This is the FINAL CHAPTER of this story -- it's done in a slightly different 'format' than the other chapters, for the most part.

I hope you all enjoyed this story -- please let me know what you think! I have more Cole-centered fanfic coming soon!!!! Thank you all for reading!

October 30, 1918

My Dearest Sisters:

I hope that all of you have found these journals and are reading them together. I'm only just starting, but I have a feeling there will be several volumes, as I intend to keep writing in them throughout the course of my life.

Prue, Piper, and Paige -- I hope you have accepted Phyllis into the family. It was her idea to come to your time, to save both of us, and to allow me to have this life that I have chosen. She is a very sweet girl and she has a good soul -- I should know. Please help her as best you can to adjust to this new time and her new life. Phyllis -- I wish you all the happiness in the world, and I hope that you will find your soulmate in my time, as I did in yours.

I will do my best to give you detailed accounts of how things are going in my life. Sorry if anything I have to say bores you -- you know how much I like to ramble on about nothing. I hope you enjoy reading these accounts, and know that they are being written with the utmost love and care, just for all of you.

Prue looks up at her sisters and Phyllis as she finishes this page. "Okay -- there's about thirty of these things. It's gonna take us months to read them." Prue says.

"Let's plan to do a little bit every night -- together. Phoebe obviously had a lot to say." Piper says. All four of the women gathered every evening for the next several weeks, reading every detailed account of Phoebe's journals, laughing and crying together as they picture her writing every word.

December 1, 1919 -- Cole and I were married today. It was a beautiful ceremony, held on our boat, The Halliwell. Virginia acted as my maid of honor. I am putting an envelope with photographs in every journal of some of the events I tell you about -- you will find our wedding photo in there. I wish you all could have been there. We are going to honeymoon in Paris and London -- I will write all of the details during our trip.

April 7, 1920 -- I just found out that Cole and I are expecting our first child! We're so excited -- and I have a feeling that it's a girl -- can't break with Halliwell tradition! She is due some time in early November. Virginia has just become engaged to her beau, William Patterson, Michael's brother. I am so happy for her -- he is a good man and he loves her very much. They intend to marry early next year.

October 25, 1920 -- Our daughter, Phyllis Pearl Halliwell Turner was born today -- a few weeks early, but like her mother, I guess she's not very patient. She has Cole's eyes and Piper, she has your smile. We have decided to bind her powers until she is old enough to make the decision on her own whether or not to use them.

February 2, 1921 -- Virginia and William were married today. Ginny was such a lovely bride -- I'm just so happy to see how far she's come in these past few years. Her tailoring business is doing very well, and William is in his first year of residency as a doctor at the county hospital. Ginny has even designed some of her own dress patterns, and one of of them was purchased by a woman's magazine. Cole and I couldn't be more proud of her.

July 5, 1921 -- After much discussion with Cole, I've decided to return to school. Of course, since there is no record of my attending college to begin with, I'll have to 'start over' again -- it's still so difficult for women in this time. But I want to have my career, and Cole supports me. Virginia and Nanny Alice help with Phyllis -- she's talking up a storm now -- I think she's a bit more like her namesake than I had anticipated. (I'm just kidding, Phyllis.)

January 8, 1922 -- Virginia and I both found out that we are expecting a child! We're both due near the same time too -- Cole wants me to take a break from school after the baby is born; I told him I will take a bit of time off, but I need to finish my degree.

September 1, 1922 -- Our son, Benjamin Victor Turner, was born today. He was a much easier delivery than Phyllis was -- he's a very handsome little boy. Phyllis doesn't quite know what to make of him yet -- I think she thinks he's one of her dolls that actually moves. Hopefully they will grow to love one another.

September 4, 1922 -- Virginia has just given birth to her daughter, Molly. I haven't seen her yet -- Cole insists I stay in bed right now with the new baby. I'm sure she's beautiful though.

May 19, 1925 -- Virginia had her second child today. A boy -- she named him Michael. He resembles his father quite a bit, but Virginia insists that he and Cole have the same nose. She is a wonderful mother -- she has also just pusblished a book of patterns for children's clothes. We're all so proud of how successful she's become.

