Disclaimer: I do not own sailormoon or any of the characters. There is no point in suing me because I have nothing. :)

Rating: PG-13 (just to be on the safe side).

Author's note: This is the first chapter of any of my fanfics that I have finished. I want this to be a one-part story, but who knows… If people like it then maybe I'll continue. I love reading and writing sappy-romance. So if you don't like sappiness then this is not for you. This is not a sailor scout story, sorry to everyone who wants action, it's just pure romance. This story is about Serena and Darien, both in high school, and each have been dared to give the other a kiss (or something like that : ). Enjoy!

Only A Kiss

Chapter 1:

"I think I see Darien's car pulling up," the gorgeous blonde man said to the equally gorgeous blonde girl.

Mina Aino turned her head around to look outside, her long blonde tresses flowing around her. The man couldn't help but notice how cute she was. Her hair flowed down to her waist, while parts were secured in a big red bow at the back of her head. Her face was very attractive, framed by wisps of blonde bangs over soft creamy skin with a touch of pink on her cheeks. He couldn't help but notice her luscious pink lips and perfect white teeth. But he always loses himself in her sparkling blue eyes. Sometimes she catches him staring at her, but thankfully his quick wit saves him.

Andrew Young is not one who ogles over girls, usually it's the girls who ogle over him. With his tall athletic stature, short blond hair and baby blue eyes girls are constantly hanging all over him. Even though he could probably go up to any girl at school and ask her out, there was just something about Mina that … no other girl came close. Whenever she's around his legs start to feel like spaghetti, butterflies flutter erratically around in his stomach, and he has to make a conscience effort to keep himself cool and composed or else he might start to stutter. If his friends ever knew about his feelings towards Mina they would tease him forever. So he just enjoyed be around Mina when she and her friends come into The Crown Arcade after school.

Andrew's father owns The Crown Arcade, and other establishments in the area. This place is a video arcade and a diner combined, and is the after-school teen hangout zone. Often, if he's not busy with sports, Andrew comes in to work and manage the business.

Mina saw Darien step out of his sports car. She turned back around to face Andrew. "You need to wipe that smirk off your face right now," she chided him playfully. "I am going to win this bet, you'll see."

"When pigs fly," Andrew leaned over the counter to whisper it to her so no one else could hear.

"You are so confident in your abilities, aren't you?" Mina stated with a sly smile.

Andrew raised his eyebrows up and down a few times in response.

That action alone made Mina want to collapse. He is soooo cute. It's going to take all my strength not to fly across this counter right now and give him a huge smack on the lips. Of course she knew that would be ridiculous. Andrew was one of the most popular seniors at Fairwood High School. He could have his pick of any woman, why in the world would he want someone like her, a sophomore. Still, she couldn't help but flirt with him a little, just in case he was interested.

They had become pretty good acquaintances in the past year. Mina and her friends would come hang out at The Crown Arcade practically everyday after school. She and Andrew would flirt with each other a bit, but all in a playful way. He always had a girlfriend, but now … he was fresh for the pickin'.

Enough about my feelings, I need to deal with the matter at hand. I'm here for my friend Serena. Mina looked back into Andrew's eyes with a hint of a challenge sparkling in hers, "You need to watch out because I'm very confident in my abilities too," she said softly, mimicking his flirtatious mannerisms. Man, I could sit here all day and gaze into his eyes. But Darien would be walking in any minute, and if everything went as planned Serena and the gang would be right behind.

Mina started to walk away but Andrew stopped her, "Wait a minute Mina."

"What's up?" she responded coming back to the counter.

"We haven't made a wager on this bet."

"So what do you have in mind?" Mina asked as she leaned over the counter and batted her eyelashes.

"Are you sure you want to know what's going through my mind," Andrew said in a deep sexy voice with his eyes still boring into hers.

Mina had to catch her breath for a second. This man's so hot. I have to get away from him before I say something really stupid. "I already know what's in that mind of yours Andrew Young. But the real question is…what's going through my mind?"

Andrew chuckled.

Ok, what would be a good wager? Mina thought. Oh, I have a great idea. This might help me when I try to convince Serena. "Ok, how about free desserts for a whole month for me, Serena, Lita, Raye and Amy when I win."

"Wow, that's an expensive wager. Especially since I know how much food Serena can put down," Andrew exclaimed.

Mina couldn't hold back a chuckle. I guess that is a lot to ask since Serena is a human garbage disposal. But I can't back down now, I need to stay strong. "Are you afraid you're going to lose? Hmm," Mina teased.

"Oh, hitting below the belt are you," Andrew teased back.

"This is a rough job, I need to be compensated."

"Ok fine, I accept your wager," Andrew said with an evil glint in his eyes.

"Good, now that we've got that settled…" Mina began.

"Whoa, wait a minute. What do I get when I win?" Andrew interjected before Mina could slither away.

"It doesn't matter 'cause you're not going to beat 'The Queen of Love'," Mina said with a bright smile on her face.

