Here's one more for the weekend . . . . . . . and it IS going to end up being a 40-chapter fic. I probably should have split this into two separate fanfics, but . . . . . oh well.

As always, feedback is MUCH appreciated, and thank you to those of you who have been taking the time to reply!

The next morning, Cole awakens and sees Caleb asleep on the edge of Paige's bed. Cole stands up and touches Caleb's shoulder gently. "Caleb." he whispers. "Caleb, wake up."

"Get away from me!" Caleb screams, awakening with a start and physically lashing out at Cole.

"Son – it's me, it's dad, stop it!" Cole says, grabbing Caleb forcefully.

"Dad." Caleb says, calming down and looking up at Cole, then hugging him tightly.

"It's alright – I think you were having a bad dream, that's all." Cole tells him.

"Any change with mom?" Caleb asks.

"I don't think so." Cole replies, sitting down next to Paige and taking her hand. "You been here all night?"

"I – I guess." Caleb replies. "Dad, I --" Caleb begins, just as Cole's phone rings.

"Hello? Daryl, hi. No – no change. What?" Cole says, then pauses as he listens for awhile, and turns and looks up at Caleb. "No, I – I understand. Yeah. Thanks." Cole hangs up the phone. "Your Uncle Daryl – said there was quite a mess at Dr. Douglas' house when he and his men got there. Looked like a hurricane hit it, he said." Cole tells Caleb. "Gregory wasn't there. I guess he – got away, huh?"

"I guess." Caleb says, walking over to the window and looking outside. Cole walks up behind him.

"You think they'll ever find him?" Cole asks.

"No." Caleb replies, still looking out the window.

"I didn't think so." Cole says. Both Cole and Caleb turn around as Robin and Stella enter the room.

"Robin. Thank you so much for coming." Cole says, smiling a bit as he goes to Robin and shakes his hand.

"It's okay. I'll do what I can to help." Robin tells him.

"There's been no change?" Stella asks, immediately going to Paige's side.

"No – not yet." Cole tells her. "What did you find out?" Cole asks Robin.

"My colleague in London – he's willing to let me try his new drug on Paige, as long as I have the approval of both you and the hospital releasing him from all liability." Robin tells him.

"You don't think it'll work then?" Cole asks.

"We don't know. I want to run some blood tests on Paige before I do anything. I – I know what different markers in her blood to look for to see if this could possibly help her. The hospital has – well, they've actually offered me a temporary position as chief pathologist for the next couple of months. It seems that – the position is open now. They need someone to run the place until they can find a replacement, and – since I have the experience and I was coming to work here anyway – they made me the offer. So I took a leave of absence from UCLA for awhile." Robin tells him.

"I told him he could stay at the house. That's okay, isn't it daddy?" Stella asks.

"Of course. Thank you for doing this – I know you don't owe our family anything." Cole says.

"I like Paige. She always made me feel like – like I belonged with this family." Robin says.

"Yeah. She always manages to see the good in people. Even when they don't deserve it." Cole says, sitting back down next to Paige. "I don't even know where I'd be if she hadn't – if she hadn't been there to save me from myself." Cole fights back tears as he holds Paige's hand and give her a kiss. "Please, Robin – please bring my wife back to me. Please give my children their mother back. And please save my little boy." Cole says, touching Paige's belly.

"I will do everything I can, Cole. I promise." Robin tells him. He draw some blood from Paige, and then stands up to leave. "I'll get started right now. Caleb – you want to help?"

"I want to stay with mom." Caleb replies.

"Caleb – I think you could help your mom more by working with Robin, don't you?" Cole tells him. Caleb thinks about it for a moment.

"Okay." Caleb replies quietly. He gives Paige a soft kiss on the forehead, and he and Robin leave the room.

"Is Caleb okay? He seems – different." Stella says.

"He just has a lot on his mind to process right now." Cole says. "They arrested Dr. Douglas. Apparently he – he kind of went insane, he's in the county psychiatric hospital."

"Good. He deserves worse." Stella says. "What about Gregory?"

"He – he's gone." Cole says.

"Gone! Daddy, we have to find him, we have to vanquish him before --" Stella says, becoming upset.

"Stella – he's not coming back. Caleb – said he's not coming back." Cole tells her.

"Caleb?" Stella says, a surprised look on her face. "You mean Caleb --"

"Gregory is gone. That's all that matters. And we're not discussing it again, is that clear?" Cole tells her.

