This is a story about Troy and Sharpay of course. It's a little bitter towards the beginning towards them. I don't want to say too much and give the whole story away. You'll just have to read and see what happens. I originally came up with this as a Zac and Ashley story, but it seemed to work MUCH better as a Troy and I made it like this, Don't expect me to update a lot like I did with my previous story. I'm busy with school now and I'll do my best to update, but I can't promise an every day update.

This story will get sweeter as it goes on, but for now it'll be a little bitter and things won't be going too well. This takes place WAY after High School when Troy and Sharpay are married with two kids…

Disclaimer: I own nothing. That goes for all my stories.

Troy sat on his bed watching his wife brush her hair. She had a mad look on as she stared at the mirror, clearly looking back at him. He didn't understand what he had done wrong. It didn't make any sense at all. She had been being so moody and stubborn towards him it scared him. He had a feeling she wasn't in a good mood, like always. For the past two months she's been so distant from him. He was afraid to loose her. It seemed like she didn't love him anymore and things were falling apart. He didn't want that to happen. It would ruin his life. They had a nine-year-old son and a six-year-old daughter, imagine how hard things would be if that happened.

"What?" Troy finally asked not able to take her negative attitude anymore.

She let out a sigh and turned to him for once. She didn't speak at all; she just narrowed her eyes and then turned her head again.

"Where were you?" She asked keeping her eyes away from him.

"At work." He answered steadily.

"Don't lie." She spat.

"I'm not lying. I told you, I had to work late," He answered truthfully.

Sharpay just folded her arms across her chest and looked back at the mirror. She didn't believe him one bit, though Troy was telling the truth.

"I'm not lying." He stated unfolding the comforter.

She narrowed her eyes at him and sat her hairbrush down. She wasn't in the mood for arguing with him though she knew she was right. No matter what. Working late wasn't an excuse to miss dinner and to come home very late. She got up from her seat and walked over to the bed keeping her angry expression at Troy.

"Could you wake me up early tomorrow?" Troy asked before getting under the comforter.

"No." She responded turning off the lights.

Troy made an unsure look though Sharpay couldn't see him. That was a strange answer.

"And why not?" He asked feeling her crawl on the bed next to him.

"Because I won't be waking up early, that's why." She said with a hiss.

Troy let out a sigh and rested his head down against the pillow. He looked at the ceiling for a little bit and then turned to his side to face Sharpay. She quickly moved and turned to the other side so her back was facing him. Troy frowned and wrapped his arm around her waist, only she shrugged him off. He gave up and turned to his other side so his back was now facing her back.

"What's wrong with you?" He said in a mumble.

He figured Sharpay didn't hear him and he didn't bother to repeat his question. He just wanted some rest and he was too weak to speak. Sharpay was wide-awake; she just refused to answer his question. She didn't feel like Troy was being honest with her anymore. He was rarely around and it seemed like he was always off with someone. She didn't believe his little saying anymore about being just friends with Gabriella. It seemed like they were awfully close just for being friends. She had, had enough of Troy's little lies with her and that was it. She couldn't take it anymore. She wasn't going to play along; this had gone way too far.

Troy had been working on weekends all the time now and he's been gone at nights. Though he always says he's out with Chad or at work, it didn't seem real. Sharpay had talked to Chad and he's always said that Troy was with him, but she had a feeling Chad was just playing along with Troy. After all, they are best friends and Chad wasn't a really big fan of Sharpay's either. She was sure he would do anything to get Sharpay out of Troy's life.

"You've been lying to me." Sharpay spoke after a long silence.

Troy was nearly half asleep by the time but he still heard her every word.

"No I'm not." He answered in a sleepy manner.

Sharpay scoffed and pulled the comforter over her shoulder more, tugging on it firmly.

"I really am not." He said with a steady tone.

"Whatever Troy. You're out with someone—no you're out with Gabriella. I know it." She shifted her body to a comfortable position.

"I'm out with Gabriella? I don't think so." He responded.

"I don't believe you." She murmured.

"Well you should. I'm telling the truth." He sighed.

He couldn't believe his wife. She just loved to prove things didn't she? She just loved to assume things and she always came to her own conclusions. Troy knew no matter how hard he tried she wouldn't give up until she got what she wanted out of him. But what she wanted to hear was a lie. He wasn't out with Gabriella, he hasn't seen her for a while now because he was too busy working and spending time with his family. He couldn't understand why Sharpay couldn't take in that he was a good friend with Gabriella—nothing more. He had no feelings for her at all, he never had.

"You're being a jerk Troy. You really are. You're never home for the kids anymore!" Sharpay exclaimed with cold anger coming out of her voice.

"I try okay? I try my best! I work so you and the kids can have what you want!" Troy said in a high tone lifting his head up.

"No you don't! You don't try! You didn't even go to Daniel's basketball game last weekend!" She cried.

"I didn't know there was game!" He said with a yelling tone.

"Exactly! Because you're never around to know what's going on!" Sharpay said before jumping out of bed.

"What does that have to do with anything? What are you accusing me for?" Troy asked slapping his hand to his forehead.

