I swung the door open to reveal Matthew Kaplin.

"Matthew?" Oh man, I was so confused! I wasn't even aware that Matt knew where I lived, let alone that he would be coming over. "What are you doing here?"

He grinned nervously. "I was worried about you! You didn't sound yourself on the phone, and I just wanted to come over to check on you. Can I come in? Thanks!" I moved back automatically and he walked into the kitchen, shaking off his coat. He was so sweet I almost couldn't be angry at his persistence. Almost.

"Oh! I asked the secretary for your address, I hope you don't mind!" He smiled widely, and winked. "She was a little surprised that I had to ask her." Inwardly, I groaned, but I managed a weak smile.

We were quiet as Matt looked around my kitchen, still wearing a silly grin.

"So, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm fine, Matt, really!" I insisted. "I just needed a day off from work."

"Good! So, if you're not feeling sick, some friends and I were going to go a little festival a few towns over this weekend, and I was thinking, maybe… you'd like to go with me?" He looked so hopeful that I just couldn't bear to say no.

"That sounds…. like a lot of fun, Matt! I'll have to double check to see if I'm free, but I'll get back to you." Maybe I could make up an excuse.

"Great! That's great! We'll be going on Saturday, about 12." He peered concernedly at me. "You aren't looking so good! Maybe you should go back to bed and rest for a while. I wouldn't want you to be feeling bad for our date on Saturday! I'll just see myself out."

At least he was going in a good mood, even if it was a misconception. "Thanks for stopping by, Matt. I'll see you at school."

I waited until he had closed the door behind him to lock it, and I walked back into the living room. I wasn't surprised to find Edward standing by the window. He smiled softly at me, making my heart race.

"So, who was your visitor?" He asked curiously. He walked across the room slowly, minimizing the distance between us.

"Just another teacher from the school. He was worried about me," I replied, wondering whether any of the Cullens/Hales had Matt as a teacher.

"That's the only reason he came? That was nice of him." Edward was still curious about Matt's impromptu visit.

"Well, he also asked me to go with him and some friends to a carnival this Saturday, but I don't think I'm going to go."

"Did he?" Edward looked thoughtfully towards the kitchen, his face otherwise impassive. "You should go. Mingle with other humans, it's safer."

"Oh Edward," I sighed, frustrated. "Haven't we been through this before? I thought we just agreed that I was perfectly safe with you!"

He shook his head emphatically. "I said I could not live without you, but that does not make you any safer than before. I will never be able to complete control my urges. Bella…"

"No! No, no, no," I backed slowly away from him, falling into a chair. He winced as I fell, but made no move towards me.

Oh God. He was going to do it again, wasn't he? He was going to leave me! This could have been worse than when he left before! We'd had so little time together, yet he couldn't bear to stay with me any longer!

"You're going to leave me again? Well, if you are, please just go. I don't want to hear any explanations this time!" I hugged my knees to my chest, burying my face into my legs.

My apartment was quiet for several minutes, and when I chanced a glance up, he was still just standing there, looking at me. He stayed like that for several more moments, before moving close to me. He crouched down in front of the chair, and clasped my hands in his.

"I will never leave you, Bella." His voice rang with sincerity, and raw emotion. "It killed me to leave you ten years ago, and it would tear me apart if I even tried to go now. I'm simply too selfish, Bella. I can't let you go."

WOW guys, I can't even apologize enough for the delay in updating! School was crazy busy, and you know how time flies! Can you believe I started this story more than TWO YEARS ago! Well, all I can say is thank you so so so so much to my readers for sticking with me, even when I haven't been that dependable for chapter updates!! As always, reviews are welcome and appreciated!

PS. Was anyone really surprised that it was Matt?

PPS. Everyone should definitely check out Regina Spektor's new album, Far!