Disclaimer – I don't own what isn't mine.

Dedicated in memory of Leah Katherine Giesen.


A man dressed as a preacher was standing on the auturtorem stage by a microphone. "We are gathered here today to pay respect to those we lost October tenth." His deep voice boomed around the large room.




Last day of the rest of my life

I wish I would have known

cause i'd have kissed my momma goobye.

I didn't tell her that I loved her

or how much cared

or thank my pops for all the talks

and all the wisdom he shared.

Unaware I just did what I
always do.




The entire room was filled with Kelly, Tammy, and Luke's family, friends and almost all of the school system. Not only the High school but also the Jr. High and Elementury schools.

There were three closed caskets on the stage.

One was wight and had pink flowers all around it . The other two were made of cherry wood. One with Ivy hung around the edges and the other had three signal stemmed roses on top of it.

Pictures of Kelly, Luke and Tammy were on boards next to the caskets.




Everyday the same routine before

I skate off to school but who knew

that this day wasn't like the rest,

instead of takin the test

I took two to the chest.
Call me blind but I didn't see it comin

and everybody was runnin but I couldn't hear nothin,

except gun blast,

it happened so fast

I didn't really know this kid
though I sat by him in class.




"names were great people. Luke was one of our star basketball players, Tammy helped out in our community as well as others, and Kelly was heading to one of the top nursing collages, East Central University in Oklahoma, to study and hopefully become a nurse."




Maybe this kid was

reachin out for love

or maybe for a moment he forgot

who he was

or maybe this kid just wanted to be hugged,
whatever it was I know its because
We are we are

the youth of the nation

We are we are

the youth of the nation

We are we are

the youth of the nation

We are we are

the youth of the nation




"They will be missed but will always be in our hearts. Now they are with God and there loved ones who have already passed. They will be waiting at God's side in heaven for us to join them. For now they will enjoy the company of God.




Little Suzzy she was only twelve

she was given the world

with every chance to excel
Hang with the boys

and hear the stories they tell

she might act kinda proud
but no respect for herself

She finds love in all the wrong places

the same situations but different faces.
Changed up her pace

since her daddy left her

too bad he never told her she
deserved much better.




The families slowly stood and began walking up to the stage it say their last words. Slowly everyone else made their way up.

Few people stayed in their seats, those who did were crying fiercely.

Everyone took their seats again and the music that a lady had been playing on the piano stopped.




Johnny boy always played the fool,

he broke all the rules

so you would think he was cool.
He was never really one of the guys

no matter how hard he tried,

with the thought of suicide
It's kinda hard when you ain't got no friends,

he put his life to an end

they might remember him then.
You cross a line and there is no turnin back

he told the world how he felt with
the sound of a gat.




The preacher stood again and started speaking, "the families would like to thank you all for your hospitality and love for these students. They are now at peace with our Lord." The preacher finished with that closing statement.

People began to stand and over a period of time exit. No one noticed one lonely girl behind the stage curtains crying her eyes out.




We are we are

the youth of the nation
We are we are

the youth of the nation

We are we are

the youth of the nation

We are we are

the youth of the nation




People came into the room and carried the caskets and decorations away.

The lights turned off, still no one noticed the girl.

She slowly curled up into a ball and fell into a dreamless sleep.




Whos to blame for the life

that tragedies claim

no matter what you say it won't take away the pain,

that I feel inside I'm tired of all the lies

don't nobody know why it's the blind

leadin the blind.
Guess that's the way that the story goes,

will it ever make sense somebody's
gotta know,

there's gotta be more to life than this,

there's got to be more to everything
I thought exists




The girl woke up to find someone picking her up.

Her eyes went wide and she yelped in surprise.

"Shh, it's just me." A boy's voice said holding her in bridal style.




We are we are

the youth of the nation

we are we are

the youth of the nation

We are we are

the youth of the nation

we are we are

the youth of the nation

We are we are

the youth of the nation

we are we are

the youth of the nation

We are we are

the youth of the nation

we are we are

the youth of the nation



She looked into his eyes and relaxed again realizing who it was.

"I'm going to take you to Hudson's house, okay?" He asked carrying her out to his car.

"Okay," She mumbled sleepily, "Thank you Casey." She yawned and fell asleep.

Casey smiled at her placing her in his front seat.




WE ARE . . .

youth of the nation

WE ARE . . .

youth of the nation

WE ARE . . .

youth of the nation




"Casey?" a sleepy voice called from the passenger seat.

"Yes?" He answered back, starting up the car.

"I, I think, I think I love you." The soft voice said quietly.

He looked down at her but she was already asleep, "I love you too Sammy," He kissed her head and pulled out of the parking lot.


A/N – so what do ya'll think? i wrote that when I was at my dad's lab working on my science project. I based the whole funeral thing on my cousin's. When the preacher was speaking/praying he made it sound like Leah (my cousin) and her two friends wanted everyone to commit suicide.

One of the really sad things is that Leah and her two friends (I can't remember the two girl's names) left their fourth friend. They were all really tight and then three of them died and left the one girl.

Ya… okay… sorry sad moment there.

Everyone plz review, I cant think of anyway for someone to flame this. ((unless its on spelling (DON'T)) I know I didn't put the reception part on there but your just going to have to deal with it.