Andrew raised one eyebrow, "'The Queen of Love'? Are you serious?"

"Of course I am. I am the best matchmaker ever. Cupid move over! You might as well put wings on my back and give me a bow and arrow 'cause I have skills."

Andrew thought for a moment on how Mina would probably look in that getup, and a big smile emerged on his face.

"Hey watch it buster I don't like where your thoughts are going," Mina scolded.

Andrew gave a playful wounded look.

"Alright, just in case the moon turns into cream cheese, or how you put it 'when pigs fly' and you just so happen to win…what is your wager?"

"Boy that was a mouthful…ok let's see. I want you to be my 'queen of love' slave," Andrew declared with a smirk.

"What!" Mina exclaimed, hoping he was kidding.

"What I'm trying to say is that I want you, Ms. Queen of Love, to work here at the arcade for a month. I could always use a new slave, I mean helper," Andrew clarified still keeping the smirk on his face.

"Oh," Mina said feeling relieved.

"Why? What did you think I meant?"

Mina glared at him, "You knew perfectly well what I would think after that statement." She playfully smacked him on his shoulder. Andrew could not contain his laughter anymore. Mina couldn't pretend to be mad at him anymore, so she joined in on the laughter. After they calmed down, Andrew looked up to see where Darien had disappeared to.

"What's wrong?" Mina asked.

"Oh nothing, I was just wondering what was taking Darien so long to come in. Now I see why."

Mina turned her head to look outside. She observed Serena yelling at Darien, and her friends trying in vain to calm her down. Boy, this is going to be a lot harder than I thought. But I'm the Queen of Love, I can make the impossible possible.

"So are we good to go," Andrew asked with a look of victory on his face.

"You bet!" Mina stated with the utmost confidence.

Mina and her friends were sitting in a booth eating ice cream. "So what happened?" Mina asked a still steamin' Serena.

"I was walking, minding my own business when that jerk ran into me," Serena was saying between spoonfuls of ice cream.

"Well actually Serena, you technically ran into him," Amy chimed in.

Serena gave Amy a hurtful look," Amy you can't possibly be taking his side?"

"Oh please Serena," Raye said while rolling her eyes. "You did run into him while you were flapping your lips and not paying attention to where you were going, AGAIN!"

Serena stuck her tongue out at Raye. Raye gladly returned the gesture.

"Come on you guys, not here," Lita scolded.

"Sorry!" both girls said.

"Anyway, as I was saying, it doesn't matter who was at fault, the point of the matter is that we smashed into each other and I fell," Serena explained.

"Come on Serena get it right. You guys collided and he caught you before you hit the ground," Raye interjected.

"Excuse me I'm telling the story here if you don't mind."

Raye put up her hands in surrender.

"So he caught me and…blah blah blah. I said thanks, and he had the audacity to say 'Meatball Head if you keep running into me like this I'm going to start thinking you want me'. Aagh! Can you believe he said that? I can't stand that ignorant, arrogant, conceited, pompous…."

"Incredibly handsome…" Raye piped in.

"Sexy body…" Lita said.

"Gorgeous blue-eyed…" Amy said.

"…Jerk!" Serena finished, while giving her friends the evil eye.

Raye, Lita and Amy all held back their laughter.

Mina sat there feeling defeated. I can't believe that idiot said that. There is no way in the world I'm going to get Serena to do it now. That moron! Mina thought angrily.

"That moron!" Serena exclaimed. "I gave him a piece of my mind for that. I think he definitely knows how I feel about him now. I don't care how cute and sexy he is, no one talks to me that way and gets away with it."

Suddenly Mina perked up. Maybe there's hope after all. If Serena had to mention that Darien was cute and sexy…yeah, that's right, the 'Queen of Love' is back in business.

"Hey Drew," the tall dark hair man said to Andrew. He pulled up a stool and sat down in front of the counter.

"Hey Darien, what's up?" Andrew said to his best friend of ten years, trying his hardest not to burst out laughing.

"Nothin' much…what's so funny?" Darien asked, knowing full well why his friend was amused.

"You man."

"What about me?"

"How can you be so cool after Serena just bit your head off?"

Darien turned his head towards the bubbly Meatball Head who was relaying the events that took place outside, to her friends. "Well I kind of asked for it," Darien responded sheepishly, his gaze still on Serena.

"Of course you did, but what exactly did you say to her?"

Darien smiled back at his friend pondering for a moment whether or not to tell him.

"Come on Darien, I thought I was your boy."

Darien laughed, and then reluctantly told Andrew what had happened. What he failed to let Andrew know was how he had purposefully placed himself in Serena's path.

Darien tried as much as he could without being too obvious, of course, to be where Serena was. He didn't know why exactly he was so attracted to her. Maybe it was her beautiful sparking blue eyes. Darien loved her eyes, especially when there was a passionate flame blazing within, which usually occurred when she got mad. Maybe it was her gorgeous, innocent face; her pouty, luscious lips; or her beautiful, long blonde hair put up into two pigtails, hence the name Meatball Head. Maybe it was all of the above, but it still didn't make sense.

