Chapter 1

A Hug

"P-please...Shino-kun Kiba-kun...n-no..." Kiba and Shino had just signed Hinata up for the chunin exams. "Come on Hinata you'll be fine the only reason you lost last time was because you were put up against a stiff like Neji."said Kiba with Shino nodding in agreement. "Heh, another chance to Kill," though Garra,while doing his best to not attack his very own siblings. Garra slowly walked in getting horrified looks, "..w-what is he doing here..." "it's that devil boy don't look at him.." "no... stay away.."

"Attention everyone,this year we are skipping the forest of death cough lucky cough" announced the instructor,suddenly a burst of cheers erupted from the crowd. "See and you were worried,'' said Kiba teasing, while the instructor held up a piece of paper,suddenly Hinata felt a cold grip on her shoulder,"You're going to be my oppnent,prepare to DIE, this is my warning!"exclaimed Garra evily. "W-wha-" but before she could finsh Kiba and Shino jumped Garra,"Hey stop this at once,what happened!?" said the instuctor. "He needs to be taken out, this idiot is threatening Hinata!" said Kiba trying to compose himself. Suddenly the instructor bent down and said that they had already planned to have three Anbu,five Jounin,and a few chuunin to stop Garra if it got bad,and for extra safety they have booby traps that are set off by Anbu that would destroy Garra, so no need to worry."ok,thanks," said Kiba while sighing in reassurance.

Hinata felt an icy chill go down her back, "Don't worry Miss Hyuga,they can't stop me," whispered Garra in her ear. She gasped at his comment and the thought of a boy whispering in her ear.All she could manage to say was,"W-why..." "Because all my life no one has cared for me,so I kill to stay in their memories." he said as he walked away.

She sat in her room that night thinking about what had happened and she realised she had to study. Tap Tap "Hey Hinata can I come in?" asked Neji in a caring voice. "Sure" she mumbled. He asked her about her day and finally said that Haishi had said lights out. "U-um Neji-san could you um help me study,please?"she asked "Sure,what are you studying?"he wondered. "U-um well you see I-I'm um studying for the first part of the chunin exams." she barely managed to say. "Wha...chu-chunin exams?" he asked. "Y-yes," she said. "Okay I'll help you study if you tell me what you know,"he stated.

"Okay Hinata if your going to do this you can't stutter,okay,good."she thought. "Do you know Garra of the Sand" she asked. "Yes gulp"he said. "Well I will fight him in the main matches."she exclaimed. "G-garra,no you can't fight him he'll kill try you" he quickly said. Suddenly she got extremely angry,"Just like you did,only half a year ago!!"she accused. " Hmph, go to sleep Hinata,I'm leaving," he said as he walked out the door,then he poked his head back in and said,"You lost because fail at being a ninja, you are unwanted by me and your father!''She sat down and started crying. A few minutes later she got up and left the Hyuga compound.

Knock,Knock, "Kiba-kun are you home."she asked,she had already been to her sensei's house along with Sakura's and Ino's. "Hinata what are you doing here its really late,"he asked. "Me and Neji had a fight, so do you think I could stay here,until tomarrow?"she asked. "Sure come in your soaked from the rain" he said. "Thank you Kiba-kun" she said as she walked into his house. "So, I suggest you give up in fight with Garra because he will try to kill you." he said as he handed her a bowl of ramen. "Actaully I have a plan,"she said as she took a bite of ramen."Wait,you're going to try to fight Garra!"he said almost choking on his ramen. "Yes,he said he killed because no one ever cared for him,so I am not going to fight him fight him, I'm going to try to get close enough to...hug him."she said. This time she really did cause Kiba to choke so she rushed over to help him,and he said,"You must be crazy."