"Yeah. Crystal." Stella says. Cole puts his arm around Stella and hugs her.

"He still loves you. Robin. I could see it in his eyes." Cole tells her. "You know – your mother will be very upset if she wakes up and finds out that the two of you aren't together."

"He would never take me back. Not after the way I treated him." Stella says.

"Can't hurt to ask. Think about it." Cole says. "We don't get many opportunities in our lives for true love. If there's a chance you can fix this – you better take it. Before it's too late." Cole tells her, while looking at Paige and gently touching her face.

Hannah sits on the edge of her hospital bed, fully dressed, looking at her patient chart when Eli enters the room carrying a bouquet of flowers. "Hi." Eli says quietly.

"Mr. Warren. Hi." Hannah says, looking up at him.

"I brought something for you. I know Nick is taking you home, but – I thought you might like them." Eli tells her, handing her the flowers.

"They're beautiful. Thank you." Hannah replies.

"How are you feeling?" Eli asks.

"Fine. I'm a little tired, I just want to get home and into my own bed." Hannah tells him.

"That's probably a good idea, I'm sure you'll feel much better there." Eli says.

"Mr. Warren, I – I'm sorry about – the things I said about – about warlocks. I was wrong. I know now why you don't approve of me, but I want you to know that – I love Nicholas very much. I would never hurt him and – I know he would never hurt me." Hannah tells him.

"We all make mistakes." Eli says.

"That's what your wife said." Hannah tells him.

"She's a smart woman, why do you think I married her?" Eli replies, and Hannah laughs a bit. "I just want you to know that – if you ever need anything – just call me."

"Thanks. I'll get your number from Nick." Hannah says.

"No – I mean just call for me. I'll hear you." Eli says. "I'm your whitelighter."

"MY whitelighter? But I'm not a witch." Hannah tells him.

"You have a gift, though – the gift of contacting the spirit world. And now that you're involved with our family – that could be a very dangerous gift to have. And you might – need protection someday. And if you do – I'll be there." Eli tells her. Nicholas enters her room pushing a wheelchair.

"Your ride is here, my lady." Nicholas says.

"I don't need that." Hannah tells him.

"Are you telling me you want to break hospital rules, doctor? That's not like you." Nicholas teases.

"Oh – shut up." Hannah replies, grudgingly getting into the wheelchair.

"You better take good care of my charge there." Eli tells Nicholas.

"Don't worry – I will." Nicholas says, and he smiles at Eli as he wheels Hannah out of the room.

Robin and Caleb enter Paige's room – Cole, Ben and Stella are there. "Well? What did you find out?" Ben asks.

"It's not good." Robin replies. "Cole – I really want you to think twice about taking the baby. They have an excellent neo-natal unit in this hospital, and --"

"Forty percent. Would you risk your child's life for forty percent?" Cole asks. "Last time I checked – that was a failing grade."

"I – I don't know what I'd do in your situation." Robin tells him. "Honestly, I hope I never have to find out."

"What about this drug that your friend in London has?" Cole asks.

"It's not FDA approved yet, it's still in the experimental stages. And looking at Paige's bloodwork – I don't know that it would help much." Robin says.

"But there's a chance it would, right?" Cole asks.

"Only about a sixty percent chance." Robin tells him.

"Sixty percent is sure as hell better than FORTY percent!" Cole shouts.

"Dad, calm down." Ben says.

"No – no, I want to know more about this drug. If her odds are BETTER with this drug, just use it then!" Cole says, becoming more and more agitated.

"Cole – the sixty percent is for PAIGE, not the baby. She has over NINETY percent chance of a full recovery if we take the baby immediately. The drug that my colleague has developed may save Paige's life – and it may not. There is a sixty percent chance that, if the drug works, Paige – and the baby – will survive. But if it doesn't work – you could lose them both." Robin tells everyone.

"You're asking me to choose between my wife and my son, is that what you're doing then?" Cole replies.

"Daddy – I don't want to lost mommy again. Maybe you should just let them take the baby – Robin will do everything to make sure he's okay, right Robin?" Stella says.

"Of course I will. I know plenty of neo-natal specialists, too – I can make sure that he has the best care available to him." Robin says.

"Ben – you talked to her before this happened. What do you think she would want us to do?" Cole asks.