He was a senior, very popular, and very well liked by the girls in school. Actually, he and Andrew were considered two of the most attractive guys in the whole school, and, as of recently, very available. But Darien didn't care about looking at any other girl, his eyes were set on Serena. Even though it seemed as if she hated him, he would make sure to alter that, he was just not sure how. However, right now his attention had to be on Andrew. Darien knew Andrew was up to something because he practically begged Darien to come to the Arcade today at a specific time.

"Whoa man," Andrew exclaimed after Darien had finished telling him what happened out front. "Are you trying to get the crap beat outta ya?"

"Whatever, I was just playing."

"Yeah but…she does look pissed," Andrew observed. What the heck am I suppose to do now. She might end up killing him, and I'll have to clean up the mess. Then Andrew caught Mina's eye. He saw a look of victory on her face and the smirk dancing on her lips, and he knew she was onto something. Ok 'Queen of Love', I can play this game too.

"You want me to do what!" Serena exclaimed a little too loudly for Mina's liking.

"Shh, keep your voice down," Mina whispered.

"Are you crazy Mina? Did you not just hear me call him a jerk?"

"Mina that does sound a bit outrageous," Lita said coming to Serena's aide.

"Just hear me out ok," Mina pleaded. This has to work or else I've lost, and I CAN'T lose.

"Ok, but it better be good," Serena unwillingly assented.

"Alright, it's a great way to get back at him. Wouldn't it be nice to see him grovel at your feet and follow you around like a lost puppy?"

"Ok you have my attention," Serena said sounding very curious.

"You have my attention too," said Raye.

"Me too," Lita and Amy said concurrently.

"I heard from my secret deep deep underground source, whose name will remain anonymous, that Darien has a huge crush on you."

Everyone gasped.

"No way," exclaimed Raye.

"I'm telling you the absolute truth," Mina argued.

"Are you sure?" Lita questioned.

"Yes!" Mina said exasperated. "Just let me finish. Anyway as I was saying, because he has a crush on you I think you should get him to fall totally in love with you, and then, kick him to the curb," Mina finished feeling very pleased with her story.

"Well I would like to get back at him for calling me Meatball Head so many times, and embarrassing me…but," Serena contemplated.

"Oh please, you are a Meatball Head Serena," Raye interjected.

That statement brought forth another round of tongue sticking-outing between Serena and Raye, while everyone else rolled their eyes with frustration.

"But Mina, isn't that kind of cruel," Amy chided.

"Yeah, it is mean Mina," Lita agreed.

"No, I think it's perfect," Serena chimed in, ending her tongue war with Raye.

"Great!" Mina exclaimed cheerfully, maybe a bit too cheerfully, "I mean, I'm glad you like my idea."

"So how am I suppose to make this happen?" Serena asked.

"Well what you need to do to get the ball rolling is to go over there and plant a kiss right on his lips."

A moment of silence went by.

"So that's why you wanted me to kiss him?" Serena asked.

Mina nodded.

Serena thought for a second, then she came to her conclusion, "No way Mina. No can do."

Mina's hope started to fade, "Why not?"

"Because I don't want to," Serena answered back. "It's not worth it. The embarrassment would be too great. He's the most popular guy at school and I'm just…me."

"Well maybe you should sweeten the deal Mina," Raye suggested.

"What did you have in mind Raye?" Mina asked.

"I don't know, I was just suggesting that you could make it worth her while. I mean, you would straight-up have to bribe me with an all day shopping spree and be my personal slave for a year to get me to do it," Raye said with a big grin.

Everyone chuckled.

"That's why I'm not asking you to do it Raye, but I was planning on making it worth her while." Mina turned back to Serena. "Serena if you do this I will give you free desserts for a whole month…And…"

Serena perked up at the mention of food, "Desserts! From where?"

"Here at The Crown Arcade, but…" Mina began but was interrupted again by Serena whose only thought right now was on food.

"How much dessert?" Serena asked.

"As much as you want."

"Whoa!" exclaimed Raye, Lita and Amy in shock.

"Mina, are you sure you can afford that? I mean you know how Serena eats," Lita questioned.

"Lita's right. Serena's a walking garbage disposal. Whenever she passes by an 'All-You-Can-Eat' restaurant they shut off the lights pretending they're closed. Even they know Serena can run them out of business," Raye joked, ignoring the razor-sharp daggers Serena's eyes were throwing her way.

"Maybe you're right Raye. How about $25 a day of desserts for a whole month?"

"Sure! Why not," Serena reluctantly, but happily accepted.

"Hey this is a cool dare, I want to add some motivation too," Lita announced with excitement. "How about every week I whip you up one of my favorite desserts?"

"Ooo, now you're speaking my language Lita," Serena said barely containing her excitement.

