Authors Note: This is just a little one-shot that I based off a scene from Sweet Home Alabama. I was watching it and got inspired. If you like it, I'll continue with it and see where it goes. Let me know...Read and Review. I promise I'll update my other stories soon, but I've been suffering from serious writers block lately.

Lily Evans stood outside of a small London flat in the pouring rain. She had traveled across an ocean to get here and now that she was, she was beginning to regret the trip. It had been seven years since she last set foot in England and as far as she was concerned, it wasn't long enough. Her clothes and hair were damp and she clutched a large envelope to her chest as she gathered up the courage to ring the doorbell. She decided that it was rather like removing a band aid, the quicker it was done, the less painful it would be. So she mustered up the courage and pressed her freezing finger on the tiny bell. She held her breath as she waited for someone to open it, and the amount of time that passed seemed interminable. Finally a tall shaggy haired man flung open the door.

"Do you know what bloody time it is, I'd just gotten to sleep an hour ago," the obviously annoyed man growled.

"You always were so pleasant in the morning Sirius," Lily said as she looked up at him with a slight smile playing on her lips.

Sirius Black stared at the woman before him as if he'd just seen a ghost. He must be dreaming, he thought as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. But there she was in flesh and blood, Lily Evans. She looked different, he thought. It might be her short hair that she'd always worn long when he remembered her. She was dressed more stylishly, although he always pictured her in her Hogwarts robs.

"Bloody hell," Sirius said as he continued to stare at her in amazement. "Hell must have frozen over, because I never thought I'd see you back here."

He pulled her into a gigantic bear like hug that seemed to crush almost every bone in her body.

"I'm not back Sirius," Lily countered.

"Will you listen to that sassy American attitude?" Course your back, you just don't know it yet," Sirius replied as continued to keep his arm around her shoulders.

Lily groaned. She wanted to make this visit as quick as possible. This wasn't her life anymore and it hadn't been for quite a while. She didn't want to run the risk of getting sucked back in.

"Where is he Sirius? I've got a portkey to catch in about an hour," Lily said.

All of a sudden Sirius looked extremely sad. He and Lily had been best friends at one point in their lives. It had been painful when she left, although he never admitted to anyone. He wasn't ready to lose her again. However, in his usual carefree way, he merely brushed aside the time limit she had set on her visit.

"James is at work Lils and isn't going to be back for a while, so that gives you plenty of time to catch up with your old friend Padfoot," Sirius said with a grin from ear to ear.

Lily knew that it would be futile to resist Sirius' attempts to stall her as it would only encourage him. Instead she resigned herself to having a cup of tea at the kitchen table. She walked in the house that Sirius and James inhabited and took in the surroundings. It was slightly unkempt, much like the both boys appearances. The kitchen housed dirty dishes and a table littered with old daily prophets and other odds and ends. Lily took a seat as Sirius attempted to clean up. Finally he delivered her a cup of tea and took a seat next to her.

"So what got you to cross the pond Lils?" Sirius asked.

Lily knew Sirius was never one to beat around the bush. She was still clutching the large envelope she had brought with her and Sirius was eyeing it warily. Lily attempted to stall.

"It's obvious isn't it? I couldn't deny my feelings anymore. I've come to proclaim my love for you Sirius," Lily joked.

Sirius barked with laughter. He was glad living in America hadn't made Lily lose her sense of humor.

"I've missed you Lily," Sirius said.

The spent the rest of the afternoon catching up. Lily told Sirius about her life in the states, about her job as a journalist, and even gave the impression that she was happy. For his part, Sirius filled Lily in on the battle against Voldemort. He described the long hours and hard work he put in as an Auror. He told her about Remus and Kate's wedding. Lily and Kate had been best friends at Hogwarts, but when Lily moved to America they lost touch. She lost touch with all of her friends. She figured it was for the best. Much to her surprise, she learned that Sirius was dating her other best friend Gabriella and Sirius swore that she was the biggest pain in his ass.

"You and Gabby?" Lily said with shock. "I never thought you'd win her over."

Sirius and Gabby fought constantly throughout Hogwarts and were extremely competitive with each other. Sure they had snogged a few times, but Lily never thought anything would come of it. Gabby always swore that cows would have to fly before she dated Sirius.

"Bite your tongue, she was the one who had to convince me," Sirius said, but he knew it wasn't the truth.

Notably absent from Sirius' stories was James, and Lily wasn't going to ask. However, she knew that he couldn't be avoided forever when she heard a loud pop come from the living room.

