In the End

"I would have not thought that King Vegeta would do such a thing. But then again I am a lower third class warrior woman and he is the king. I am not going to let this get to me and if Bardock finds out this will not aboad well for me. So I will wait until it is time." Kitina thought to herself four month after that had happened and she had told Bardock that she was having a child at the end of the first month.

The last months waiting for the baby to come and hoping that, it was at least a boy came to an end on the night that Bardock was home. It was painful but very healing. It took a couple of hours, but there was a wail of a Saijin baby coming out of the room. Going in Bardock looked in and down to see a face of a baby girl that was most unusual in every sense that could be thought of. She had red hair and a red tail. However, she had the blackest set of eyes that were almost scary.

"Bardock my husband, there is something that we need to talk about. The baby is not yours, as you well know. I have been faithful." She stammered out.

"Whose is it?" He asked.

"King Vegeta's, it was while you were away and he came to the house and that is when he raped me and that is how she came to be here." Kitina said in a small whisper.

"Well then she will go to the King and he can raise her like she must be." Bardock said and gently picked up the newborn and left the room.

"Bardock! Do not do anything stupid. There is a boy that we have to have." She said to the retreating back.

Not even paying attention to what she had said he went out into the corridor and to the place.

Little Vegeta and his father was sitting in the throne room when there was a nock on the door. It was his cousin Nappa and he was there to spar with the young royal prince. They were set out to leave when Bardock came in holding a bundle that was wiggling.

"Sire, I have something that I think is yours." Bardock said.

"Oh, and what that might be?" King Vegeta asked as he came close to Bardock and looked at the bundle. Vegeta came close also to see that what ever it was had red hair.

"How this can be I never did that and why would I. Vegeta my son leave and get training I will talk to you when you are done." King Vegeta said and pulled Bardock off to the side.

"Harrumphing" as he went to the center with his cousin, he left and did not come back until almost dinnertime.

"What is this all about Bardock this is not my child and did no such thing to your mate. Unless, it was my brother who is now gone from this planet." The King said.

"My mate did say that you were not acting like you usually do. You seemed strange and out of sorts. I know you my King would not do that. But have some pity for this one she is of royal blood and from what the healers say she is an elite power." Bardock said as he handed the child to him. "I may not know what may have happened but for all it is worth, but raise her as she was one of your own, don't tell her anything that is to the contrary. If the rumors were true then Cornetto found something that made him powerful. What shall you name her?"

"Her name shall be, Princess Angelica Vegeta. The only one not to have a name that is usual." King Vegeta said to the man that was leaving the room.

"Aids take her to the royal nursery and have a wet nurse take care of her while I talk to my son." He said and as the baby was leaving he turned around and also headed for the training center.

Vegeta was standing in the middle of the room gave a fastidious kick to one of the cyber drowns that was in the room.

"What has that third class saijin want with my father and what was in that blanket? Why did he want me to leave when it is my place to know these things? I am going to find out and I will tonight." He thought to himself when the door to the room opened and his father came in.

"Son I need to talk to you about something and might as well do it now." King said to his son.

"What was the third class worrior doing here and what was in that blanket?" Vegeta asked.

"That is your sister and she is going to stay here, her name is Angelica be good. For she was born from one of my other mate. For you being the older of you two you are going to watch over here and make sure she is safe." King Vegeta said.

"Fine. If that is my job of babysitting a baby then I will do it." Vegeta said as he stormed out of the room.

"That went better than what it could have been." King thought as he left to check up on the new baby.

Later on that night a small but very determind boy went through the place and went into the nursery and on the bed that he once laid on there was a small form on it and it had red hair.

Looking into the crib he noticed that it had a red tail and when she stired in her sleep she looked up and he saw that she had the deepest black eyes that he could not wish to have.

After he was done he went back to his room and laid down for the rest of the night.