Everyone knew Lita Kino was the best cook at Fairwood High, probably the best in the whole town.

"All you have to do is tell me what dessert you want and I'll prepare it for you. Only one dessert a week though, and only for a month."

Lita's offer was out of this world. Serena could barely stop the drool from running down her chin.

"I want to contribute too," added Raye. "I promise not to make fun of you or tease you at all for a whole week."

"Only a week," Mina inquired.

"Well yeah. There is no way I could last a whole month, I would probably go insane."

"What about you Amy?" Mina asked.

"Well I think this is a bit absurd, but…it does seem like fun. I guess I will come try out for the cheerleading squad that you keep begging me to do Serena," Amy replied.

"Wow, you guys are willing to do all this just to get me to kiss Darien?" Serena asked somewhat shocked.

Everyone nodded in conformation.

"Well, since everyone is sacrificing so much I think it wouldn't hurt to give him a small peck," Serena yielded.

"Um, I don't think so girly," Mina interrupted.

"What do you mean? Isn't that what you wanted…" Serena began saying.

"Forget about this little peck kiss you want to give."

Everyone looked at Mina like she had lost her mind.

"Because everyone has offered a generous contribution, the stakes have now arisen. You need to give Darien an all out, lip-locker, 5 second kiss," Mina said smiling. This is going great, it's exactly how I planned it. I love how my plans work out so nicely. She thought with the biggest grin on her face.

"Well that makes since," Raye agreed.

Serena could only stare at her friends in shock and horror. "5 seconds," Serena silently mouthed.

"That's right. Girl you're gonna have to earn it," Mina proclaimed.

Everyone announced their agreement.

"And…" Mina began.

"And!" Serena yelled in horror.

"You have to do it before he leaves the Arcade today."

"What!" Serena shouted a bit too loud, drawing attention to herself.

"Serena shhhhh, why don't you just announce it to the world Meatball Head, good grief," Raye scolded.

"Ooops sorry. Mina you can't be serious. You have to give me time to prepare and build up my confidence," Serena wined.

Mina shook her head, "Nope. The sooner you do it, and the less time you have to think about it the better. You better hurry 'cause if he leaves it'll be too late."

"But do I have to do it in here, in front of everyone?"

"You can go outside or underground for all I care, the point is you have to do it now."

"Ok fine, I'll do it," Serena said with tremendous confidence. "Anything for free desserts, Lita's cooking, Raye's kindness, and Amy's cheerleading debut." Serena closed her eyes, took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She got up from the booth she was sitting in and started to make her way towards the main counter.

I can't believe she's actually doing it. Mina you definitely have some skills…oh no. Just as Mina was patting herself on the back for a job well done, Serena came running back to the table.

"I can't do it, I just can't. I'll be too embarrassed," Serena choked out.

"Oh good grief Serena, you're such a baby," Raye fussed while rolling her eyes.

"If you're sooo brave Raye then you go do it," Serena yelled back.

"Serena look, if he pushes you away or dogs you out in any way I will personally get up out of my seat, walk up to him, and plant him a bigger and better kiss than you," Mina said trying to contain her frustration.

"Really?" Serena asked, starting to feel her confidence return.

"Yes really. Now get going."

So Serena turned around and sauntered back toward the counter where Darien was sitting talking to Andrew. "Here goes nothing," she whispered to herself.

"What! Are you serious?" Darien responded to Andrew's request in shock.

"All you have to do is kiss her."

"And why would I want to do that?" Darien asked with a slight smirk dancing on his lips.

"Oh please man. I see how you look at her. I know you like her," Andrew said blatantly.

"Do I look at her the same way you look at Mina," Darien knowingly said.

Andrew's face started to turn red with embarrassment, "How did you…."

"It's so obvious, well it is to me anyway. I'm just surprised she hasn't picked up on it yet."

Andrew was having a hard time coming up with an adequate denial.

Darien chuckled as he took a sip of his soda then continued to flip through his biker magazine. Darien enjoyed messing with his friend. He knew Andrew had a thing for Mina Aino a long time ago. He was just patiently waiting for Andrew to tell him. But Darien couldn't resist teasing him about it today. It's basically payback for Andrew noticing how he has been eyeing Serena, since Darien thought he'd been doing a great job hiding his feelings for her.

"Look, we're not talking about me, it's your turn in the spotlight," Andrew responded, trying to take the focus off himself.

"Sure," Darien chuckled, not wanting to embarrass Andrew any further.

"I know you like Serena, so come out of your denial."

"You're right, I do like her," Darien said in a calm and cool manner.

That statement set Andrew back a quick second, thinking it would take a while to force Darien to admit his feelings. "Oook, I'm glad we have that settled. Well why don't you tell her how you feel?"

Darien thought for a second. "I think maybe it's because I know she hates my guts. Sometimes I think I go a little too far with my teasing."

"Yeah I think you do too," Andrew agreed.

"But she's so cute when she's mad," Darien smiled dreamily and took another sip of his soda.