"Prongs his home," Sirius said and flounced off to greet his best friend despite Lily's attempts to refrain him.

"James you'll never guess what I've got in the kitchen," Sirius yelled through the door.

"Good god I hope it isn't alive, god knows that place needs a good cleaning," James shouted back.

And then he was there, standing in front of her. His hair was disheveled and his clothes were wrinkled. He looked as if he hadn't slept in a week. And he was just staring at her.

"Why don't I leave you two to talk," Sirius said expertly as he slipped out of the room.

He knew the signs when Lily and James were about to have a big row, and he could tell this one was going to be huge. He wanted to escape the crossfire. Lily and James were left alone as he continued to take in the shock of seeing her after seven years.

"It's been a long time," Lily offered.

"Not long enough," James said as he immediately turned around and left the room.

Lily remembered why James drove her so crazy. She got up and followed him into the living room.

"Aren't you going to ask why I'm here?" Lily pressed.

"To profess your love for Sirius?" James replied cheekily.

She hated the way James never took anything seriously. He always had a quick quip or a joke for everything. It drove her nuts.

"I've come to give you these. So stop being a stubborn ass and just sign them. This has gone on for long enough," she threw the envelope she had been holding them at him.

James grabbed the envelope and took a look at its contents. They were divorce papers. He suddenly became incensed.

"You come waltzing in here after seven years without so much as 'remember me James, your wife,' or 'hey honey looking good' and you expect me to sign these?" James spat.

"You expect me tell you that you look good. Ever heard of the scourgify charm?" Lily replied sarcastically.

James looked at her with incredulity. He wanted to curse her into oblivion.

"Do they laugh at that in America or wherever you've been," James said, trying to hide the hurt in his voice.

"You knew where I was, and don't pretend you missed me," Lily said.

James walked towards her with a menacing look on his face.

"I missed you alright, but at this range my aim is bound to improve," James threatened.

Lily looked into his hazel eyes that she used to know so well and felt defeated.

"Can you just sign the papers and I'll be gone," Lily said.

James stared at her hard. It really galled him that she had the audacity to show up and demand a divorce after seven years of silence.

"No I don't think I will," James said and turned around to head up the stairs.

Lily couldn't let him go, she'd never get him to sign the papers if she let him off now.

"Where do you think you're going?" Lily screeched.

"Leaving, you've done it, you should recognize the gesture," James replied and then stomped up the stairs to his bedroom.

He threw open the door and it slammed against the wall. He took the papers that were in his hand and threw them against the wall and stomped around a bit.

"Glad to see you haven't lost that famous temper of yours," Lily said as she watched him curse a few things with his wand.

"How'd you get in here?" James asked, even more furious that she had witnessed his outburst.

"Apparated," Lily replied casually.

James stared at her hard.

"Get out," he bellowed.

"Not until you sign the bloody papers," Lily countered.

"No!" James shouted.

Lily advanced on him with venom in her green eyes.

"You stubborn ass, you won't sign the papers just because I've asked you to," Lily shouted.

"No, I won't sign them because you've turned into some hoity toity American bitch," James spat.

And then he picked Lily, threw her over his shoulder and plopped her down in the hallway outside his room. He slammed the door behind her and used every locking charm she could think of to keep her out.

She shouted and ranted and raved for being so properly man handled.

"James Potter, you arrogant toe rag, sign those papers or you'll rue the day," she said as she pounded on the door.

However, her cries were met with silence. It was at this point that Sirius came out of his room with eyes as wide as saucers.

"You guys are still married?" he asked, astonished at this recent development.

"Unfortunately yes," Lily said as she slumped against James' door. "Despite the fact that I'm engaged to another man."

This she shouted so would hopefully hear it and let it get through his thick skull that things were over. Sirius just stared at her harder, and her declaration had its intended effect. James opened his door and looked at her as an expression of stone crossed his face.

"You're what?" Sirius asked, just to clear up any confusion on the subject.

"Engaged," Lily said and then she stuck out her hand so they could see the ring.

James looked at her as if he had just been hit with a stunner. Sirius just stood there with his mouth hanging open, too shocked to say anything.

"Well aren't either of you going to say something?" Lily said.

She felt bad for the way she had announced it. She had meant to do it more subtly, but with James, nothing was ever subtle. He was just so damn provoking. She looked at him and saw that what she had said hurt him. What had he expected? That'd she'd pine for him for the rest of her life. No, she'd moved on, and he should too.

"Congratulations Lily, I hope he makes you happy," was all James said and then retreated back into his bedroom and closed the door.