June 8, 1927 -- I've FINALLY finished school!!!! It's been a long road, and I can't even begin to tell you how many battles I had to fight to get here, but I now have my Masters Degree is Psychology. I intend to open my own counseling business, as well as remain the counselor-in-residence at Molly's House. I'm also trying to start a foundation for women who are victims of rape and sexual abuse. This is something that is barely even acknowledged in this time -- I intend to change that. Cole supports me one hundred percent -- he is the most wonderful husband a girl could ask for.

March 4, 1933 -- Today is a very sad day. Our beloved Nanny Alice has left us. She hasn't been well for the last few months -- last night, she died peacefully in her sleep. Cole is absolutely distraught -- she was family to him. She is being buried next to her husband, Frederick Jensen. She didn't talk much about him, but I think it's because she missed him so much -- Cole said he was the family groundskeeper and they were very private about their relationship, but they did love one another a great deal. We will miss her terribly.

September 16, 1937 -- This has just been such an amazing week! Cole was asked, by President Roosevelt HIMSELF, to serve as a Supreme Court Justice for the State of California! Unfortunately, the position would have required us to move to Sacramento, and Cole has NO desire to leave our home. I hated for him to turn down such an opportunity, but then it was decided that he will serve as a judge for the county. Not as lucrative a position, but -- family is everything to Cole. He doesn't want to uproot the children just to further his career. As long as he is happy -- that's all that matters to me.

July 10, 1945 -- Phyllis is getting married today. I can't believe that my little girl is all grown up and getting married. He's a very nice man -- his name is David Anderson, and he's an electrician. He has Cole's stamp of approval, which is no easy feat. I hope they're as happy as Cole and I have been.

August 22, 1955 -- I am just beside myself with grief today. My dear Virginia, and her husband William, were both killed in an automobile accident -- they were returning home from a banquet where Wiliam was being honored for his dedication to his medical practice. Cole is practically inconsolable. She was my best friend, and the only sister I have in this time. I don't know how I will ever get over this loss. At least she and William were together -- I'm sure they are still together now, wherever they are, and I'm sure they are sharing a beautiful reunion with Michael. I believe I now understand what all of you must be going through. I'm very sorry to have hurt you in such a manner -- I hope that my absence has gotten easier to accept with time.

June 29, 1969 -- If there was ever a day I needed my sisters, today is that day. My darling Cole, my soulmate and the love of my life, has gone. As you know, Cole has not been well for some time -- he suffered his first heart attack several years ago and I almost lost him then. This morning he suffered a massive heart attack -- there was nothing the doctors were able to do for him. Phyllis and Ben are both on their way to town right now. I don't know how I will be able to live without him -- last night, when we went to sleep, he took me in his arms and just held me tightly, and he whispered "Don't ever forget how much I love you, Phoebe." It was almost as if he knew this would be our last night together. We had a good, happy life together and this year we would have celebrated our fiftieh wedding anniversary. I have not stopped crying all day. I don't know if I ever will. I can only hope that, someday, our souls will find one another again, so that we may spend another lifetime of happiness together.

"Oh, I wish we had been there for her. She sounds heartbroken." Paige says.

"But she did have a good life with him. They remained in love until the day he died. That doesn't happen very often." Prue says. "I'd say she was very lucky."

"There's one more journal left -- should we finish it?" Piper asks.

"Oh, let's -- I want to finish it right now." Phyllis says, and they open the journal and begin reading until they reach the very end . . . . .

September 12, 1977 -- I visited with Prue and Piper today. Of course, they had no idea who I was -- Prue is just seven years old, but she already has quite the attitude about her. And Piper had just turned four -- I'm not sure they liked me very much. It's okay -- there's a photo of us in the back of this journal -- Prue, Piper, if you are reading this -- that day was one of the loveliest days I ever had. I made sure we took the photo, because I didn't know if you would remember our meeting, and I wanted you to have it -- I hope it will mean as much to you now as it did to me then. I have loved you and missed you every single day of my life. And Paige -- I am so sorry that we never got to know each other as well as I would have liked. But I have never forgotten you, and I do love you as well. And my dear Phyllis -- I hope by now you have found happiness in your new life. Please know that I am always with you -- I love all of you dearly.