"Look Dare I happen to know for a fact that she doesn't hate you. She actually has a crush on you."

"And how do you know that?" Darien asked skeptically.

"I have inside sources," Andrew said slyly.

"Yeah right," Darien said, not believing his friend.

"Darien listen to me. I am not joking around. I'm absolutely serious."

Darien looked up from his magazine at his friend. He saw Andrew was being very serious.

"Now all you have to do is make the first move. Girls want that, trust me."

Darien smiled at his friend. He knew Andrew was very popular with the girls, but so was he. In some ways they were in competition with each other.

"What you need to do Dare is turn on your charm. I know you know what I'm talking about. I've seen many girls dump their boyfriends and wrap themselves around your feet because of this charm of yours."

Darien laughed. He knew Andrew was telling the truth, but of course with minor exaggeration. "Ok fine, what are you proposing?" Darien relented.

A smile broke out on Andrew's face, "I'm proposing a little wager. I want you to go over there and charm the socks off Serena until you have her eating out your hands, then give her the biggest most passionate kiss ever. If you do this I'll wash and wax your car for a whole month."

"You are crazy Andy, you know that right?" Darien said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"But wait, there's more."

"With you there always is."

"You have to do it before she leaves the Arcade today. Which means right now, or you automatically lose."

"What!" Darien said almost choking on his drink. "Right now, why?"

"Because she's here, and there's no time like the present. Besides if you wait you may never get around to doing it."

Darien thought for a moment. "Ok, so what happens if I don't do it," Darien asked, eyeing Andrew suspiciously.

"If I win, because you chicken out, then you'll have to switch cars with me for a month," Andrew said barely able to contain his excitement.

Darien cringed, he loved Andrew like a brother but hated his car.

Andrew's car was a ten-year-old beat up Honda, while Darien's car was a brand new top of the line red corvette convertible. Andrew knew Darien hated his Honda, but that's what made the bet so sweet. "And while you're driving my car you might as well give it a new paint job and replace all the interior fabric," Andrew joked.

Darien raised an eyebrow in a mock threatening look.

"Oh heck, you just might as well buy me a new car. It'll probably be cheaper."

Darien and Andrew erupted into laughter.

After the laughter subsided Andrew asked, "So how about it? You in?" Andrew stuck out his hand as to receive a handshake to seal the deal.

Darien grabbed his hand, "You're on buddy!"

"Good, 'cause here she comes now," Andrew whispered.

Darien's heart almost caught in his throat. He downed the rest of his soda, and then took a deep breath. Well here goes nothing.

I can't believe I'm doing this thought Serena. I can't stand Darien. He's so cocky and arrogant… She looked towards the dark haired man sitting by the counter, and her heart started to race. …and cute, and sexy, and muscular. She thought dreamily. Stop Serena, put your head back on straight. Remember how he teases you and calls you Meatball Head. She chided herself. Serena sighed. She was only a few steps away from him. Well let me get this over with. It's now or never.

"Um, excuse me Darien." Her voice sounded so timid, so small. Get a grip girl.

Darien turned around to face her.

Boy he's gorgeous. How I would love to run my fingers through his dark beautiful locks. Or stare into his crystal blue eyes all day.

"Hey Meatball Head," Darien answered flashing her with one of his dazzling smiles.

Someone hold me before I faint. Man he's cute. I wonder why I haven't noticed before. Maybe it's because I'm always yelling at him.

Serena and Darien sat staring at each other for a few seconds.

Come on Serena say something. Don't just stand there like an idiot. "Um, I uh…I was wondering if I could talk to you for a second," Serena stammered out.

"Sure, what's up?" Again flashing her another smile.

"Well actually I wanted to give you something."

"Ok, what is it?" Darien asked.

Meanwhile Andrew's face fell. He knew Mina had beaten him to the punch. He looked over towards Mina and saw a very bright victorious smile plastered on her face. They made eye contact, and she announced her victory with her gaze. It's not over 'til the fat lady sings Mina darling. Com'on Darien. Andrew thought with hope in his eyes, and fingers crossed.

Serena realized she must have been looking ridiculous standing there staring at him. Do it Serena, just do it. She told herself. Ice cream, think ice cream. "Well it's kind of difficult…" Serena began, making sure to avoid eye contact.

But Darien interrupted her muttering. "Look, I know it's hard to think with all those meatballs on your head, but take your time," he said jokingly.

Andrew winced and rubbed his brow in frustration, knowing full well Darien just blew his chances.

Serena on the other hand had a different reaction. Her face became red with anger and her hands clinched in tight fists by her side. It took all her might not to rip that smirk off his face. Why that cocky, arrogant, anal…how dare he make fun of my hair when I'm trying to be serious. "Why you arrogant, conceded jerk," Serena yelled.

Darien winced a little, knowing full well he set himself up for that. Now was the time to throw in some charm or else Serena might beat him to a pulp.

