Stages of intervention

Disclaimer: I do not own PR, otherwise there would be a lot more romance and actual couples mixed in with the fights, Lycra and zoids.

Summary: Kim organizes a get-together for all the 'originals'. Havoc ensures with all the meddling they're each doing...

Author's note: First PR fic and I'm going for the long haul so if you like, be prepared for lots of chapters! Please enjoy and review. Oh and I'm having Tanya in it even though she's technically not an 'original' and Billy might make an appearance at some point if people want him. POV's will change as the story goes.


Kim could hardly believe it as she put down the phone; she was so excited. One more person to ask and her plan would come to life. Everybody together again, just themselves for 5 whole days. It would be fantastic. Almost like old times, except for this time they wouldn't be running off to save the world at a jingle's alarm.

Grinning excitedly she picked up the phone again and dialed the seventh number that day. She had wanted to talk to everybody herself but hadn't been able to find Tanya's number. When she'd spoken to Adam though, he'd said he would tell her the next time they spoke. Kim had been worried that he wouldn't see Tanya for awhile so she might not have been able to come but Rocky had hinted that Adam and Tanya saw quite a lot of each quite regularly.

Her grin widening as the phone rang she thought of all the mischief she and her friends could get up to with the secretive pair.

The ringtone stopped as the phone was picked up at the other end.

"Hello?" A tired Australian voice interrupted Kim's thoughts.

"Hey Kat!"

"Kim…" the voice sighed "It's good to hear from you."

"Sounds it," Kim replied, a slight edge of worry to her voice "Sounds like you're outta it girl. What's wrong?"

"I'm fine Kim."

"Sure you are. What aren't you telling me?"

"Honestly, Kim I'm doing great, just fine."

"No you're not," Kim replied stubbornly "You sound wrong, like off or something."

"That's probably since I just woke up." There was a hint of amusement in Kat's voice.

"Just woke up? How can you of just woken up?"

"Well I was trying to avoid telling you about how you've just rang me at 5am, bu-"

Kim gasped "Oh! Oh no! Kat I am soo sorry. I didn't mean to! I was just so excited. I completely forgot. And of course the others don't have such a big time difference!" Kim hit herself in the forehead, vaguely aware that Kat was still speaking over the other end of the phone.

"The others? Excited? Kim, wha-?"

"Kat, I really am sorry. I jus-"

"Was so excited, I know," there was a patience to her voice that suggested this wasn't the first time something like this had happened "About something to do with the others. What's happening? Or-" And here Kim could hear the nervous excitement creep into her friend's voice "more likely, what are you planning?"

Kim sucked her breath in and held it, letting the anticipation get to her friend.


Kim let her breath go in a fit of giggles "Alright! Alright! I'll tell you. What are you doing the week after next? From the 12th to the 17th?"

"Nothing much. Some classes on the history of dance and such like, why?"

"Do you have to go to them?" Kim could hear her voice deflating slightly. She knew it had been too good to be true for everyone to be able to make it. It was asking too much of fate.

"They're optional. Why?"

Kim's head shot up "Op-optional?" she repeated "As in you don't have to go?"

"Not if I don't want to. Kim what's going on?"

"And you don't have any other classes to go to? Any performances, shows, family engagements?"

"No, semester's finished and my family are all back in Australia. Seriously, Kim what's going on?"

"Oh nothing much," Kim said, attempting to sound casual but failing miserably; her excitement was creeping back in "It's just I've arranged a little get-together and now everyone can make it!"

"What?!" Kat gasped "Explain! I need some details here!"

"Well my uncle has this camping space next to the beach and he has to use it or he loses the permit. Now he's away on a business trip and my cousins aren't interested, so he offered it to me. I've arranged tents, food and even to borrow the bathroom of a local house's annex. And now with you free everybody can make it!"

"Whose everybody?" Kat asked.

"Jason, Zack, Trini, Tommy, Aisha, Rocky, Adam and Tanya. Isn't that great?"

"Yeah." Kat said dejectedly, slumping back into her pillows.

"It's going to be fantastic! I can't wait!"

"Kim," Kat said, bracing herself "I can't come."

"What? But you sa-"

"I'm free yeah but I can't afford the flights. I'm sorry."

"Oh don't worry about that!" Kim said airily, waving her arms for emphasis even though Kat couldn't see her. "We'll deal with that."

"What d'you mean?" Kat said slowly, trying to control the rising hope in her.

"Well, we've found some cheap flights for you; they're at terrible times in the morning but we kinda figured you wouldn't mind. We'll help with the cost if you still need it and someone's going to pick you up from the airport."

"Kim… I don't know what to say." Kat whispered.

"Say you'll come." Kim replied earnestly. "That's why we went to all this trouble, even though it was really no trouble at all if it meant you'd be able to come. It's been way, way to long since all of us have been together. Please say you'll come."

"Ok… I'll come."

Hope you enjoyed it and please review!