Prue looks in the back of the journal -- there is a photo of Piper and Prue as children, sitting with an elderly woman who, despite her age, still bears a striking resemblance to Phoebe. "I remember that day. Grams took us to meet her -- she said Phoebe should -- Phoebe should stay at home." Prue says. "I remember this old woman -- I thought she was really strange. Piper, she kept insisting on hugging and kissing us and telling us she loved us -- it kind of freaked me out. But it was Phoebe -- it was our Phoebe." Prue says, starting to cry. "We did see her again, Piper -- she made sure we saw her again."

"What else is there?" Piper asks.

"That's -- that's it. There's nothing more after that." Prue says, leafing through the journal to make sure.

"I know why -- here, look." Paige says, now sitting at the computer. They all gather around her and look at an article that Paige has found.

September 15, 1977 -- Phoebe Turner, well-noted psychologist, author, and women's rights activist, died today in her home. Mrs. Turner's age has never been verified. She was married to attorney and County Judge Coleridge Turner -- the two were happily married for nearly fifty years until Mr. Turner's death in 1969. Mrs. Turner is survived by her daughter, Phyllis Turner-Anderson, her son, Benjamin Turner, five grand-children, and two great grand-children.

All four of the women are crying softly. "She did have a good life. We should -- see if we can find where she's buried and take some flowers there." Piper says.

"I think she'd like that." Paige says.

"Well I -- I need to go open up the club." Piper says. "Phyllis -- don't you have to get to work soon, too?"

"Yeah, I -- oh, I can't keep this from you. I lost my job yesterday." Phyllis says.

"Phyllis -- that's the third job you've lost. Don't worry -- I'll help you find something." Prue says.

"I don't know if I'll ever find something. Phoebe had such a wonderful life and -- I still have no direction. I thought things would be better for me here. But they're not. Maybe I just don't fit in anywhere." Phyllis says, trying not to cry.

"Phyllis -- give it time. You're still young. Trust me -- I screwed up plenty and I'm doing pretty well now." Pagie says.

"I think I'd just like to go to the movie store and rent something to watch this evening. I'll be back later." Phyllis says, and she leaves.


Phyllis wanders through the 'Classics' aisle of the video store, looking through title after title, desperately wanting to take each one home. She finally picks up one that catches her eye -- 'Robin Hood' starring Douglas Fairbanks. "You like the classics too, huh?" a voice asks behind her.

"What?" Phyllis says, turning around, then jumping back a bit in disbelief. "Cole?" she says, staring at him. The man looks exactly like Cole Turner.

"How did you know my name?" he asks.

"Um -- because you -- look like a Cole?" Phyllis replies, not knowing what to say. Cole laughs.

"I'm not really sure what a 'Cole' looks like -- but I have been told, many times, that I bear a striking resemblance to my great-uncle. His name was Cole too. Cole Turner. I was named after him. I, however, am Cole Patterson --- and you are, who?"

"Oh. Phyllis. Phyllis -- Halliwell." Phyllis replies.

"It's nice to meet you." Cole says, and his phone rings. "Excuse me, I need to take this." Cole says, answering his phone. "Yes. What? Oh, please -- look, have my assistant handle this -- I'm not wasting my time on something this trivial and ridiculous. Besides, I'm -- busy right now." Cole says, turning and smiling at Phyllis. He hangs up the phone. "Damn actors." he says to himself.

"Actors? Are you in the movies?" Phyllis asks excitedly.

"I'm not IN them, I direct them. We're shooting a period piece here in San Francisco -- it's gonna be the blockbuster hit of next summer." Cole says. "That was was the set manager -- it seems that the 'grand diva' who is starring in this film is having a hissy fit because her trailer is stuck at seventy-two degrees, and she wants it to be seventy FIVE degrees, and she refuses to work until it's fixed. 'Grand diva' -- that's a laugh. Typical non-talent who slept her way up the Hollywood food chain, and I have to put up with her because the producer insisted on a 'box-office name' for the film. Can you imagine Pickford or Fairbanks or anyone from that time having a tantrum on the set simply because of a few temperature degrees? Put on a sweater and shut the hell up, I say."