"I was trying to be serious with you, but…never mind," Serena said angrily and turned to go back to her friends.

Darien saw a brief inkling of hurt on her face, and he knew he had gone too far this time. He quickly hopped to his feet. He grabbed Serena's hand preventing her from leaving. "Hey Serena wait."

Serena stopped. Did he just call me Serena? Is he also holding my hand? Serena turned to face him, all anger disappearing instantly.

"Hey I'm sorry, I was just playing. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings," Darien said with all sincerity.

Serena felt her heart stop beating. She could barely breathe. He was standing so close to her that she could smell the clean scent of soap on him. Serena looked up into his eyes, she was mesmerized. He had the softest and most intense blue eyes she had ever seen. He was so close. She could feel his warm breath on her face. Oh my goodness, I'm going to die if I don't get away from him. His closeness was so intoxicating that Serena felt like she was in a trance. His soft gorgeous lips were just inches from hers. Serena could easily kiss him right here and now, but for some reason she couldn't move. What is wrong with me? Why am I acting like a scared little school girl?

Darien started to rub the back of Serena's hand with his thumb, which sent shivers coursing through her body. "What did you want to give me?" Darien asked in his soft deep sexy voice, his dark eyes intensely boring into hers.

Serena was at a lost for words, "Um, I um…" she stuttered. This is too intense for me, I can't do this in here. "Not here, I have it for you…outside," Serena said as she turned to walk away.

But Darien had other plans. Because he was still holding her hand he pulled her into his arms until their bodies were touching. Darien cupped her chin lightly with his hand and turned her face up towards his. As Serena looked up she saw Darien's face lowering towards hers. Instantly his lips captured hers in a powerful, but gentle kiss.

Everyone's mouths dropped open in shock. Even other people standing around were amazed.

Andrew was so excited he about jumped over the countertop and whooped for joy. Fortunately he contained his jubilation, but he was smiling from ear to ear. Yes! Victory is mine. Andrew thought with joy. I can't believe Darien did it. That's why he's my boy. He thought with pride. Andrew turned to look at Mina, who had a shocked but defeated expression on her face. When she made eye contact with him, Andrew winked at her and gave her one of his dazzling smiles.

Mina scowled at him then looked away.

Andrew chuckled to himself, You are mine now Ms. Love Queen .

Mina couldn't believe what had happened. Serena looked like she was in control, and then out of nowhere Darien moved in for the kill. What luck. I guess I underestimated Andrew…and Darien. Mina looked towards Andrew to see his reaction.

As she made eye contact with him, he winked at her and flashed her one of his sexy smiles.

Mina glared at him and turned away. Of course he would gloat, that jerk. Now I'm gonna have to be his slave for a whole month. I have no idea how I'm going to work that into my busy schedule of volleyball, dance crew and cheerleading. She put the thought in the back of her mind and concentrated on the lip-locked couple.

Serena could barely stand up, her legs felt like noodles. Lucky for her Darien had one arm behind her on the base of her back. She realized her hand was still in his, which caused her to be trapped up against his rock hard body. But Serena didn't care, she was relishing in the passion of the kiss. Her body was pressed up tightly against his muscular physique, while his lips danced over hers in erythematic motions. His other hand was lightly stroking the nape of her neck, which sent shivers cascading through her body. Serena was so absorbed in the sensuality of the kiss that she accidentally let out a soft moan.

That snapped her back into reality. Serena broke the kiss and pulled away from Darien. Oh my goodness, I hope he didn't hear that moan I made. That would be so utterly mortifying. Serena thought with embarrassment. She forced herself to look back up into his eyes, and she immediately knew that he had heard her.

Darien was staring at her with so much intensity in his eyes, and with a playful sexy smirk on his face. Serena was desperately trying to catch her breath and trying, without success, to avoid eye contact. I have to get away from him before I lose all control. Serena took a step back from him, but Darien just took a step even closer to her.

"I…I have to go," Serena stammered out.

"Alright," Darien said flashing her another smile, and loving her discomfort. "But wasn't there something you wanted to give me?" he asked in his soft sexy voice, as his hand gently stroked the side of her face. He watched with amusement as she tried to regain her composure.

"No, not right now," Serena finally managed to choke out, her mind concentrating on the soft caresses his fingers were making and the wonderful sensations it caused.

"Ok, maybe some other time," he teased, still not releasing her hand from his grasp.

"Yeah some other time," she agreed nervously.

Serena gazed into his eyes a little while longer, not really wanting to leave but knowing she couldn't stay. Com'on Serena, get a hold of yourself. He's just a drop-dead gorgeous, sexy guy who you were just sucking face with in front of everyone. She suddenly realized. Oh my goodness, he kissed me in front of everyone. I am going to be the main topic of conversation at school tomorrow. I need to get away from him NOW.

"Thanks for everything, I guess." Serena quickly said to Darien. What! You idiot, why did you say something like that? She chided herself.

