Epilouge! IT'S OVER!
Post 14

It's been about a three year since I've updated again.

Since that time, I've become the bandit leader again. Kouji is my right hand man, and it's a fun time, actually.

I've since visited my family. My sisters finally all found guys. Aidou even got married. She's due for her baby in the next three months.

It's rather weird. I feel like since everyone else went on, that I grew up a little.

Chichiri visits every once in awhile. He's traveling, but to where, I don't know. He stops here whenever he comes back. He stops in maybe three or four times a year, but we also catch up, and discuss our days as warriors.

Apparently he contacted Miaka and Taka. Yes, I realized he isn't Tamahome anymore. He's Taka, a man from another world.

They had a son. He's about two now. I'm actually rather happy for them! I knew they'd be together, but it's surprising when it actually happens.

At one point, about a year ago, when Chichiri visited, we decided to go to the capital together. We heard about a young child, maybe two or three himself now, who was a genius. He could read and write better than me! We meet him, and I'm sure I saw Chiriko's character reappear.

We visited Houki, and her son. Boushin is becoming a good ruler, but he doesn't really know us. He did ask us all kinds of things, and we mostly told him stories of his father, and how he really did meet his dad. We told him he probably will again, but he just won't recognize him.

Incidentally, after we left, a young girl and boy ran past us. The little girl literally picked the little boy up. The boy yelped, but when I looked at them, I saw Nuriko and Hotohori's characters appear. So Nuriko is finally a woman, and Hotohori finally has a free life.

We also heard of a young boy who had the powers to heal. We went to visit him in a neighboring town, and sure enough, it was Mitsukake. An older girl named Shouka was with him, and Chichiri recognized her parents. That was the baby Mitsukake gave his life for!

So we went back to the mountain, and I haven't really left much since.

I, however, think I may have finally found the girl of my dreams.

She's like Miaka, in some ways. Long hair, always smiling... Maybe I should settle down?

Anyways, I'm going to end this entry. But it's nice catching up sometimes.

Current Mood: Content


The girl had so much more description, and then I thought.. "Nah, too specific. Fangirls need their dreams too."
Anyways, IT'S OVER! No more Tasuki Live Journals! Seriously!

Ahh, now what am I gonna write about..?

Anyways, comments are good. Reviews are good. Both are closely related. YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO!
Tasuki: Yes! DO IT!