Finale Chapter Of Circles:

Sharpay pushed the silver cart around the grocery store with her little daughter tagged behind wanting every junk food they passed. It was still quiet early in the morning and Sharpay was rather sleepy. She wished she had just gone grocery shopping the night before and maybe she wouldn't have had to get up so early. But she was a last minute person, and that was how she lived her life.

"Oooh. Oreos. Mommy?" Madeline smiled, her eyes wide.

Sharpay shook her head and sighed.

"Whatever Madeline. Get whatever you want." She shrugged pushing the cart further.

Madeline jumped and grabbed the pack of Oreo cookies. Her favorite cookies.

"So we got about six bags of chips. Every soda you can think of…. Lots of cookies…what else do you think everyone will be snacking on for the afternoon?" Sharpay asked her six-year-old daughter who of course had no idea.

"Ice cream?" The little blonde suggested.

"No way! Sharpay Evans. President of the Drama club!" A voice made Sharpay jerk and turn around, along with Madeline.

Sharpay stared at the figure in front of her, not quiet remember who was standing within her gaze.

"Martha?" The name came to her mind.

"Yes." The brunet nodded pulling Sharpay into a deep hug.

Madeline just stood and watched her mom, confused. Normally she knew all of her mom's friends. But not this one.

"Long time no see!" Martha exclaimed as she and Sharpay pulled apart.

Sharpay just nodded. She was never close to Martha in high school. But then again, she wasn't close to Taylor or Chad either, and now look what they've become? Close friends, due to Troy. That goes for Kelsi too—partly.

"Oh look. You're daughter?" Martha looked down at Madeline who just smiled brightly, making sure her blue eyes shined.

Sharpay nodded and smiled down at her daughter.

"She adorable. Hi there." Martha smiled down at Madeline.

"Hi. I'm Madeline Elizabeth Bolton. I'm six-years-old." Madeline held her hand out to shake Martha's.

She had noticed her mom and dad do that gesture once they've met someone, she figured to follow. Since after all, her parents were her role models in life.

"Bolton? You and Troy—"

"Yeah." Sharpay cut her off knowing what the question was going to be. "We have a son too. Daniel, He's nine."

Martha nodded. Sharpay very well knew she was in shock. Not that Sharpay cared anyway. She didn't feel guilty for not inviting Martha to the wedding; she didn't even speak to her, until now. She never even knew her.

"Wow. Things have changed. I don't live here anymore. I'm just in town for a visit at my parents this week. The boys need to see their grandparents." Martha smiled sweetly.

"Oh. Yeah." Sharpay said in a soft tone. She wanted to get on with shopping. "If you'd like, Troy and I are having a little backyard pool party, barbecue kind of thing later on today. Just hanging out, like a mini reunion with old friends you know? You're welcome to come if you'd like." She said knowing it would be the right thing to invite Martha over.

Martha nodded and informed Sharpay she would keep it in mind. Sharpay gave gladly gave her, her address and went on with shopping before she got far too distracted and Madeline got even more irritated.

"Who was that?" Madeline asked curiously as Sharpay pushed the cart further down the isle.

"Old high school classmate." Sharpay shrugged it off.

"Oh." Was all the six-year-old said before they headed for the frozen section.


"Daniel. How about you and I go make sure the pool is clean before everyone gets here?" Troy suggested trying to get his son off the video game he had been playing all morning.

"Why?" Daniel responded not taking his eyes off the TV screen.

"So we can make sure it's good for all your champs to swim in." Troy shrugged not really having a reason.

"The pool people came today. It's clean." Daniel pointed out.

"Daniel. Come on." He walked in his son's bedroom.

Daniel rolled his eyes and paused his video game knowing he wasn't going to get out with this one, as much as he disliked getting up and going downstairs to the backyard and to the pool—especially when he was comfortable playing a video game and trying to reach the highest level possible.

"Aren't you excited? We're gonna have everyone together—like when you were younger." Troy tried to sound excited as the two of them walked down the long stairs.