"No problem," Darien responded still gazing at her.

Serena pulled her hand out of his, which for some reason made her miss the warmth of his touch. "Bye," she said, then quickly turned around and raced back to her friends.

Darien stood staring at her departing figure, feeling very good about the outcome of the kiss. If she hadn't pulled away they would probably still be kissing. That was one of the best kisses I have ever had. It was so sensual but at the same time so innocent. She definitely left me wanting more. Darien absent-mindedly licked his lips remembering the feel and sweet taste of Serena's lusciously delectable lips. He also remembered how her body felt against his, and how he could feel every little shiver coursing through her. But what really set him on fire was the little soft moan of pleasure that escaped her lips. He figured she pulled away because of the moan, but in Darien's opinion that was the best part of the kiss. He loved to see her face turn red from embarrassment so, of course, he had to make sure she knew he had heard her. Boy what I wouldn't give to experience that again.

"Hey Dare," Andrew called out, interrupting Darien's thoughts.

Darien walked back over to the counter to a glowing triumphant face.

"Darien, that was awesome. I knew you had it in you," Andrew congratulated his friend.

Darien looked at Andrew curiously, "Why are you so excited? You're the one who lost the bet and have to wash my car for a month instead of driving it."

Andrew shrugged, "Yeah yeah it doesn't matter, THAT was worth it. I told you, all you had to do was turn on your charm. At first I thought you blew it with that crazy comment you made, but wow, you shocked the crap outta me. I'll never doubt your skills again man."

Andy must be smoking something. No matter how long we remain friends I don't think I'll ever understand him. Darien thought shaking his head. Darien then looked down at his watch. Oh crap I've gotta get going. Darien took out some money and laid it on the countertop. Andrew was still talking, but Darien was only half listening. He didn't have time to discuss what had happened, he was already running late. Darien gathered up his things then interrupted Andrew's yammering, "Andy…stop for a second."

"Sorry Dare, I'm just, uh…excited for you," Andrew said, saving himself from being found out.

"I've gotta go, I'm late."

"Ok, see ya tomorrow at school."

Darien started to walk away, but he stopped and turned back to Andrew. "You know you owe me a month's worth of car washing and waxing?" Darien reminded him.

"I'm so excited right now, I'll do it for two months."

Darien raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Great! I'm not complaining." Darien then narrowed his eyes at his friend, "I know you're up to something, but I don't have time to figure it out right now."

Andrew put a feign look of innocence on his face.

"See you later man," Darien said as he turned to leave.


Darien walked out the Arcade, but not without sneaking another glance at Serena. At that moment she turned her head in his direction. Darien gave her one of his sexist smiles, then winked at her and walked out.

Serena made her way back to her wide-mouthed friends, and plopped down in the booth next to Mina. Serena had no words to describe how she was feeling at that moment. Her feelings were a mixture of happiness, elation, frustration and exhaustion.

Everyone at the table was silent. Finally Raye broke the silent tension, "I can't believe what I just witnessed."

"Me too," said Lita.

"Me three," said Amy.

"It didn't exactly turn out as I had planned…I mean expected," Mina muttered under her breath.

"Now that was a kiss," Lita said with excitement in her voice.

"It was hot," Raye put in. "I had no idea he liked you that much."

"You do realize Serena this is going to be all around school tomorrow, right?" Amy interjected.

Serena nodded, still not able to speak yet. All she could do was replay the kiss in her mind over and over again; after all it was her first. She loved the feel of his strong muscular body against hers. It sent butterflies to her stomach just remembering his soft caresses and the wonderful way his warm soft lips hungrily devoured hers. Just thinking about it made her want to faint.

"Serena," she heard Mina calling her name, which knocked her out of her daydream. "Hello Serena, are you still in there?" Mina said waving her hand in front of Serena's face.

"Yes I'm still here. Sorry," Serena responded feeling a bit embarrassed.

"What I was saying was don't get too down about losing the bet."

"Yeah you tried, so we won't leave you empty handed," Lita finished.

"Who could have ever assumed that Darien would try to kiss you the same time you were trying to kiss him," Amy responded. "It just doesn't make sense for him to kiss you at all…unless he knew you were going to kiss…"

"Yeah, but that doesn't matter," Mina interrupted Amy trying desperately to change the subject before Amy figure out the scheme. "What does matter is that you tried Serena. So because you were willing to do the deed I'll award you with a free dessert right now."

Serena perked up at the mention of food. "Free desserts, cool beans," she squealed.

"And I'll make you some of my yummy yummy scrumptious chocolate chip cookies tomorrow, just for you being a good sport," Lita offered.

Wow, how lucky I am to have such cool friends. Serena thought with joy, and holding back the tears that wanted to flow from her eyes.

"Instead of trying out to be a cheerleader, how about I put aside my studying for one night and come to the football game this Friday," Amy offered.

That was perfectly fine with Serena because it was like pulling teeth trying to get Amy's head out of the books and make her come to any sports game.