"You're cheating on me! You don't even care for me or the kids!" Sharpay yelled stomping her feet against the carpet.

Troy sat up watching her walk towards the bedroom door.

"Where are you going?" He asked pushing the comforter away from him.

"Away from you." Sharpay answered walking out of the bedroom, slamming the door shut.

She walked down the hall to their daughter Madeline's bedroom. The little six-year-old was sleeping peacefully on her bed with a teddy bear in her hand. Sharpay sighed and crawled on the bed next to her. Madeline moved a little and opened her eyes slowly reveling her crystal blue eyes. Sharpay put on a smile and kissed her forehead.

Madeline looked so much like Sharpay. Troy would always call her "Mini Sharpay". She had the same smile, giggle, hair, looks, and pretty much everything else with Sharpay. Only her eyes were Troy's. Madeline was a total daddy's girl and Troy couldn't say no to her at all. Madeline may look a lot like Sharpay, but Daniel looked exactly like Troy. They shared the same eyes and the same sandy brown hair. Though Troy's seemed a bit darker than Daniel's. Daniel was sure close to Troy with the same sport taste and they enjoyed playing basketball. Sharpay had told him many times to stop spoiling her and Daniel. He can't help it. He wanted to make sure his kids got everything they ever wanted and they were living the dream life. He made sure they got the room they wanted and got it just how they wanted it to look like. Sharpay always thought that the house was far too big for just four people, but Troy reminded her that she lived in a large house too, with only four people. She didn't seem to argue with that. She just couldn't believe how far he was going with getting everything for the kids. They had a swimming pool, a playground, a playroom for Daniel and a playroom for Madeline. He also made sure Sharpay got everything she needed. Things were going so well, but now it seemed like everything was to just drift away any time now.

"Mommy?" Madeline's sweet little voice whispered as she closed her eyes again.

"Yeah." Sharpay pulled her daughter in for a hug slowly closing her eyes to get some rest.

Troy walked out of the bedroom and walked down the hall to the guest bedroom wondering if Sharpay would be there. He opened the door and found the room empty. He then walked over to Madeline's bedroom having a strong feeling she would be there. Sure enough she was, lying on the bed with her eyes close. He walked over to her but then turned around. He didn't want to bother her again. She would just throw a fit and yell at him. Plus he didn't want to wake his daughter up. He walked out of the pink room and headed back to the bedroom.

"Dad?" Daniel's voice peered into the hall.

Troy looked up to find his son looking at him with scared eyes.

"What are you doing still up?" Troy asked walking over to him.

"I heard you and mom, again." Daniel spoke with a tone of sleepiness.

Troy shook his head. This wasn't working out. He and Sharpay couldn't keep on doing this anymore. They didn't trust each other and it was making things worst. This had to end.

"It was nothing." He said rubbing Daniel's head.

"You were yelling at each other." Daniel pointed out.

"Just a little argument. Go back to bed. You have basketball tomorrow. " Troy said in a depressed tone.

"Are you coming?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah, I am." Troy crept a small grin.

"You sure?" His son questioned.

"Go back to bed, Daniel." Troy said walking back to his bedroom and closing the door behind him.

He didn't want to have to come to the conclusion, but it was clear. His and Sharpay's relationship was falling apart every minute. Life wasn't the same anymore. They didn't feel the same way they did before, well at least it seemed like Sharpay didn't. Troy still felt love for her and he didn't want to stop loving her. But it seemed like she had stopped loving him for sure. They never could get along when they together. There was always something to argue about and nothing to ever just laugh or smile about. It was all about frowns and harsh remarks. The only problem was. He wasn't going to let her go. He couldn't. It's going to be impossible. Things would be really different and hard and he couldn't image life without Sharpay. He's always told himself that one-day things would be back to normal. He wondered if he should quit his job, but who would make the money then? He had to work, but if his work were getting in the life of his family then maybe quitting it would make everything better. He couldn't think of a better answer for all the crazy mix-ups that he and Sharpay were going through.

Sharpay had been confused for the past few weeks about Troy. She couldn't stand him anymore. He just made her feel so negative and crazy. She didn't like it when she took things out on Daniel or Madeline. But how could she and Troy get along if he wasn't being honest about anything? If he couldn't be at home anymore just for one whole day how were they suppose to have family things going on like a few years ago. Sometimes she wondered if things would have been better if she never married Troy. At the time when they were dating she thought that she would never find another guy like Troy and that he was just so perfect. Now, it she didn't know what to do. It felt like this was all a huge mistake and she couldn't take anything back—she didn't want to though. Everything seemed to be so fine and going well until Gabriella moved back in town four months ago. Then Sharpay started to get a weird sense that Troy was suddenly going after her. She understood that Gabriella had a crush on Troy during their High School years but Troy had made it clear to her that he never had feelings for her, what was she suppose to believe?

I don't know when the next update will be. But I'll do my best to update as soon as I can. But it won't be TOO soon. I'll probably get to update during weekends and whenever I have free time. But please review and tell me what you think of this story! It'll only take a minute and the more reviews I get, the more I want to keep on writing!