami's throat. Malik moans pleasurely. " Oh Yeah Yami you're good." Yami feels the time coming and tries to pull away not wanting Malik's taste in his mouth, but Malik keeps a good grip of his head.

Yami whimpers as Malik releases into his mouth and he lets go.

(Rape warning over.)

Yami backs away and coughs. Malik zips his jeans up and watches him smirking. "You know your place in life you can't get out of it." Yami jumps in fear hearing those words.

Malik kneals down beside him, lifting his chin up so thier eyes meet. "You are a slut and will always be a slut." Yami's eyes tremble not wanting to believe the words.

Just then Bakura shows up at the door. " Is that for me Malik-san?" Malik smirks fondly. "Of course Bakura-kun."

(Yes you guessed it another rape warning!!)

Bakura picks Yami up by the hair and slams him against to counter unzipping his pants and THRUSTING into Yami harshly.

Yami coughs not being able to speak loud enough to be heard. Bakura pants harshly as he starts biting Yami's skin hard. Yami whimpers painfully.

Bakura licks every inch of Yami's torso and chest enjoying himself. Yami shudders each time Bakura's tongue touched his skin. Bakura finally releases after waiting for hours.

Yami gasps dully as blood trickles down his legs.

(rape warning ended.)

On the northern side of the town a teen wonders around his neighborhood. His name is Yugi. He also has tricolor hair, a school uniform and new sneakers. He heard screaming from an apartment not too far from his area and he wonders who did it.

Then suddenly Yugi sees a look-alike boy fly out the window. "Woah, he could be hurt badly." Yugi runs over to the scene and sees the boy get up. "Woah don't get up you're injuired." Yami looks up at him shaking. " I want...to get out of...this h...h...hell..." He soon passes out in Yugi's arms. Yugi then picks him up and takes him to his home and take care of his injuries. To Be Continued.

Yami: Why do I suffer in this?

Me: because you are the only one I like to torcher.

Yugi: I'm your savior Yami. Be Grateful.

Yami: I will Yugi layes in his arms

Me: AWWWW!!!

Yami & Yugi: Plz Review!!!!