A/N: Okay, so I'm going to explain this. It's basically a collection of a bunch of ficlets, drabbles and one shots, because I write too many of them as it is, so I figured I'd keep them in one place. Some will be long, some won't, some will be really random, angsty, funny, whatever. Basically, it's an addek ficlet collection. Most of them will be based on songs, but some will just be random words that make me think of addek. Anyway, on with drabble ficlet thing number one.

A beautiful and blinding morning
The world outside begins to breathe
See clouds arriving without warning
I need you here to shelter me
And I know that only time will tell us how
To carry on without each other

Derek woke up to the sun coming in from the window. He could feel it on his skin, warm and bright, rare enough for Seattle. He hadn't yet opened his eyes, but when he did, he saw red. Addison's hair, familiar to him as his own, surrounding his eyes in a pool of crimson, his arms wrapped around her as they lay in his bed in the trailer.

He peered over at her eyes, still shut, her body stilled with sleep. He had always loved to watch her sleep, throughout the fifteen years they'd known each other, and he used to wake up early just to watch and wait for her.

She stirred, and when her eyes opened, they met his. Immediately she shot up, pulling out of his grasp and whipping around to face him. He hair was all over the place, her clothes disheveled and her eyes full of worry. Derek stared at her, because even though she'd just woken up and was completely floored by her surroundings, she looked beautiful.

"Derek," she spoke, her voice still low with sleep, "What happened last night?"

He smiled at her and sat up as he replied. "We were at the hospital Valentine's Day party, remember?"

She nodded, thinking back on the events, then her face turned white and her eyes were horror-stricken. "Oh my God…"

"You were sitting with Callie for a while, and then Miranda, but eventually you headed to the bar and sat there for a while. Around eleven, I went over there and we started talking about how Valentine's Day is the worst holiday ever invented, and how it sucks, and then…" He paused, making a gesture with his hand. She gasped, finally realizing what had happened.

"Yeah." He said, nodding.

She ran a hand through her hair, obviously freaking out, and suddenly turned to him. Oh my God, Derek, what are we going to do? We're divorced. Divorced people don't get drunk at hospital parties and end up in bed together. It doesn't work that way! We're not supposed to-"

She was cut off as he tackled her, pulling her down to the bed with him. She broke apart first, pushing him off of her. He kept a hold on her wrists, smiling at her.

"Derek, we can't…"

"Addie," he said, cutting her off again, "Do you remember those days in New York when we both called in sick and we'd just spend the day together at home, just sitting here?"

She nodded, breaking eye contact.

"I say we do it again. One last time. Who cares, right? No one can do anything about it."

"But Derek, we're divorced-"

"So? What divorce handbook made the rule that we can't just hang out all day?"

"Well…" She looked back at him, contemplating, then sighed. "Fine. Okay."

"Good." He kissed her again, then reached for the phone next to his bed.

"Hi, Richard, I won't be coming in today. Yeah, I'm actually sick. I think I'm coming down with strep throat, so I'm just going to stay in and try and fight it off before it turns into something worse. Okay, see you tomorrow. Goodbye."

He clicked the phone off and handed it to Addison, and reluctantly she dialed.

"Richard? Hey, it's Addison. I'm supposed to be at work in an hour, but I have the flu. I've been sick all morning…" she lied, trying not to laugh as Derek made funny faces next to her. It was a game they'd played- whoever laughed during their lie to the Chief had to confess the next day.

Addison kept her resolve, finishing her conversation. "Okay, I'll take it easy. Thanks, Richard. I'll keep you posted. Bye."

She hung up, handing him the phone.

"I guess we both win."

Meanwhile, Richard smirked in his office.

"Idiots. They used that excuse last time. Flu and strep…" he muttered, laughing to himself as he walked off.

So keep me awake to memorize you
Give me more time to feel this way
We can't stay like this forever
But I can have you next to me today
If I could make these moments endless
If I could stop the winds of change
If we just keep our eyes wide open
Then everything would stay the same

And I know that only time will tell me how
We'll carry on without each other
So keep me awake for every moment
Give us more time to be this way
We can't stay like this forever
But I can have you next to me today

Around eleven, Addison got up and walked to the kitchen and started opening cabinets.

"Hey, you stole me spatula!"

"What spatula?"

"The one I use to make omelets. You still have it here."

"Is that so?" He asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Derek, I dropped an-"

It was too late, for Derek was on the floor, a cracked egg sitting underneath him.

"-egg." She finished, giggling.

"Not funny. Help me up." She reached down to him, and he pulled her down on top of him, the pair laughing on the floor, covered in raw egg.

We'll let tomorrow wait, you're here, right now, with me
All my fears just fall away, when you are all I see
We can't stay this way forever
But I have you here today

That night, Derek and Addison sat on the couch, wrapped in blankets watching Love Actually, a movie they'd watched together since it came out, and as the last airport scene rolled, Derek turned to Addison. She looked at him and smiled, and he leaned over to kiss her. She gave in for a moment, letting herself absorb him for the last time.

They broke apart and rested her forehead on his, then took her bag in one hand and his hand in the other.

"I have to go, Derek."


"No. This…this was wonderful, but this isn't fair. Not when we know that we won't be together tomorrow."


"Derek, what about Meredith?"

"I…" He dropped his eyes, then looked back at her.

"I love you." He said, squeezing her hand tighter.

"I know. I love you too."

With that, she let go of his hand and walked out the door, and he watched her form retreat to her car. Derek looked back at the screen, the scene and the song behind it ending.

"God only knows what I'd be without you…"

And I will remember
Oh I will remember
Remember all the love we shared today