Love While Training

Sup Gabriella here! This is my first FanFic so don't throw tomatoes at me! I won't make it short cause it's my first story!

----Raimundo's POV----
"Kimiko! Can't you work harder?" I yelled.I didn't mean to be so mean but didn't want to give her a tiny hint that I had a crush on her.

"Hey! Let's see you climb a 100 foot mountain!" She yelled back.

I sighed. I didn't want her to hate me, but I didn't

want her to know that I liked her either. It's all so confusing. I am a Shoku Warrior and I'm suppose to lead, not have stupid crushes on people!

But I like Kimko a lot. I don't know why but I do.

Maybe because she's funny, talented, beautiful,hot,

and that she looks cute when she gets mad. Matches her element.

I looked over at her. She was strugling a lot.

My eyes grew wide as I saw her slip and fall...

Cliff hanger! Literally! Like I said,this is my first story so I won't be making it so long. I know this isn't that good but hey! This was only the first chapter! You guys can review and tell me what you think of it! And tell me what you want to happen while Kimiko is falling.

Thanks and please review!