"I guess. I don't even remember any of them." Daniel admitted.

"Yeah I know. That's because we never go visit them anymore. We've pretty much drifted apart… Life gets in the way." Troy spoke softly. "That's why you should try to always keep in touch with your friends. I've been friends with my friends since I can remember—and keeping in touch is the best thing you can do…. really." He added. "When you grow up, you get busy…with work….kids…you know." He shuffled his son's hair who just looked at him oddly. "You should listen to what I have to say, Champ. These important things in life."

Daniel nodded. "Yeah. I know. But I'm only nine dad." He pointed out as they made it to the back deck. "All I have to worry about is being good at school and being good in basketball…and making sure my sister doesn't annoy me."

Troy chuckled as he unlocked the gate to the pool.

"Be nice to your sister. You only have one." He smirked letting his son in first.

They looked around the pool area. The pool was as blue ever.

"So…why are we here?" Daniel asked as he walked around the outline of the swimming pool.

Troy smiled.

"Making sure the pool is clean." He said as he held his hand out to his son's shoulder and pushed him down.


Troy chuckled as Daniel swam up with a frown on his face.

"That was no funny!" The nine-year-old scolded swimming his way to the shallow end.

Troy held out a hand to help his son up as he reached the steps.

Daniel stood up and frowned. He did not see that coming.

"So how's the water? Good?" Troy asked simply.

"I don't know!" Daniel exclaimed. "Why don't you go see for yourself!" He demanded pushing his dad into the water.


It was the boy's turn to laugh while his dad popped up.


The summer sky was bluer than ever, while the sparkling sunshine brightly. The perfect summer weather in New Mexico—rare summer weather. It was not as humid, it was sunny and yet a cool breeze came every now and then. A perfect weather to end the summer.

The children's laughter echoed through out the yard, while chattering form the picnic table overlapped them…the perfect get together.

"Here, I got it." Troy grabbed the salad bowl from his wife who had been spending a lot of her time in the kitchen trying to make sure everyone was satisfied with food. "I think we have enough food, Shar. Zeke is grilling some hotdogs outside. Come on and actually join our party." Troy kissed her lips lightly before going towards the sliding door and to the backyard deck.

Everyone sat on the back patio, just chatting and laughing. It was mainly the guys who were making jokes. Corny jokes.

"Great place you have here." Kelsi nodded look up at the Bolton's large estate and then to the swimming pool where all the kids were happily screaming and splashing around—playing games.

"Thanks." Troy and Sharpay smiled together as they found their place around the table.

"You're still looking fit after having two kids." Taylor glanced at Sharpay. "Everyone seems to look exactly like they were back in High School." She giggled.

Everyone joined the laughed.

"So peaceful here." Kelsi sighed looking around the perfectly done yard.

"We should have little get togethers… Like this every year." Martha suggested eagerly.

All ten heads nodded, agreeing.

"Sounds like a wonderful idea." Kelsi smiled looking at Troy and Sharpay.

The two smiled back. Sharpay liked the idea, though she did not want to have their little gatherings at her house every year. It was a hassle planning for this to happen, she could not imagine doing it all year. The idea was great—just not when she had to run the whole thing.

"Yeah, but maybe we should change locations—houses. You know? Each of us taking turns?" Troy suggested, somehow reading his wife's concerned look.

Sharpay placed her hand onto of his under the table, letting him know she was thankful for him actually bring that idea up.

"Oh yes, that would be better. Give you two a break. I'd be more than happy to have it at our house next year. Same time—just about?" Taylor said with a big grin.

"We have no pool though." Chad added quickly glancing at the kids who were jumping and splashing around—screaming with delight. "So the kids will have to do something else." He shrugged looking back at his friends.

"They're kids. They'll find something to do." Jason spoke. "Just have lots of candy. They'll be satisfied." He chuckled along with everyone else.

"It's set then!" Taylor exclaimed already excited for next year to come.