"You like Douglas Fairbanks movies?" Phyllis asks.

"I love them. They're classics. THAT'S what movie-making was all about. My Aunt Phoebe had tons of books about old movies -- I loved looking at them with her, they never showed them on television much and she said she hoped she'd be alive to see them again one day. Unfortunately, she died in 1977 -- I was only seven years old. Just a couple years shy of the advent of the VCR. My parents let me have all of the books. Then when they started coming out on video -- I bought everything I could, I studied them -- the sheer artistry. They just don't make movies like that anymore. I got into this business because I wanted to be the director who was going to recapture some of that 'Old Hollywood' feel. Unfortunately, that's a time long gone. Nowadays it's nothing but a bunch of no-talent posers and over-inflated egos. Whenever I'm on a shoot, when I get frustrated I go to the nearest video store and search for an old movie to watch -- it helps me relax. I'm sorry -- you're not interested in any of this, are you?" Cole asks.

"Oh, I sure am. I love the movies. And I like the old ones better, too. I mean -- I like some of the talking movies. I really like Clark Gable alot. And Ingrid Bergman -- she was beautiful. And Vivian Leigh, and Olivia DeHavilland, and Errol Flynn and Humphrey Bogart -- I could watch those movies all day. But I like the ones without sound the most. Especially Douglas Fairbanks. Oh, and Charlie Chaplin too. I met -- I mean, I have a -- cousin who met him once. She got his autograph too." Phyllis says.

"You are quite a throwback, aren't you Phyllis? You know -- it's funny. My great aunt Phoebe -- she named her daughter Phyllis." Cole says.

"Really? Oh, how -- interesting." Phyllis says.

"I owe my whole career to Aunt Phoebe -- she was such a brilliant woman. The first woman in her family to get a masters degree -- in psychology. She even started her own practice, that was almost unheard of back then. Most of her patients were women, but -- she didn't mind. She helped so many of them." Cole says.

"And what about your great-uncle? The one you were named after?" Phyllis asks.

"He -- died in 1969. I was born in 1970 -- almost nine months to the date after his death. My father was extremely close to him. My great-grandfather, he passed away when my father was just a boy, and his Uncle Cole became a great mentor to him. That's why I have his name. And my great-aunt Phoebe -- I only knew her for such a short time, but -- I have such nice memories of her -- I've never, ever forgotten her. She always used to tell me that I was 'more special to her than I could ever understand'. I never quite figured out what she meant by that."

"I think I can." Phyllis says, now smiling. Cole stares at her intently.

"I'm sorry for staring, I just -- I can't help but feel that we've -- met before." Cole says.

"Maybe we have. In another time." Phyllis says.

"Maybe." Cole says. "Listen -- I never do this, I hate directors who do, but -- there's something about you, Phyllis. It's almost as if you're -- from another era. The film I'm directing is set in the late 1910's -- and I think that you would be amazing in it. Have you ever acted before?"

"Me? Oh, no -- but I've always wanted to." Phyllis says excitedly.

"You have a -- classic look and -- charisma about you. And something tells me you're a natural. And I have a feeling I'm about to -- fire someone. I'll lose my producer's backing, but -- I don't give a damn. I have enough money saved to do this movie on MY terms. I wanted an unknown for the leading role -- someone who could just BECOME this character -- without all the temper tantrums and backstage drama." Cole tells her.

"You want me to be the star in your movie? No fooling?" Phyllis asks excitedly, as Cole laughs.

"I think you'd be perfect. How about we rent that movie you have there, go back to my suite at the hotel, order some dinner and talk all about it while we enjoy what REAL movie-making was about." Cole says.

"Oh, I'd like that so much, I really would." Phyllis says.

"You know what Phyllis? I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship." Cole says, putting his arm around her as they head toward the checkout counter.

"Oh, me too. And maybe something more." Phyllis says, smiling happily to herself.