"She – she was adamant about – making sure the baby was okay." Ben tells them. "She's already bonded with him. She loves him."

"If Paige wakes up – and I have to tell her that her son is dead – I can't do it. I can't do that to her." Cole says. "I want to try the drug. I want to try and save them both."

"I'll – I'll have to take it to the hospital board to – get their permission then." Robin says. "I'll start the paperwork right now." Robin leaves.

"Daddy – do you really think this is what mom would want?" Stella asks.

"I think – if shecould make this decision for herself, and she knew there was a possible way to save both herself and the baby – I think she'd take the risk." Cole says.

"So do I." Ben says. "The whole time I was with her, all she was worried about was the baby."

"Your mother loves being pregnant." Cole says. "She'd spend hours talking to you kids before you were born. And with this little guy – she hasn't really had anyone else this whole time, has she?" Cole says, as he rubs Paige's belly. "She's probably formed quite a bond with him already."

"I hope he's not too scared. He's probably used to mom's voice." Ben says. Stella moves in closer to Paige, sitting down next to her and putting her head near Paige's belly.

"Hey – hey little guy. I'm your big sister, Stella. I'm sure mom has told you all about me. I can't wait to meet you. Now, I know your big brother Caleb and and your other big sisters Skye and Sara are gonna tell you how bossy and mean I was to them. But – see, I was just a kid then. So I just want you to know that – well, that I'm going to always be there for anything you need. Because nothing is more important than – than your family." Stella tells him, and she suddenly feels a gentle motion coming from Paige's belly. "He kicked me. I felt it, he – he kicked me." Stella says, looking up at everyone and smiling. Both Ben and Cole put their hands on her belly and smile as they feel the baby kicking.

"Caleb – don't you want to feel the baby kick?" Stella asks.

"I – I have to go." Caleb says, and he rushes out of the room. Cole watches as he leaves.

"I don't want to leave your mom, but – I think I need to go talk to your brother. Both of you stay with her, and you call me immediately if there's any change." Cole tells them, and he leaves the room.

"Shawn? Where have you been, I've been trying to call you all day." Elena says, entering Dr. Douglas' house – Shawn is there with Dusty, going through some of Adrian's personal belongings.

"How'd you find me?" Shawn asks.

"Just a guess – I talked to my Uncle Daryl, he said that your dad is – in the psychiatric ward." Elena says.

"Yeah." Shawn replies, looking at a photograph he found. The photo itself is burned a bit around the edges, but still in a frame – it's a photo of a younger Adrian, Shawn's mother, and a baby. They are smiling and look very happy. "Do you think he was always like this? Do you think he would have turned into this person if my mom hadn't done what she did?"

"I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not." Elena says.

"I wonder what my life would have been like – if my mom had chosen good. They look so happy. He must have – cared, you know? It looks like the picture was found in whatever was left of the house my mom burned down when she faked our deaths. Why would he even save this if I didn't matter to him?" Shawn asks.

"Shawn – none of this is your fault." Elena tells him.

"I could have – tried to have a relationship with him. I don't think he had anyone else. Maybe it would have – made him a nicer person. Maybe everything that happened to your Aunt Paige wouldn't have happened if --"

"Shawn – we could sit here and play 'what if' games all night, do you think I haven't done that with MY life a million times? But it doesn't do any good – what happened – happened. There's nothing you can do about that." Elena tells him.

"Look at who my parents were, Elena. Both ended up being destroyed because – they were evil. What does that make me?" Shawn asks.

"You're your own person, Shawn. You get to DECIDE who you're going to be. My mom has taught me that ever since I can remember. Just because I'm part warlock doesn't mean I have to be evil. Just because your parents were evil, doesn't mean YOU are." Elena tells him, and she gives him a kiss on the lips. "I love you. Do you love me?"

"You know I do." Shawn replies.

"Evil can't love, Shawn. Doesn't that tell you something right there?"

"Yeah. It does." Shawn says, and he pulls her into a kiss. After a moment, Dusty starts to bark loudly and Elena gets a strange sensation and stops kissing him.

"What's wrong girl?" Shawn asks, trying to calm the dog down.

"Didn't you feel that?" Elena asks.

"No. What?" Shawn asks.

"It's like – someone was watching us. I keep – getting that feeling a lot lately. Like someone is – watching me." Elena tells him.

