Ladies of Yang

Chapter 1

The Darkness of Element Earth

"As good as you are, your evil side will be just as dark or… even greater" A wise woman once said this " the four most powerful beings of Darkness will arise once again from they're slumber and surprise everyone they love" that wise women said as warning as she died in battle, this warrior was the leader of a clan in Konoha, the brave female would be an ancestor in many years to come. Buried as a hero, she was the one who turned the over a new leaf of the clan with a past of Hatred "You will always be honored as a heroine in the clan, Katana Hyuga, our beloved leader".

A century later…

The Hyuga clan was now one of the most honorable clan in the Konoha village, the last you would call evil. Hiashi Hyuga the current leader of the Hyuga clan had sensed a disturbance in his eldest daughter, Hinata Hyuga, an small aura of … evil…. He was the only one, another father had also detected a hint of evil in his daughter, Tenten, and so did, Ino's father and Sakura's in them.

Now this wasn't your run of the mill evil like pouring water onto you little sisters head, no, it was real evil.


If there was one thing Ino hated it was being made fun of because her older sister, Nakumi, was chosen to inherit the flower shop, when her grandmother promised it would be hers, before she died, most of the time she didn't sweat it, but being reminded of it too much left her heartbroken, as if her grandmother didn't trust her.

Shikamaru know about this and teased her a little out of playfulness, but not too much, one day he went too far…

" Hey Ino, remember how your grandmother chose Nakumi over you!" Shikamaru teased her, out of pure fun " Oh shut up, Shikamaru!" Ino sighed throwing a rice ball at him, but missed " Y'know…" Ino shot him a look, he ignored him " shut up…" he started speaking again " Maybe they thought…" she stopped looking at him and closed her eyes with her fists clenched, Shikamaru again did not notice her anger rising " Shut Up!" he still ignored her " You would burn the place down in less than a day, just by touching it!".

Ino's eyes shot open, but glowed green instead, she swiftly turned and thrust her hands in his direction, vines followed and held him to a tree " SHUT UUUUP!!!" Shikamaru was just so shocked " Ino! Ino! I'm sorry I never meant any thing by it! I was just playing around! I'm sorry!" finally gaining control the vines disappeared an Ino stopped, weary and tears running down her eyes, Shikamaru went running to her and hugged her to comfort her. " What in the world was that…" Shikamaru thought to himself.

Authors Note: Hope you enjoyed! Will be updating as soon as possible! PLZ. Review! I would really enjoy that! PLEEEAAASSSEE!