"Great Amy, you can sit with me and Sherri," Lita responded with delight while giving Amy a gentle one arm hug.

Lita Kino was not really into sports, unless it was track or martial arts. Her passion was cooking, that's why she was president of the cooking club.

The only thing, other than studying, that Amy liked to do was swim. Amy was one of the best swimmers on the varsity swim team, which was the only sport she would allow herself to do.

Serena's discomfort was starting to subside. She was just so glad she had such an amazing group of friends.

Everyone's eyes soon turned towards Raye. She was the only one who had not offered anything.

"What?" Raye asked feigning innocence.

"Come on Raye, be nice," Lita chided her friend.

"Ok ok. Serena because you were brave and didn't run away crying like a baby…" Raye began.

Everyone narrowed their eyes at her.

Raye giggled, "I'm getting there, calm down people. Because you handled yourself a lot better than I probably would have, I won't make fun of you the rest of this evening."

Everyone stared at her.

"Hey take it or leave it you guys. It's hard work not making fun of Meatb…I mean, Serena," Raye said with a grin.

"Thanks Raye, I really appreciate it," Serena said sincerely.

"I'll also help Mina pay for dessert tonight," Raye added.

Serena threw her arms around her friend, "So you do love me."

That brought out a round of laughter from all the girls. As the laughter died down Mina called out to their waitress Sherri, who was also Andrew's younger sister and one of their good friends.

Serena was starting to feel very relaxed and calm until she noticed Darien about to walk out of the Arcade. Her heart stopped beating again as a flood of emotions returned to her brain. Right before he stepped outside he turned towards her, winked at her and flashed her a very sexy and heart-stopping smile. Then he walked out. That's it, I can't take this abuse anymore. "Mina," Serena said interrupting Mina's order, "Make mine a double please."

The girls finished their desserts and were getting up to go home. Right before they got out the door Mina pretended that she forgot something.

"You guys go ahead I'll catch up to you in a minute," Mina told them.

Everyone continued out talking and laughing away.

Mina waited until they turned the corner before she walked over to the counter where Andrew was waiting on customers. As she approached his eyes lit up and his mouth broke out into a stunning grin.

"Hey Miss Queen of Love," Andrew announced playfully.

Mina just continued to scowl at him.

"Hey what's with the scowling? It messes up your beautiful face…wait a minute, do I see a smile popping through that scowl? Wait there it is, I see it."

No matter how hard Mina tried she couldn't hold on. Andrew always had a way of making her laugh. "Stop it," Mina fussed. "I don't want to smile. I want to be mad at you for beating me."

"Ah I get it, you're a sore loser," he said leaning closer to her from behind the counter.

"No, I just like to win," Mina said back leaning over the counter as well until they were almost nose-to-nose.

After a moment Andrew withdrew, he didn't want a repeat of what happened earlier with Darien and Serena. He knew if he stayed that close to her it might just happen.

"So when can you start," Andrew asked, shifting his eyes from hers. "We've been needing some extra help around here, so you came just in time."

"Um, I don't know Andrew. I already have a lot on my plate right now," Mina retorted as she was trying to make sense of Andrew's sudden withdrawal.

Andrew eyed her suspiciously.

"I'm on the varsity volleyball team this year, which means I have to practice all the time."

"So, I'm on the men's varsity volleyball team and I still find the time," Andrew countered but enjoying her resistance.

"I'm also in Cheerleading and Dance Crew, so I'm busy for every home football game," Mina said, still trying to find a way to weasel out of her agreement.

"But still you find time to come here every other day with your friends," he said knowingly and with a hint of play in his voice.

Mina could not hold back her laughter anymore. She then held her hands up in surrender, "Alright you got me. I will be your Cinderella Andrew, and I will make you feel incredibly guilty the whole time," she said with a sad puppy-dog face. Mina couldn't help but to flirt with him. If Andrew really insisted she work in the Arcade, she was going to make sure he felt very uncomfortable, in a good way of course.

"That's fine by me," Andrew smiled back at her, sending shivers down Mina's spine.

"Let me get back with you tomorrow at school. I have to ok it with my parents first," Mina said on a serious note.

"I'll be waiting for you tomorrow."

Goodness this man's sexy. Maybe it's a mistake to be around him so much, but a deal is a deal. "Alright then, see you tomorrow." Mina turned to walk out the Arcade, but she made sure to walk slowly so Andrew wouldn't miss the sway of her hips and her well-practiced sultry walk.

Andrew definitely didn't miss the walk at all or her hips. "Whew girl! I am definitely going to have a very long month," Andrew said under his breath, then turned around to help another customer.

Ok that's the end of the first chapter finally (whew). I hope everyone enjoyed it because I enjoyed writing it. I have tons of stories that are halfway written which I want to get out really soon. Comments are welcomed, but please be nice with the flames, I'm very sensitive and it took me a long time to get the nerve to post this. Thanks and God Bless!!


October 2004