"Where is she?" Piper asks the Shaman as he appears in front of her.

"She's not alone. I haven't been able to find her when she's alone – the young man, he's – with her quite a bit." the Shaman replies.

"Well – then kill him." Piper says.

"That is not my job. I only obtain vessels for souls, I do not kill innocents." the Shaman tells her.

"I want my daughter to live again. We had a deal. And I don't care what you have to do to make it happen. Bring Elena to me – or I will kill you." Piper tells him, fondling the soul catcher that contains Melinda's spirit.

Caleb races up the stairs to the attic, and finds the Book of Shadows. He tears through it furiously, ripping pages out as he searches through its contents. "Caleb. Caleb stop it, please STOP IT!" Cole screams as he shimmers into the attic. He grabs Caleb and struggles with him to get him to release the book.

"No! No dad, there has to be something in there, there has to be something that can fix this. What's the POINT of our powers if we can't FIX THIS!" Caleb screams, as he finally lets go of the book and breaks down sobbing in Cole's arms. Cole waits a few moments for Caleb to calm down. "I killed him." Caleb finally says, looking up at Cole.

"You want to tell me how it happened?" Cole asks.

"I – I mixed a – a power unbinding potion with – with a vanquishing potion. He didn't even see it coming." Caleb tells him.

"Pretty clever. Even I wouldn't have thought of that one." Cole tells him.

"He killed Melinda. Dr. Douglas – he's the one who killed Melinda, he's the one who gave her the morphine." Caleb says. "Gregory found this out just before he drank the potion, and – he said he – he wanted forgiveness. He wanted to change. What if he was telling the truth?"

"What if he wasn't?" Cole replies. "You were angry about what happened to your mother."

"Just like Gregory was angry about what happened to Melinda. How does this make me any different from him?" Caleb asks.

"Gregory wasn't an innocent." Cole says, putting his arm around Caleb. "You have so much of your mother in you. But unfortunately, you inherited your worst trait from ME. Your temper. You've always been one to act before you think. Why do you think your mother and I were always so protective of you, it wasn't just because you didn't have any active powers. You need to learn how to keep your emotions in check."

"How have you done it all these years?" Cole asks. Cole laughs a bit.

"Your mother keeps them in check, I don't do a damn thing. Or haven't you noticed what a mess I've been since she's been gone." Cole tells him. "Maybe that's what you need – find someone like your mom."

"Yeah, like that'll happen." Caleb says.

"Well – I'm sure there's some – guy out there that --" Cole begins.

"What? Why does everyone think I'm gay?" Caleb asks.

"Come on, Caleb. If I can handle Skye and her little girlfriend, I guess I can handle this, you don't have to hide in the closet anymore." Cole tells him. Caleb just stares at him in disbelief.

"I like girls, dad. I just don't know how to talk to them." Caleb tells him.

"Are you serious? Caleb, come on, it's not that hard, you find a girl you like, you introduce yourself, tell her you want to go out with her, and – everything else will just fall into place. Come on – take a look in the mirror sometime, you look just like I did when I was your age, this should NOT be a problem for you." Cole tells him.

"I take it modesty isn't one of your best traits, either." Caleb says.

"Not really, no." Cole replies, then his tone turns serious. "What do you think I should do? Should I let them take the baby?"

"What did you do when mom got attacked when she was pregnant with me?" Caleb asks.

"It wasn't the same. Your mom – was conscious, she knew what was going on the whole time. And we really didn't have any choice to make, we just – did what the doctors said to do and hoped that you would be okay." Cole says.

"I think – if mom has fought this long for that kid, she's gonna want to keep fighting. And Robin's drug could save both of them." Caleb says.

"It could kill both of them, too." Cole says.

"Dad, I saw mom's bloodwork. I think she has a real chance of pulling through this. Robin just wants to err on the side of caution, but – I think mom would want us to do everything we could to save them both." Caleb tells him, just as Cole's phone rings. Cole looks at the phone and sees that it's Stella's number.

"Hi princess – what is it?" Cole asks, answering the phone.

"Daddy – it's mom, you have to get back to the hospital right now." Stella says, her voice trembling. Cole hangs up the phone.

"Is mom okay?" Caleb asks.

"I don't know. It doesn't sound like it." Cole says. "Come on – let's go." Cole puts his arm around Caleb and shimmers away with him.