Everyone shared their ideas of what's ahead and how things are going with their lives. The whole time, Sharpay could not help but think of how upset she felt about her brother not showing up—or Gabriella. As angry as she was with Gabriella, she learned to push it aside and welcome her into the family. She made sure Gabriella knew that by inviting her to the get together face to face. She drove to her house and asked her, personally. It was not a joyful feeling to find out that neither her brother nor Gabriella decided to show their faces.

"I'm going to check on those hotdogs." Zeke excused himself.

Troy nodded, giving him a 'thank you' look. Lucky for him, Zeke was around to cook the food and run the whole barbeque. He already had a lot to do along with Sharpay.

As time went on, Sharpay felt herself become disappointed. It was not the party, she liked it very much. Though she was upset due to the fact that her own brother did not show up. She wanted him to come. He and Gabriella. She apologizes so many times. She had confronted them of how sorry she was about her reaction and that she knew better than to judge Gabriella the way she did. It had been two months. She was over it. You can't stop love. If Ryan is in love with Gabriella, she was going to learn to back off and like Gabriella for who she is. She asked them endless times to come and join the get together—and the result turns out they didn't bother.

"You okay?" Troy whispered in Sharpay's ear softly, trying not to catch anyone's eyes.

"Fine." Sharpay bit back, forcing an unwanted smile.

"So…basketball? Is Daniel going to play this year too?" Chad asked changing the conversation from across the table.

"Yeah. Yeah. I hope." Troy nodded unsure. "If he wants to." He added in a lower voice.

The friends went on with the topic of basketball and other sports. It was the first time in a very long time where all of them were able to chat; face-to-face and just laugh it off for the day. Lately it had been so hectic and focused on work—and the children. It was a new tradition they were all going to commit on doing every summer. Just one day of the year where they can all relax and be with their friends for the whole day.

"No more whine in the house, Shar?" Kelsi asked curiously wanting another glass.

"There's more in the garage, I think." Troy stood up.

He walked away, heading for the garage and searching for the drink his friend desired. As he searched through the cold garage, he heard a car door shut, making him curious. Without any hesitations, Troy pressed the garage door opener.

"Hey Troy." Gabriella's smile met his eyes.

He let out a soft 'Hi' and a quick wave as he watched Ryan approach him. A light smile came across his face. He was glad to see Ryan and Gabriella come—after all, he knew Sharpay had been feeling down about it for the last couple of hours.

"Hey man." Ryan shook Troy's hand firmly.

"Glad you two good made it." He gave Gabriella a friendly hug. "Everyone is here, and wondering where you two are—especially Sharpay." He added leading the two inside—through the garage.

He escorted the two towards the backyard, where everyone was still chattering and laughing along, though it was starting to get dark.

"Ahem." Troy cleared his throat.

The chatting paused as everyone's eyes landed on the pair behind Troy. Gabriella's stomach was starting to show, and Ryan kept his eyes steady with everyone else's.

"Ryan. Gabriella." Sharpay stood up with a warming smile.

She greeted them both with a hug—just glad to know that this was a sign of Ryan and Gabriella getting over the unfortunate encounter they had before.

Everyone welcomed Ryan and Gabriella in the group and the night seemed to have last forever.

"Are you excited for the baby?" Kelsi Gabriella knowing this would be her first child.

Gabriella nodded. "Very." She patted her stomach.

"You're going to have a baby?" Madeline asked curiously as she sat on her dad's lap, cuddled with a towel.

"How many?" Jessica, Kelsi's daughter asked.

Everyone chuckled.

"Just one honey." Ryan answered.

The rest of the children made their way to their parents, to be hugged from the coldness of the air. They had been swimming all day.

Sharpay sat back down between Troy and Daniel…with Madeline still on his lap, munching on a watermelon.

"Our tradition?" Troy asked.

"Forever." Everyone spoke.


Sad to say, but this is IT. The story needs to end so I can move on with my other stories. You guys have been very good readers and I appreciate those of you who took your time to comment every chapter. It really means a lot. This story has gone longer than I have ever imagined and it's time to let it come to an end. Happy reading everyone!